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Realms: Guardians Logs

The First Mission - Part 8

Cosmic Guardians:The Double-Edged Sword

Part 8:Doing What Reynard Does Best

Lupis comes out of the adminitration building about five minutes later, proudly brandishing his ID. Sasha waves him into the van, and he opens the side door and slides in. Nikki is sitting closest to the door on the front bench next to Reynard. She glances over. "Hey...you're an official student now." Lupis checks the name on his ID, and chuckles. "Antonio Ramirez..... Man, this is a good name. Nikki smiles and shrugs. "What can I say. I'm an Antonio Banderez fan."

Reynard eyes the guitar player. "And, no keggers until we figure out this bit." Lupis smirks, "Hey, amigo, You just tell me when you want to run, and I'll arrange the party."

Lupis eyes the ID some more, "You want me to actually go to classes?" Nikki shrugs. "I don't think we'll have to, but we should if it looks like maintaining cover becomes an issue, I guess." Lupis nods, tucking it away. "So what's next? When we breakin' in to this gringo's lab?" Sasha looks at Lupis. "That might actually be our next step." She briefs him on what Nikki and Reynard had been up to, from their own stories.

Reynard rubs his hands. "Well, the professor doesn't go to his office until four. Fearless leader, what shall we do now?"

Lupis holds up his hands. " Wait, before we keep talking, let me protect this van from ears, so we can talk." Lupis concentrates, then chants some words in an Eld language. He touches the back of the seat in front of him, and a soundwave ripples out, growing to envelope the entire van. It feels wierd when it passes over the others in the party, making their ears tingle. Reynard shakes his head, like some aggitated dog in water. "That's odd."

Lupis looks pleased. "Okay, no cabrones outside can hear us now."

Sasha purses her lips, looking at Reynard. "We should at least find the lab, scout out the terrain a bit. We don't want to go full bore till we know a little more about the situation.

Reynard gestures to Nikki. "Cool. I can take care of that. Then our dear unseen magic fingers girl shall go in and root around. It's easier to let her follow Dash, and watch his routine, as well as snoop about the office." Reynard claps his hands, as another consideration comes across him. "Oh. Nikkita, you need to get Gordy into a bath. We may have an email on that NYSE poetry."

Nikki glances at Reynard. "Yeah...I'm planning to when we get back to the hotel. And shouldn't you be calling me Jessie?" She grins.

Lupis says, "Can I skip my art history and music of the world classes, Sascha?" Sasha chuckles. "I wasn't under the impression anyone actually wanted to go to classes...it was only protective camoflage." Reynard arches a brow. "Havn't been a student ten minutes and already are looking to skip classes." He shakes his head. "Americans... Though I imagine history would help us out in this. At least, literature."

Lupis says, "Well, maybe some of them might be cool. I want to write a new song anyway."

Sasha smiles. "First things first: does anyone here actually *know* where this Prototyping lab is?" Nikki nods. "I was thinking we should follow Dash. That's Ray's speciality, right?"

Reynard chuckles. "Trailing, yes, but my dear Jessie," He emphasizes, "You can walk through walls, and any obstacle that may be a problem. Hell, you could walk around inside the man. That's something I can't pull off." Lupis nods in agreement. "I'm with Reynard. Best to use our unnatural advantages..."

Nikki grimaces! "Eww...why would I do anything as disgusting as that??"Lupis grins impishly. "So we can find out what had for lunch, why else?" Reynard chuckles. "I ment rather you could stay with him easier." Glancing to Lupis, "Speaking of unnatural advantages, could you poke around in his mind with magic?"

Lupis says, "In his mind? Maybe... I can make people do things.. but... If he's really smart, and lucky, he might be able to resist it..." Reynard ahs. "So you can't tap his thoughts." Lupis shakes his head. "It's better for making minor suggestions, not for interrogating people.. Unless you've got him strapped down in a chair and thinking he's gonna be tortured. Then I bet it would work well." Reynard pokes Lupis."I don't think we need to subject him to your singing, just yet," he teases.

Nikki doesn't respond to the most recent banter herself...but she does think about the notion of torture....and a particular someone she'd like to have suffer... Sasha purses her lips. "We're getting too far afield. Do we actually want to wait that long? From what you said, he won't be going to the lab till four o'clock....and that's almost four hours from now. Surely the lab isn't hidden, or top secret, since it's one of the college's resources. Hell, there's a picture of it on the website."

Reynard scratches his chin. "Hmmm...on that thought... Nikki, didn't you mention a card, at his other desk?" Nikki nods. "Yes...an access card of some kind. I was having trouble getting it unstuck from the top of the drawer. A smile crosses her face. "And it would've looked strange floating all the way back to you, anyway."

Lupis hrms. "We might not need it... I might be able to make someone open the lab door for us, or put his hand on a finger print scanner. But then again, I could not access the professors thoughts and mind. Better to sneak in." Sasha nods. "I concur. We don't want to tip our hand yet. Best to use a scapel, and not an axe."

Lupis looks mock-offended, and pats his guitar case. "Hey now, I rather like using an axe." Sasha giggles. "Not that kind of axe, Lupis." Nikki shakes a finger at Sasha. "Antonio." She smirks.

Lupis smiles good natured, biting playfully in the direction of Nikki's finger, and then looks at the others, "Well, one of us should go in, and get that card, no? I mean, what else could it be for than the lab?"

Reynard rubs his chin. "But even with the card, my main concern would likely be video cameras, to be honest. People can be snuck past, but not cameras." Lupis holds up a finger, "Ah, but I might be able to do something about cameras..." Reynard looks doubtful. "Blowing them up would alert the guards."

Lupis waves his hands. "No, no....I've been working on a spell to manipulate magnetic fields. How do these video cameras work?" Nikki glances at Lupis. "Huh? What do you mean, 'how do they work?'?" Lupis faces Nikki. "Well, can messing with the magnetic fields around them erase their memory? Or cut out their circuits?" Nikki mmms. "Well...it might distort the image a lot...make it unusable. It depends on the strength...it could fry it I suppose. But it won't affect the data. Most stuff is on optical storage these days, not magnetic."

Lupis considers. He looks around in the back of the van for his saddle bags. He pulls out a book from his meager spell library, and some musical notation sheets from a notepad. "Mebbe...I can use my guitar to cover my spellcasting.... and use the soundwaves to amplify the magnetic disruption maybe...." Lupis starts writing a forte/fortissimo acoustic song.

Sasha blinks at Lupis, and his sketching. "Lupis, what are you doing?" Lupis says, "Writing a song, that I can play on my guitar to cast a spell to short out those cameras or something."

Sasha looks thoughtful. "Okay, why don't we do this. Reynard, you stay here, with Lupis's bike. Your goals are two-fold: get that card, and find out where the lab is. I'll take Lupis and Nikki back to the hotel, so he can work on his spell, and she can work on cleaning the Gorgon. "Sound good?"

Reynard nods to the woman. "Right." He removes the watch from his wrist, offering it to Sasha. "You should hold onto this, then." Sasha nods and takes the watch.

Reynard grins and wiggles fingers at the hacker. "Of course, I'll want it back, Nikkita." Nikki blushes a little. "Uhm...so don't get caught or anything." Reynard spreads his hands. "All out of cyanide pills, so I'll be fine."

Lupis reluctantly hands Reynard his keys. "Be good to my baby, comprende?" Reynard chuckles at Lupis. "It's not like you're handing your guitar over." He casts a glance at Sasha. "Behave yourself." Sashs blinks. "Me? Behave myself? I'm not the one that's been acting like an adolescent." She smirks. Reynard looks startled. "You've been looking under my bed?"

Nikki gets a confused look, and Sasha joins her right after. "What would I find under your bed?" She considers. "And do I really want to know?" Nikki smirks, and considers looking under his bed.

Reynard gives a dismissive wave. "Just joking. An attempt to be adolescent, as you put it." Moving to slip out of his side of the van, "When shall you be coming back? Or should I go to the hotel?" Sasha shrugs. "You've got the bike, and you know where the hotel is. Just come back when you're done. We'll go from there."

Lupis oohs, "Want me to try to make you invisible?" Reynard eyes Lupis curiously. "It's the Try part about that that makes me uncomfortable." Lupis grins. "Hey, I've never tried it before. Theoretically though, I could manipulate the light around you to make you appear to be invisible." His grin gets wickeder. "But if it works, maybe you stay that way."

Reynard holds up his hands. "Thanks, but no thank old bean. I think a bike driving on it's own looks quite odd." Sasha groans. "Yeah, best not to be playing with magic right now, Lupis. Reynard will do fine on his own, I'm sure."

Reynard nods, before looking to Nikki. "What desk, what drawer, where, exactly, is the card?" Nikki glances at him. "Oh...it's in the back corner of the common area...with his name on a placard on the desk. The card itself above the top-right drawer, stuck on the upper surface." Reynard nods his thanks to Nikki. "Gracias."

Lupis rolls his eyes. "Hey now, you're the Brit, stick to your own language." he says in mock offense.

After the others leave, Reynard is left in the parking lot by Lupis's bike. After giving it the once over, he considers his goals: find the location of the lab, get the card. Maybe the Tech Center is the best place to do both?

Reynard looks around, and decides to head for the Student center first, where he buys a soft drink, and a campus newspaper. However, other then pouring the drink into it's cup, he doesn't touch it much. Heading into the Tech Center, he goes upstairs, and peers into the common area. Inside, there appears to be more activity than there was when Nikki was there. Professor Dash, in fact, seems to be working at his desk. He seems distracted though, with a similarly dour expression on his face as the one Reynard left him with. He's looking at papers half interestedly, at one point picking up the check that was in the envelope on his desk and putting it in his wallet. There are two other teachers in the room besides, talking with each other while sitting at their repective desks.

Reynard swears. Hopefully, he can wait out the professor; infact, he leaves, and heads for the information desk down stairs, so that he'll ask where the lab might be. The info desk is easy to find, and what must be a senior student appears to be managing it. She looks at Reynard admiringly, if shyly, as he approaches. "Can I help you, sir?"

Reynard smiles charmingly to the much older student. "Why yes, I was wondering... Say, you must be a teacher's aid, yes? Er, rather, a new teacher volunteering?"

The girl shakes her head. "Oh no, sir, I'm not a student teacher. I'm just doing this as a part-time job..." Reynard chuckles, affecting embarressment. "Oh, my mistake; I thought you were a teacher. You seem rather mature and developed, for a student. My apologies. What year are you, then?"

The girl blushes endearingly. "Oh, I'm just a junior...only twenty-one...do I really look that old?" Reynard waves a dismissing hand. "Oh, I wouldn't say old. Just very learned. You have the 'teacher aura', if you will. That 'I have the answers, I'm quite capable and can tell you what you need'." He glances around, as if suddenly realizing he's at a help desk. "Of course, that's why you're working here." He offers a schoolboy grin. "A junior? So you've been on campus a while; you can help me! I was wondering if you could show me where the Western Design Center Laboratory is?"

The girl perks! "oh, yes, not a problem at all...let's see, I know we have some directions around here somewhere..." She fumbles around through file folders, trying to find the desired for items... Reynard watches with a smile, and turns the charm up a notch. "Well, dear, if you don't have the papers at hand, might you walk me there?"

The girl looks up, with this sort of dreamy expression that implies that there's nothing more that she'd want to do than spend more time with Reynard. She blushes redder and stammers, "uhm....I'd love to...what was your name again?"

Reynard chuckles inwardly. These enhanced pheremones sure come in handy now and again.offers his hand across the desk, after setting the paper down. "Reynard," He sooths. The girl takes the hand enthusiastically. "Reynard..." she says slowly. "That's such a sexy name..." She blinks and then eeps, suddenly pulling her hand back, as if realizing what she just said. "Uhm, I'd love to show you...but I can't leave my post for another hour...and I have a class right after that too..." She looks really apologetic.

Reynard had intended to kiss the woman's fingertip, as all charming foreigners do, or so the trashy romance novels assure young ladies. He looks simply crestfallen, for a moment, before smiling again. "Not to worry. Why don't you give me the directions to the laboratory, write your phone number down on it, and I can give you a call sometime and you can show me..." He pauses, as if to prompt her name.

"Melissa." she says in a rush, as if she'd behoping he would ask. "Melissa Saunders. Here, wait, I know I have the paper somewhere...oh, here!" She brandishes a piece of paper with a map and written directions....she turns it over and writes her number on the back. "Call me anytime. I'll show you the campus...the dorms...maybe the local restaurants..." She bites her lip, looking hopeful.

Reynard gives a nod, that smile returning twice-fold. Folding his newspaper and sliding it into his coat. Taking the paper, "My appreciations, Melissa. I don't happen to be going here, unfortunately, else I feel I would most likely be needing help about campus quite often." A wink is shot her way. "I will see you, then." The girl watches him go with a mingling of admiration and regret...she starts to sit down and abruptly realizes her chair isn't under her. She goes down with a 'fwoomp' as Reynard walks back upstairs.

Reynard heads back upstairs, placing the directions into his coat pocket and unfolding the newspaper once more, to check on the teachers' common area. Paticularly, if Mr. Dash is present.

As he trots up the second flight, however, he notes Professor Dash striding out of the common room, seemingly dialing a number on his cell phone. He puts the phone to his ear, facing away from Reynard in the hall. The professor stands only a few feet away from the entrance to the common area, leaning against the wall. There's no one else in the hall, and there's a couple doors leading into classrooms on the other side of the wall.

Reynard moves, to get as close to the professor as good earshot, and minimal attractive action as possible, trying to find an empty classroom he can slip into. The first classroom, sadly is full, and seeing as the door has a window, those in side might spot him if he tried to hide in the entryway. As he's creeping along, whoever's on the other end of the phone picks up. "Yeah, that you Dane? Okay, good. Listen, we might have a problem. You've seen more of Eric in the last few days than I have...have you noticed anything odd about him recently?"

Reynard swears inwardly, and slides to the second, attempting to meld with the wall as his ears perk. It sounds like a discussion in the little...well, not so white lie he offered. But, still worth listening in on the two teachers. The next doorway, however appears to lead into a currently empty classroom. Dash is nodding, listening to 'Dane'. "Yeah....uhuh....well, the reason why I ask is that a bounty hunter came to visit me today...says that he's investigating Eric on possibile charges of hacking.....yeah, I know, I thought that was crazy too, but still, we need to be sure...we can't have Eric messing up the Project. The guys from You-Know-Who came to talk to me earlier...they're starting to get impatient. At least they gave me the check. Did they stop by the lab?" Reynard melts into the classroom, hiding just behind the door as he peeks out at the professor; Careful, quiet as a snake.

Dash snorts, completely oblivious to the bounty hunter. "Yeah, that's just like them. But You managed to placate them? Good. But what about Eric? You see anything when he was in the lab?" There's a long pause. "Uh-huh. Well....after he leaves, go through his stuff, see what he's been doing. And go over the keycheck logs also....yes, I know he might have done it from his own computer, but I can't check that myself...Christ, maybe I should talk to the kid myself...even if he did do it, maybe we can figure this out...I'm not sure we can finish the Trio without him..." Dash sighs. "Look, I got to prepare for my next class, you know what to do. I'll see you at four. Right. Okay, bye." He closes up his phone and goes back into the teacher's lounge.

Trio? Sounds like some Triumvant. But, certainly something literary based, almost sure of it; everything comes in threes. Bloody hell. This last inward curse coming to mind as Dash goes back in. The bounty hunter waits a little longer then, hoping Dash will leave so he can go in. Dash does not dissapoint him, and leaves through the same door a few minutes later, going down the stairs at a clip. Reynard waits another three minutes. That's the general amount of time it takes someone to walk away, remember something, and come right back. After the time expires, Reynard pushes into the common area, looking for any teachers, praying for only one, if less. As it turns out, there are still two teachers in the room, but they are facing their desks now, working.

Reynard returns to the classroom he was in, and snoops around until he can find a piece of paper. An envelope, or piece of notebook paper, and returns the newspaper to his pocket. Returning to the common room, he heads inside, and makes a roundabout trip toward Dash's desk, as if he's hunting it. He ahs, and glances over the desk, glancing briefly at papers here or there, and drops the paper he had taken from the classroom. In the process, shooting a glance to the teachers at their desks, to see if they've noted him yet. But the teachers are oblivious to the quiet hunter.

Reynard places the cup of now flat cola in one hand, while the other shifts. Lining his body right with the drawer, he leans forward, cup in hand, as if he's reading something, while he tries to open up the top drawer. The drawer opens smoothly, revealing a bunch of CD's in transparent cases. Reynard, as Nikki had instructed, reaches inside, while leaning over further, to try and find that card. With a little fumbling, he manages to tilt his hand upwards and grabs the card stuck to the top of the drawer. He cups the card, and pulls his hand out, stuffing the card in a pocket. Carefully, he tries easing the drawer closed. The drawer closes without protest. The teachers never even look up. With that, Reynard simply walks out, discarding the newspaper and cup of flat cola into a trashbin.

Reynard finds that the Phillips/Western Lab is actually not too far away from campus: about a half-mile south, at the corner of Power Ave and Pecos Boulevard. He pulls up on the far side of the street, propping himself on the curb as he looks at it while still on his bike. It's a good sized building, only two stories high, sheathed in white stucco concrete. There do not appear to be any windows looking out of the lab, and there seems to be only one door that leads inside, which Reynard can see from the street. The entire lab is surrounded by a fifteen foot metal chainlink fence. There is a lot of space between the lab and the fence on the side Reynard is looking at, however, and apparenlty, it's because people park there. There are two cars there right now. One is just an ordinary looking black sedan. The other one is a red convertible. The cars seem to be able to come in via an automatic sliding gate, that has a card reader and a keypad outside the fence.

Reynard nods to himself. Easy enough to get through. The fence doesn't look electrified, or sensored. Though, I bet there's a camera or two on the building. Nikki should get through without a problem, though. He pats Lupis's bike, and is about to get on his way... but before he pushes off, however, the door slams open, and someone walks out. Reynard pauses, recognizing the exciting person. Shifting, he watches the Red haired fellow slip into into his car. Waiting, to see where this might be heading.

Two men in suits follow the red-haired man out, who seems to be agitated. The red haoiired man points a beefy finger at the two MIBs. "This isn't over. I don't care who your orders come from. I don't care what Dash is doing for you. I'm going to find out the truth." With that, the red-haired man gets in his car and starts the motor. The MIBs just watch him coldly, standing over by the black sedan. Reynard, close enough to hear, grins idly, letting the engine quiet just a little. Keep talking, my friend.

Unfortunately, the red-haired man has said all he needed to say. As the gate opens, the man pulls out in his convertible...and as he hangs a left, towards the intersection, he spots Reynard. He seems surprised at the presence of the Hybrid....and a flicker of what could be recgonition crosses his face. He glances over at the MIBs, who seems to have noticed that he stopped the car, and are now noticing Reynard as well. Red-Hair looks back, smiles then enigmatically, and gives Reynard a little nod...though for what purpose is unfathomable.

Beautiful. Thank you for announcing me. He guns the engine, though, and lets his foot rest on the pedal. Head tipping, an acknowledgement back to the other red-head, watching him purposely. Red-Head's smile curls into a smirk, and he abruptly guns the engine and pulls a right down the intersection, quickly dissapearing from sight. The two MIBs are nowstanding outside their car and looking at Reynard curiously, almost suspiciously.

Reynard steps on the pedal, letting his cycle jump into action. Leaving the two men in his dust, the Hunter blazes after Red-Hair... if he can catch sight of the man. As he turns the corner, the convertible still seems to be in sight, though it's only barely so...as Reynard chases after the convertible, trying to close the gap, the convertible hangs a left around a corner far up ahead. That particular corner appears to have a stop light at the junction, and as Reynard approaches, it turns to yellow...

Reynard lets an obscenity go into the wind. He edges along the left side, and leans forward, keeping a sharp eye on the crossway. He hisses in annoyance, and at Luck for giving the man a green light. He slows, coming to the intersection. Peeking around to the left, he can no longer see the convertible. It's gotten clean away, Red-Hair and all. "Beautiful." He waits until he has the right of way, before peeling toward the Hotel.

After about five minutes, Reynard fuming over his loss of the Red-haired man, he abruptly notices something in the rearview mirror. There's a black sedan behind him. He doesn't know exactly how long it's been there. It's not close...about 2 car lengths away...but as he watches, it does seem to be keeping pace.

Reynard has been in this situation before. Always best to be cautious. Lifting up just a little bit, his coattails caught in the wind, sending them flapping about and obscuring the liscence. Good go give Lupis's tags a censoring guard. Noting an exit, up ahead, the hunter decides to check something. He gets into the right lane, turning his blinker on, and watches the Sedan closely. The sedan appears to remain in the left lane, quietly idling behind the two cars in front of it. When the right of way comes, he turns, before snapping his attention to the next intersection.

The black sedan does not seem to follow as he turns down the street. But about a minute later, glancing in the side mirror, Reynard spots a new black sedan pull up behind him off a side street. And they're close enough so that Reynard can see that, just like the men outside the lab, these men are wearing shades and suits. Reynard lets a string of curses to the air, and steps on the gas just a slight bit. A smirk pulls across his lips. So it's that kind of game, is it. Well then, buckle your belts, boys. He drives to the next intersection, looking both ways, as he turns the right blinker on again. First, checking to see if there's no one coming down the Right street, and equally, no one turning onto the left one from the street across from him.

The intersection seems relatively clear at the moment....but the crosswalk is blinking, indicating the light is about to change as he approaches. Reynard has the green light. And, noting the relative emptiness of the intersection makes his choice a lot easier. Turning onto the right road... he steps on the gas, and blazes half way down the street, before making a sharp left turn; to the point of a U turn. Stomping the gas equally, he fires down the street, and through the intersection, through and down the left road. The people in the sedan seem to be taken aback but this abrupt change, as they had turned to follow...but then the driver manages to pull a bootlegger without crashing, and guns the motor, nearly missing getting clipped by a car at the interseciton...but keeps going, trying to gain on Reynard.

Reynard grins to himself. Nice, fellow. Continuing, he heads down the Right hand street, and now discovers he doesn't know what to do. Staring down the street, at the next intersection, there's the empty parking lot of a dry cleaners. Turning into the parking lot, he speeds through the empty parking lot, turning onto the right side street's right lane.

The car is only a dozen yards behind Reynard when he does this...and upon seeing the cycle whipping around the parking lot, the car actually pulls up onto the side walk, darting into the parking lot behind the bounty hunter....the car clips one of the parked cars, but more or less manages to keep after Reynard as he buzzes down the street...

Reynard looks up for a sign, for inspiration. I gotta lose these guys before rejoing the others... Then he sees the sign for the Interstate! That's it! I can loose these blokes on the open road. If there wasn't people on the side walk, the hunter would've jumped it, all ready. Instead of taking the daring, he simply moves to the next intersection, going left, and heading toward the open road.

The light turns red in front of the sedan, but it pulls a left anyway, causing several accidents behind them. Not far ahead, Reynard pulls onto the interstate, but sees the guard rails along the median. He can't do exactly what he intends, just yet. But, the room is given to simply step on the gas, speeding down the highway.

The sedan does it's best to follow and catch up, doing the cloverleaf at fifty miles an hour...they struggle to remain in control, and they do, although they fishtail a little once they get onto the highway, causing another accident....the highway seems to be pretty busy, even at this time of day, three hours away from rush hour... Reynard hadn't expected such a busy time. But, he gets on the shoulder, trying to slip past a sports car, to get in front. All the while, his eyes are steadily on the left side of the road, looking for the end of the guard rail.

A gunshot pierces the air, whistling past Reynard. As he looks back, one of the men appears to be leaning out the window with a pistol. "Pull your bike over to the side of the road, now!" the man yells out, taking aim with his pistol again. Without waiting for an answer, the man fires again, and barely clips the sleeve of Reynard's coat...but doesn't damage the armor underneath.

"Son of a bitch!" He turns sharply as he speeds up, shifting in front of a Ford truck. Okay, this game just turned serious. Time to ditch these losers. Spying the guard rail's end, he slows a little, in preperation for his next stunt. There's the wail of a siren behind them....the man with the gun curses and gets back into the car as the sedan tries to close the gap. Hearing the siren, Reynard finds it's a mixed blessing. Good distraction, bad if he's caught. Driving faster, he gets to the guard rail, slowing down just enough... and jerks the handbars left. "I sure hope Lupis's bike can take off road." Driving across the median, through grass, kicking dirt up in his path, the hunter hits the other side of the highway, darting around a car, and slowing down to a much more safe pace.

Looking back, he notes the sedan does not attempt to mimic that manuever, and Reynard squickly leaves both MIBs and police behind. Reynard sighs in relief. He continues to ride, though, getting off the highway a few exits ahead, and then taking the city streets back in the direction of the Campus. Then turning here, or there, taking a leisure drive around town for the good part of an hour. Grimly, he checks to ensure no one is following him, before driving back to the hotel. Well, I did say I wanted some excitement...

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Last modified: 2001-Oct-30 19:35:28

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