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BESM System Review

This page will be completed once I've had a chance to actually play some combat in BESM. More as things occur.

First Run


The log of the run.


  • Sakurai Jion, played by Ian
  • Fukinagashi Sumire, played by Collie
  • Yari, played by Walt

This run occurred on Monday 8th October 2001. The people involved were mostly unfamiliar with the system -- one of the players had played it before, and the GM is running an approximately two-months-old game with it. The run went for about three hours of play, from about 5:00pm PST to about 8:00pm PST.

Through various confusions and different people's fuzzy understanding of the system, the actual run went very slowly, and didn't help me feel like I'd actually played the system. If anything, I've argued it... or perhaps I haven't run it, but rather walked it... or crawled it, as the case may have been. ;-)

So far the system has not been adequately explained to me, and as a consequence I am extremely unimpressed. In fact, I'd have to say that I'm more confused now, after having actually played a tiny bit of combat. Apparently you want to add the minuses (or penalties), and subtract the bonuses, or additions. However, you only want to do that in skill tests -- in combat it's the reverse... I think?

I'm going to need to try another run or two before I can say with any certainty that I understand this mechanical mish-mash. Also, I need to get rid of the irritation I feel, in my head, at having spent three whole hours for three players to strike a grand total of... only five blows -- two of which missed.

Last modified: 2002-Mar-17 18:01:28

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