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The Reality Fault Glossary

Actions are attached to a Player, Thing, or Room and, when triggered, perform some action.

Actions that are attached to a Room and linked to another room are commonly known as Exits. Triggering an Exit takes the Player that triggered it to the linked room. Actions can do many things but, unless you run a game, you probably won't need to create any.

An Administrator is an individual who oversees the operations of the server, is responsible for setting the broad goals of Reality Fault, goes to Steering Committee meetings, and (in general) does all the boring stuff which keeps the project moving forward.

A Builder is an individual who creates the rooms, actions, things, and character objects which exist on the server.

A Player Character is an in-game construct, manipulated by a Player.

A Dramatist GM uses a style of gaming which emphasizes how well the in-game action creates a satisfying storyline. Different kinds of stories may be viewed as "satisfying," depending on individual tastes. These can vary from fanciful pulp action to believable character drama -- but to the dramatist, it is the end result of the story which is most important.

A Gamist GM favors a gaming style which values setting up a fair challenge for the players, as opposed to the PCs. The challenges may be tactical combat, intellectual mysteries, politics, or anything else. The players will try to solve the problems they are presented with, and in turn the GM will make these challenges solvable if they act intelligently within the assumed game contract.

Mechanics System (or Game System)
A Mechanics System is a collection of rules governing the capabilities of characters and their interactions. It is the "common language" shared by GM and players, so skill comparisons can be made in a consistent fashion.

A Player is an individual who controls a Player Character in the game. When you connect to the server, you are connecting to a Player object.

A Programmer is an individual who creates the programs and tools which exist on the server.

Unless you intend to write programs for the server, you don't care about these. :-)

Realm (or Game)
Games are run in separate areas called realms.

Referee (or Game Master)
A Referee is an individual who manages and arbitrates activities during game play.

These objects contain other objects, like Players and Things.

Server Objects
There are only five types of things on the server: Players, Things, Rooms, Actions, and Programs. In addition, every type of object may have properties attached to them that describe the object, or change the way actions, commands, and programs work on the object or in the room. This is how the "sex" and "species" on your Player are specified. These properties are described in the Things I can "set" on my character section.

A Simulationist GM employs a gaming style which values resolving in-game events based solely on game-world considerations, without allowing any meta-game concerns to affect the decision. Thus, a fully simulationist GM will not fudge results to save PC's or to save her plot, or even change facts unknown to the players. Such a GM may use meta-game considerations to decide meta-game issues like who is playing which character, whether to play out a conversation word for word, and so forth, but she will resolve actual in-game events based on what would "really" happen.

System Operations
An Operator has access to the server and the computer where the server is running.

These are all the other objects on the server you can pick up, move around, or manipulate in other ways.

Last modified: 2004-Jan-11 22:21:02

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