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Realms: The Whole of the Law


Shateishael's Background

Shateishael was first and most inspired by David, the Archangel of Stone. The secondary influences on its short, just-created life were other angels whose work it admired. It selected its own name as a salute to those angels: the Liberating Angel, Shekinah, who inspires mortals to be just and fair, the healer of their bodies, minds, and spirits, to incorporate the feminine aspect of the Maker Who delivers the world in all ages; Samandiriel, the angel who holds dominion over imagination, inspiring mortals to realize what a remarkable tool they have in their vivid imaginations, allowing them to visualize and create alternative realities with which to transform their own lives as well as the world around them; Shamshiel, the angel of Daylight; and Shateiel, the angel of Silence.

Shateishael doesn't know the exact date he nicknamed himself Gunther and was sent down to the corporeal world to joined the ancient Norse; just that it was the holiday "Frídagur Verkamanna" on the 19th "dagr sumars," or day of summer. He knows it was before the turn of the first Christian millennia, however, as he went a-viking with his people through several Christian monasteries and nunneries for the first century or two he spent with them. This sort of raiding caused the Vikings, as they became known, to be considered part of the signs pointing to the supposed Christian Apocalypse due at the turn of their first millennia.

Gunther was not fond of the cultural assertion that true raiders killed or enslaved the people they attacked, as just looting and leaving the living behind made one no better than a common thief. Thus in time he became known as Gunther the Rune-shaper, since he preferred parliament, blacksmithing, farming, learning, and weapons-making to war and pillaging.

Slavery was not the horrific, racist, inherited institution it became centuries later in the Americas. There were, in fact, social rituals in place that even allowed slaves to chose their own masters, to some degree. Women also had a significant amount of autonomy, and there was no shame in a weaker man finding shelter, protection, and family life with someone stronger, richer, or more fortunate.

Life in that time period was not easy, after all, and more than one person in Gunther's community figured out the advantages inherit in having a strong, healthy, easy-going protector/partner/shield-brother that didn't eat or sleep much, even if he was apparently sterile. Add to this the angel's natural inclination to behave selflessly towards those in need, and it becomes unsurprising to realize Gunther often ended up with members of either gender and of various ages living with him, out of need, fear, or friendship. Significant (and early on) among those individuals were the widow and three children of a deceased shield-brother. That was the first time the quiet seraph personally helped raise a family -- much to the satisfaction of the widow, and his own personal astonishment at his success.

It was in the AH 500's (Islamic lunar calendar), or AD 1100's (Christian solar calendar) that Gunther realized Christianity had pretty much obliterated the old ways he was familiar with, despite his slow, intermittent migration westward with his community to avoid it. This was not something he was pleased about, as he was quite fond of his adopted community by now. Also, the missionaries he'd met tended to be arrogantly supercilious towards, and destructive of, anything they thought was not suitably submissive to them and their new religion -- which unfortunately also summed up their treatment of women and all those weaker than them.

Thus it was around that time Gunther decided, almost on a whim, to find the greatest sword maker ever, and learn from that person, so the secrets of making wonderful swords were never lost. Thus Gunther went walkabout (or in his case, sailing) on this quest.

Gunther ended up sailing by slow stages southwards, eventually becoming rather good at making the Damascene blades of Toledo, in what is now southern Spain. However, he decided to learn more about the curious Islamic blades, and ended up sort of desultorily ambling through the last bits of the Crusades.

During this time he became acquainted somewhat with both the concept of courtly love, and the new religion of Islam. He found he rather liked some of the new things he was learning about. At the time both social memes encouraged "radical" notions like bathing, critical thinking, not caring for the unpleasant rigidity of Catholicism, the rights of women (including property ownership), and/or really nice sword making. Admittedly, he thought most of the more... floridly sentimental forms of chivalry were schmaltzy, sappy wastes of time, but he was very pleased to see women were not just chattel any more.

Gunther also particularly liked the Cathars, a religious sect who claimed they held the true key to the gospels, reading them mythically or mystically rather than literally, and actually practicing what they preached, living lives of simplicity and charity. In comparison to the missionaries Gunther had met up to that point, these folks were quite nice -- nice enough, in fact, that he was actually willing to listen to them, and discuss scriptures with them. Unfortunately (as a historical side note that Gunther learned later) the Roman Catholic Church, perceiving them as a threat to their mastery of the hearts and souls of the peasantry, crushed them utterly a short while later.

In about the same time period Gunther was beginning to be interested in the beauty of mysticism and poetry as art forms which attempted to depict divine love in a format the mortal mind could comprehend. The young seraph was fortunate to stumble over the poetry of the Islamic Sufis, who had for centuries been developing a mystical path of love, where the sensual and the spiritual comes together in an ecstatic way of worship and devotion. He could greatly appreciate their poetic attempts to depict the divine through the human beloved, and he enjoyed listening and realizing that in the best Sufi love poetry one cannot always be sure whether the poet is praising a human beloved, the divine beloved, or is depicting one shining through the other.

However, once again the Roman Catholic Church did their best to destroy any challenge to their autocratic rule, and Islam was eventually thrown completely out of Spain. Gunther kept wandering and learning on his quest...

He ended up in Japan in the early Muromachi (or Ashikaga) Period, also known as the early AH 700's, or the early AD 1300's. By that point his skill at forging swords was quite something, but he was still searching for the greatest sword maker ever. He was pretty sure he was narrowing in on this (potential) individual, but it took him a while to learn the strange new ways of this culture.

Once he'd finally gotten over the urge to brag -- which worked fine with Europeans, but not so well with the Nihonjin -- he ended up becoming the last apprentice of Masamune, for 17 years, from AD 1341 to AD 1358, the year of Masamune's death. The Nihonjin referred to Shateishael by the nickname of Teishi or Deshi (apprentice), but after about a decade, once the brilliant sword master had gotten a bit fond of the huge, pale stranger, Masamune gave Shateishael a personal name, calling him Kuma (bear). The inheriting son-in-law didn't care for the "upstart" Deshi, however, so at Masamune's death Shateishael moved on.

Some time thereafter David called Shateishael back to Heaven. Perhaps he was worried about the anger building in the young seraph against the Roman Catholic Church. Perhaps he just wanted to see what one of his "most interesting creations" was learning during all this wandering. Whatever the reason, at that time Deshi got to know an earnest young Elohite of Lawrence named Conary, who was (unsurprisingly) also interested in fine swords. The two of them spent much enjoyable time together in the almost meditative dance of sword-fighting practice. Then, in the late Muromachi Period (or the AD 1500's), David assigned his servitor to the Great Plains of the North American continent, to work with the emerging Nemene, or Our People, as they called themselves.

Bear of the Sun arrived during the time of the Flower Moon, and worked steadily and consistently with the Comanche, as the Spanish knew them, for many, many snows. As nomadic traders and mounted warriors, the Nemene (or Comanche, depending on who you were talking to) were outrageously successful. Not only did their riding skills become the standard by which other plains tribes were judged, but the Nemene were one of the few native peoples to learn how to breed their horses. They most valued the pintos and paints, and selectively bred for those characteristics. Through trade, capture, careful breeding, and especially through massive raiding, the Nemene acquired large herds of the prized and valuable horses. By the early 1800s, the Nemene had herds of horses in numbers beyond the dreams of other tribes. Shrewd traders, their language became the lingua franca of horse trading on the plains.

Bear of the Sun was very happy living with his clan of adoption: the Penateka, or Honey Eaters. He was thrilled with the broad cultural success of the versatile, practical Nemene. A hard-raiding, hard-living, pragmatic people, the Nemene developed democratic traditions on their own; prized generosity, "medicine power," family relationships, and honor; valued good judgement and common sense over facile oratory and soon-passing popularity; and disdained dependence on hard and fast rules. They epitomized the mounted plains warrior -- the raids of the proud, swift Lords of the Southern Plains were legendary for the distance covered and their ability to strike hundreds of miles from their starting point. Later Christian missionaries would remark that the Comanche, pre-conversion, were the happiest people they'd ever met.

It also pleased Bear of the Sun that he could give assistance to those few within his clan who were in need of aid, just as he'd done with the ancient Norse. As a result of this, it was probably unsurprising that he couldn't help grieving deeply as he watched (centuries later as the white man figures time) the white man methodically destroying everything he'd worked so hard to help create -- destruction accomplished through consistent, vicious deceit; through assassination of many of the Comanche chiefs while they were under the white man's white flag of truce; through deliberate infestations of smallpox and other terminal diseases; and through the brutal, methodical extermination of the vital buffalo and Comanche pony herds, both of which were shot, then left to uselessly rot.

Bear of the Sun still doesn't know if the success of the white termite people was due to demonic influence or the twisted, vicious, racist tool that Christianity had become in the hands of the white man. However, he would love to get his hands on the authors of the destruction of one of the happiest people he'd ever known.

He ended up wandering away from the pathetic reservation the Comanche had been exiled to, almost blind with grief, when his beloved mortal wife Dancing Pony died there of pneumonia during the Hunger Moon, in about AD 1875.

Bear of the Sun's wise old lead mare Aletheia had been with him almost as long as he'd been with the Comanche. As far as she was concerned, her herd stallion was sick, she didn't know what to do for him, and the best two-legger she knew to care for him was his restless friend Ted (now known as Nick) -- so when her ailing stallion wandered blindly away from the reservation she simply made sure to steer Bear of the Sun and his herd straight to Nick. She was greatly relieved when the Ofanite told her he could help. She's out on the Ranch still, quietly minding her little equine family/herd in a small, safe valley in the nearby foothills.

Nick couldn't call his friend "Bear of the Sun" in the then-more-racist society of that time, so the withdrawn young seraph was re-nicknamed Slate. Slate ended up spending almost a century with Nick, in fact, at the Ranch, learning to read and write the two eloquent and gracile languages he'd previously only known how to speak -- Japanese and Arabic.

Most important to Nick, and the event that started this spate of learning, was that Slate finally learned to speak, read, and write the despised white man's tongue as well. This was a first for Slate, who up to this time had taught and been taught strictly within oral traditions. True, ancient Norse did have a written, runic language, but was not really what one would call a literate society. As Nick cheerfully put it, the runic writing looked like hen scratchings and, the way Gunther wrote, was about as legible.

Learning to think in writing, rather than continuing within oral traditions, was a revelation for the angry young seraph. He ended up diving into the written word as a medium for transferring knowledge, doing an extensive amount of eclectic personal research on the growth and decline of cultures -- mostly in an effort to figure out some suitable revenge for the killers of both his adoptive communities.

Slate was deeply absorbed in self-taught learning during that time, and met no more angels than he'd done in his previous centuries of life -- which is to say, almost none. The one or two he did meet he tended to be distantly formal to, as he was still unsure how to admit that he, a seraph, had fallen in love with a mortal woman.

However, in the 1950's the house and its small library burned down, almost taking Slate with it. This was a bit of a wake-up call to the withdrawn and reclusive angel, who belatedly realized what he was trying to do was wrong, and likely something his Superior would greatly disapprove of -- destruction of one society could never make up for the destruction of another. He made sure his old friend Nick was safe and sound in his newly-built home, then went walkabout again for a bit, still confused as to how to cope with the community losses in his life.

Later in the century he idly picked up a discarded draft notification. Reading it curiously, he randomly decided to cover for a draft dodger whose last name, perhaps coincidentally, was Davidson. Maybe some conflict and mayhem would be just what he needed to clear his head, and would make up somewhat for his being so self-absorbed as to have entirely missed both world wars.

At Induction a marine recruiter asked for a few volunteers for Marine Reconnaissance -- something that was apparently unusual -- and the seraph decided to try it, figuring it might be more interesting than just being a grunt. This was, by his own later admission, quite possibly the most idiotic thing he'd ever done -- he did not know at the time that the average life span of marine recon on mission was a stunning four minutes.

Davidson today attributes his survival to the coaching of a wiser, more experienced fellow marine who got him to trade his M16 immediately for a native-built crossbow. He liked the closeness of the military community he found himself part of, but being a Stone angel he never did care much for the crossbow. He preferred to reserve it for warnings; using his knife for close-in work only when absolutely necessary. Aside from that, he still doesn't talk about Vietnam much, and upon release back to the US he drifted restlessly for several decades, slowly recovering.

By this point in the turn of the second Christian millennia Davidson is pretty much over his heartsickness, settled in the southwestern United States. He's a member of the local SCA there, making a living amongst the mortals through blacksmithing and fine sword-making. He lives in Phoenix, Arizona, with two angels he knows and respects: Elisheba, a happily violent Malakite of Michael who works as a bouncer, and Rosenstern, a gentle Mercurian of Novalis who for some reason cheerfully puts up with Slate's occasional grousing, and cooks a mean lasagna!

Currently Slate is thoughtfully puzzling over what community it is that David wishes him to aid. He's not sure yet, but he thinks maybe this time it's not a mortal community at all. Rather, he suspects it may well be the community of angels itself who can most use his help. After all, as his Superior enigmatically noted to him earlier, this is an opportunity for Shateishael to burn habit from his heart.

Shateishael's Questionnaire

What's your name?


What does your vessel look like -- gender, height, weight, apparent age, hair, eyes, skin, etc.?

Male, indeterminate height, about 150, 200lbs, look about 20 to 25 years old. Bright blonde hair sometimes worn back in a ponytail, sometimes rather impatiently hacked off in front as bangs. Usually narrowed blue eyes and tanned skin. Slightly sardonic grin most of the time. Usually move with careful deliberation (so I don't accidentally break things), much like any martial artist (duh!), and tend to wear pragmatic, sturdy clothing for the same reason. Heavy leather boots, jeans, flannel shirts, stuff like that.

What is your earthly Role?

*laugh* Gimme a break. What would I want one of those for? I'm supposed to promote community, not be one.

How old are you in actuality? What and when was your first earthly assignment?

Uhm... earth years? Which calendar? Let's see... Gregorian will do, that's common now here, right? Yeah, that's right... they just had another millennial hysteria thing, I remember now. Okay... so... that'd be ahhh... about 1000 years, give or take a few centuries? Ah... when were the Norse out a-viking the most? That's where I started -- I was helping them quit in-fighting so much, by using dueling instead of feuding for conflict resolution. Nice way to handle it, too... more honorable than wiping out whole families, y'know? That was before the Holy Romans started getting really uppity, so, ah... yeah, about 1000. That sounds about right. Why does this matter?

Have you always worked for your current Superior?


Have you ever erred seriously under this Superior?

*amused grin / disdainfully raised eyebrow*

What is your working relationship with your Superior like?

He's... David. He's the Man, y'know? How can you not admire that?

Would you be interested in service to a different Superior?

Nope. Not unless David wanted me to.

What do you think your Superior would say are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

What do I think he'd say? He'd say ask me, 'cause I'd tell you the truth. You want to get to the point here?

If you were assigned a Word today, what would it be?

How should I know? Ask David. Haven't narrowed my focus that much yet.

Do you have the ambition to seek a Word?

*amused glance* You questioning my determination? Try the next question, boyo.

Do you have friends on the Other Side? Does your Superior know?

*exasperated sigh* Give me a break... of course he'd know! What do you think I am, you dimwit?!

How do you feel about Demons in general? Are there Bands or Princes to whom you're more opposed than others?

Oh, yeah. Man, I am just sick of the crap they're pulling today, thanks to that jerk Vapula -- all that high tech junk he's throwing up -- screw that shit! Don't you just loathe what wimps these modern armies have become? There's no honor in shooting someone so far away you have to correct for the curvature of the earth!

Are there specific Attunements, Songs, Skills, etc., which you don't currently have but are pursuing?

Sure. I like that Davidian Cherubim attunement -- I want to be able to pull guns out of their hands at a distance. Clears the field up, y'know? -so folks can duel honorably.

What's your general opinion of mortals?

Ehh, they're okay. Poor things. Not sure they'll be much help in the End Times.

What about the whole sex thing? Have you ever had sex with a mortal?

Fuck off. Next question.

Have you ever killed a mortal?

Sure. Hello, I was in armies?!

What's your attitude towards mortal laws?

They need 'em.




*sigh* Look, are you trying to make a point here, or what? What's that question supposed to mean? Do you mean sin in the sense of that Original Sin myth, or if troubled humans label their peccadilloes that way to seek redemption, or if humans need sin to find salvation, or if I'm sinning, or if they are, or what? Could we have a little precision in your damn speech here?!

Are there mortal habits which you've acquired?

Yeah, I don't handle fools at all well. How long is this questionnaire gonna take?

What about God? What's up with Him?

What about God? It Is. What more is there to need to know?

And Lucifer? What's his deal?

He's a sad, sick puppy. Shame about that.

Have you ever doubted God's wisdom or questioned your place in the Symphony? What if God was one of us? Just a slob like one of us?

God is one of us, you idiot. Hello? Does the phrase "on the side of the angels" ring a bell? One more thing -- call us slobs again, and you can go home with your unfinished questionnaire stuffed someplace the sun don't shine.

Do you like to fight? Are you good at it?

Hell, yes. Be happy to show you if you don't finish this damn questionnaire off soon.

With what musical instrument do you associate your part in the Symphony? What musical style?

Cello. Nice, clear, true tones. Sweet. Not as big, impressive, or deeply low-timbred as the bass, not as small, numerous, or high-pitched as the violin... but the orchestra's just not right without 'em.

Do mortals have free will? What about Celestials?

Not sure mortals would know what to do with free will even if they knew what it was. Celestials... so what? You do what you think is right. What's free will got to do with that?

Who's your best friend? Worst enemy? Most hated rival?

Get outta here. Like I'd tell you that.

You're told that the Game is investigating you. How do you react?


What if they're investigating your best friend?

*impatient silence*

Have you ever accumulated significant Dissonance, or even Discord?

*sigh* No, I'm not going to tell you that. Next.

Your best friend is perilously close to Tripping, even Falling. How do you handle it? What if he or she has already Fallen? Has a friend of yours ever Tripped or Fallen?

*irritated stare* I'd try to help them, you dimwit -- what a stupid question! Man, I am SO not answering that last one -- next!

Is there anything that could make you defy the will of your Superior? What about the Will of God? What if you're ordered to perform actions which run contrary to your deepest individual commitments?

NEXT, goddammit!

If you could eradicate one sin in the corporeal realm, what would it be? What if you could maximize one virtue?

Sin... *sigh* You're putting a Catholic Church spin on this, aren't you? Okay, that'd be the seven deadly ones then. Um... shoot, what were they... anger, pride, uh, envy, umm... god, I can't believe I'm wasting my time on this... all right, all right -- um... lust, sloth... covetousness... drat, what's that last one... ah, right, gluttony -- can't forget that stupid furry toad in hell.

Right. So... eradicate one. Umm... man, this is dumb -- it'd be worth the thought if it could actually happen -- all right, all right, I'm thinking, hold your horses. One. Ahh... okay. Right, okay. Sloth. Waste of time to spend any effort on folks like that. Okay, maximize virtue, let's get this nonsense over with... uhh, what are they again... temperance, prudence, justice, fortitude, love, hope, and faith. Ah, that one's easy -- love.

Is there a mortal whose character you particularly admire?

*amused snort*


Shit, I don't know. Anyone that snipes from a distance 'cause they're too much of a coward to face their opponent on equal ground, I guess.

What do you do when you don't have a specific assignment?

*cranky glance* Fill out endless questionnaires, looks like...

With whom do you associate if the choice is entirely yours?

Other angels, of course.

With whom do you prefer not to associate?

*impatient stare* People that waste my time!

How do you dress? Do you pay much attention to mortal fashion? Do you have any tattoos or piercings?

I dress to get the job done. Fashion... pfah! What a waste of time and effort.

Assuming for a moment that you enjoy mortal entertainment, what's your favorite movie? Book? Album?

*incredulous laugh*

If you had to compare yourself to a media personality, who would it be?

*silent stare* Y'know, you're starting to annoy me.

Is there a media personality who screams "NYBBAS"?


Do you eat or drink? Smoke? Use drugs? Details, please, thanks.

I've tried 'em -- some of 'em feel nice. *malicious grin* That's all the detail you're gonna get, though.

Do you know what "felching" is? Who the fuck thinks of that? Seriously, that's fucked up.

Get out of here! That's enough... you're just wasting my time now. Go on, just get.

Last modified: 2006-Aug-25 18:40:09

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