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The Lady Vanishes

Kyrel buys the aging man a drink. This is much appreciated, and the group retires to their rooms. The brothers take a room, and Sara takes her own, leaving Kaz and Derleth to bunk together. The night passes uneventfully, and sleep sets in.

Later that night, all is quiet. As quiet as the city life ever is, ignoring the faint sounds of alley cats, thieves skulking, the faint squeak of a rat in the wall somewhere.

Sara lies down for her magically shortened slumber, thinking of the dangers ahead of her new companions. "I don't know if I'll be able to handle this one, Rousto," she whispers to herself as she rolls over and falls asleep.

Time ticks by, with fleeting dreams of uncertain things lurking in the shadows, fleeting figments that vanish when she tries to identify them.

Just a few short hours later, Sara, set in her routine, awakens with the night still about her. She doesn't even take a moment to contemplate before she jumps out of bed and assembles herself for her morning practice. As she grabs her backpack, a red gem drops to the ground from within, bringing back the reality of her situation. She reaches down and picks up the gem - apparently it had worked itself loose and fallen out of the old weapon haft buried somewhere in the bottom of her backpack. She holds the gem up, staring deep into it, "You, you were the cause of all of this... I should have known. I should have known!" She turns towards the door, drops her head in the shame of giving in to greed, and then rebels against the greed itself, tossing the gem over her shoulder and letting it find its own resting place within the Inn's room, where it will be a boon to some poor soul instead of a constant reminder to her.

She heads downstairs and out of the inn searching for a suitable place to practice with her spiked chain. A small clearing behind a building a few feet away from the inn seems suitable. She sets her backpack down and begins with the simple aspects of the chain, spinning it slowly about her body.

The time seems to melt away, and the night is eerily still. The vacant lot seems empty; not a soul has been seen on the street, not a stray dog or alley cat has ventured here, as if there's a sense of dread, forboding in the air. A voice cuts the air behind Sara, splitting the air with a sharp comment in the silent night. "Nice form, wench. I could be usin' tha', ye know."

Mere moments after the voice begins to speak, Sara's spiked starts to glow with sparks of electricity. While the chain spins in smooth patterns around her body, she doesn't turn to face the speaker but only replies in jest, "Is that so? Well, if you're looking to hire a wench you've come to the wrong place. If you're looking to hire a sword, however, you can begin talking about what needs to be done." She continues her practice, her movements quicker now and the chain thrashing the air.

The voice is dark, a growl - but a smooth rumble, confident, all at the same time. "Well, wench," comes the reply, while iron-shod boots clop upon the ground, "I could use yer chain. That group o' idiots ye rode in with need leverage over 'em, and yer body, I think, would work. I'm sure they nae be comfy havin' their comrade embraced by undeath."

Sara's face turns cold and blank, the remnants of her slight smirk torn from her face as the end of the chain clatters upon the ground, its constant movement forgotten. Still keeping her back to the speaker, "What do you want?" she asks as she realizes who she's speaking with.

An amused chuckle fills the air. "I want to thank ye for freeing me from that wretched stake. But, more importantly, I want me axe, and me gem. Twas stolen from me, an' I want it back." He clears his throat. "I dinna appreciate talkin' to the back o' yer head. Unless ye want an axe in yer back, turn around."

Think Sara, THINK! You've got a powerful undead at your back, your weapon in your hands, your boots that can carry you away from here. Stall for time, get the stake from the backpack. Yes! The weapon shaft that staked him originally. Get that and you can stop him again. "What do you want with them?" She begins to slowly turn towards the vampire, holding her spiked chain at the ready. No, you are giving too much away, don't let him know that you are afraid of him

"Because they're mine, ye damned twit. Tis my property, an' I want 'em. That axe I made, that gem I pried from the cold, dead hands o' a thrice damned wizard. Tis...sentimental value, ye could say, aye."

Sara eases up her grip on her weapon and gives him a big smile while doing her best to relax her nerves, "So setting you free isn't good enough now? Now you want your stuf back. All right. Fine." Walking over to her backpack, now looking up at the figure hoping to keep him in sight, she rummages around the for weapon haft.

He stands remarkably close, the blade of a dangerous battleaxe propped up against his leg. A beard of crimson, as if soaked in blood, spills down from his pale chin, dark eyes glaring from beneath his helmeted brow. The dwarf is decked out in a suit of armor more fit for a hero, the polished breastplate and adjoining armor shiny, beautiful, well designed, not too grim. A shield of like design is held in one arm, its metal dark, and upon the surface, streaks of light drift through it lazily, sparking now and then. "Nay, me property is mine. If ye grave robbers had nae lifted it, I wouldn't need to hunt ye down, and slaughter every last one o' ye. But nae, nae, ye have to be difficult." He grins. "Oh well, atleast I'll enjoy spillin' yer comrades' blood."

Finding the haft of the weapon, she holds it tight in her hand, ready to strike, "Wait just a moment there little red beard. There wasn't anything in the deal about you killing anyone... But oh, heres the piece you're missing" Sara stands up, and lunges forward with the speed and grace of a trained professional, pointing the sharpened end of the haft towards the heart of the waiting creature.

The dwarf doesn't duck or bat the weapon aside, but simply dodges to the right, letting the wooden spear stake him...on the oposite side. It doesn't go in to deep, either, the strenght of the armor, some force, stopping the blow. With an easy, comfortable guesture, he points to the stake, then to his side. "This is my lung, this is my heart." Not even picking the weapon, his fist rears back, and he swings. Even before he connects, the next move starts, his whole body moving in the woman's direction.

The dwarf's fist, his strength powered by the undeath that grips him, crunches into Sara's stomach. The woman can feel something, as if her essence, that lurches inside her, as if yanked, then released. However, her agility proves the better, for as the dwarf attempts to trip her, hurling himself against her, she stumbles back. "Quick, I'll give ye," He offers with a dark grin.

"Quick isn't all I am, and you haven't see the beginning of quick yet." With that Sara darts towards her spiked chain, grabbing it from the ground, but she doesn't stop. She coninues running, nearly halfway down the alley where she knows he'll have to take some time to catch up to her. Wow, that hurt. You're out matched. Go get the others. Her face turns grim and the chain begins blazing with energy like it never has before, No! This is my fight, and I'm going to finish it. "Come on, you bastard!"

Looking as if this were common in battles, he gingerly scoops up his axe, and strides towards Sara. "Ye know, wench, t'would not be wise t' run. I stopped by the local thieves' guild, ye see, and, I...persuaded them to send a thief to the room with yer friends. I'll have me axe one way or another." All the while, he's striding slowly toward her. "And, by me guessing, he's already struck. So, why nae stand yer ground, and die like a good little girl?"

"We'll just see who will be doing what..." She waits for him to get within range, she waits for his attack...

The dwarf simply walks calmly closer, his eyes locked on the woman's, his expression a dark smile. "As much as I love the chase, me dear doe, the thrill o' huntin' down me prey, I'd rather play this game." As he speaks, his eyes seem to bore into Sara's.

Sara thinks to herself, planning, plotting, Tactics, he's only one foe and you are used to fighting so many at once. Focus on him, only him. Use your weapon to your advantage. You've already got this battle won, he can't reach you past your chain. Just bear down and you can take him. "Oh, I'm not running - I'm right here why dont you jus-...." And then her mind seems to lose control of itself, going completely blank. Lost, but not in thought, or at least not her own. Shaking the momentary disorientation out of her head, she continues, "I'm right here, let's just see who's going to die."

He pauses just outside of reach. Tipping his head, before going into a ready stance, "So, Girl, where are ye friends headed, an' why? Headed te find me in the wilderness, hm?"

Feeling like it doesn't matter if she tells him or not, for what reason she doesn't know but she speaks, "I don't know exactly where they are headed, but their job is done and they are returning for payment. Not that it is any of your concern. You are just a small detour."

The dwarven vampire nods, and takes a step into the range of the chain. "I see. Nae very helpful, are ye?" He seems to tense up, as if waiting... And then, with a quick dart, the dwarf closes in fast. Instead of roaring, or some such, his face is stoic, set and determined, as he quickly bolts in, axe poised.

Sara reacts with lightning speed, taking a swipe with her spiked chain, looking to bring the dwarf down as she takes a step back herself, retreating out of his range.

The weapon swings in, and tangles the dwarf's boot, yanking him from his feet. An annoyed growl parts his lips, as he sits unexpectedly. "Enough running, wench, we end this." Lifting the shield, the lights seem to converge, getting slightly brighter...and then a Flash, like an angry explosion, fills the air around the shield.

Aw, crap! A spell! Realizing something is about to happen, Sara ducks her head away, covering with her arms and crouching down to try to avoid its effects.

While the woman is distracted, the vampire moves. Instead of standing up, his form becomes a fine mist, rising and moving toward her quickly, closing the gap fast.

Sara, attempting to take advantage of her opponents concentration on somthing other than the combat, takes another swing at the dwarf with her chain. The chain swings in, but it's not in time and catches only the cloud of mist that is left where the vampire once was.

He closes the range easily, and materializes beside her, axe ready. A sneer covers his lips, and, tipping his head, makes a gesture with his axe. "Hurt me."

Shocked by the speed and ease that the vampire got that close, Sara darts back down the alley, stopping when she is nearly back at the empty lot where the whole ordeal began. Looking around for the stake, she awaits him closing in on her again. He can't match my speed. His tricks are no match for my skill. Take him down.'

The dwarf looks angry, but he calms down quickly, and starts striding toward the woman...until he reaches thirty feet, and his speed quickens, throwing his axe aside, intent on simply using his bare hands to take her out.

This is it! You suckered him in. Strategy, now all you have to do is get his heart! Sara drops her spiked chain as she kicks up the stake at her feet, gracefully catching it and spinning it point first just before she lunges her whole body forward. She kneels down bringing the stake up with such a force that she drives it through the armor and sinks it deep into the dwarves chest!

The dead weight hits Sara like a charging bull. The dwarf is at a tilt, a deadpan expression on his face. The form sags, leaning against her, driving her down. His limbs start to grow limp, one having dropped over her shoulder.

Sara realizes what she has done, she's staked the vampire she set free! Breathing a sigh of relief, she thinks back to her family, to Rousto, to all those she had loved and who had died. Her thoughts turn to Derleth, Vane and the others. They were safe now, the guilt now gone, she can rest. Her body relaxes, somewhat pinned by the corpse of the undead ontop of her. "Never again will I put them in danger. Once I take care of this problem, they will all be safe again." She sighs, closes her eyes and rests for a quiet moment.

...And that moment is shattered, as, with lightning speed, stubby fingers stab into Sara's hair, yanking her head. Eyes widen, as fangs graze her throat. His voice, harsh and cruel, whispers, "Death wears many faces, and yers wears mine." With that, the dwarf leans in and bites the woman in the throat, sinking his fangs in deep, and begins to feed, the woman's vision sinking. Later, the dwarf licking his lips clean, brushes the stake off his chest, the impromptu weapon falling to the ground, its pointed tip bent and broken, bits of armor still in the cracked wood.

The cleric had locked his window, before retiring to bed. However, exotic tools scrape the window frame, and, with work, the lock is tripped. Ever so slowly, the window rises and a shadow slips into the dark room. Neither of the inhabitants rise from their beds, seemingly safely asleep. The shadow moves around the room, attempting to stay silent in its search. The figure moves about the room, and finds the cleric's supplies. He begins to take up the gold assorted in the cleric's pockets, along with some of the gemstones, pocketing them easily. However, much of the wealth he was told of isn't here. Still not having found the item he was sent for, the rogue rises, and continues to search.

As the thief moves across the floor, though, his boot catches on a slightly upturned floorboard, and lets out a creak. This is enough to rouse Kaz from his slumber. The half-elf sits straight up, and shouts out, "Derleth!" Already, the groggy rogue is reaching for his crossbow...which is, unfortunately, not loaded. The thief curses, and draws a dagger instead.

Derleth gurks? and bolts upright in bed, his eyes focusing blearily. He abruptly sees Kaz and the shadowy figure about to fight and sleep melts from his mind. Weaponless and armorless save for a dagger under his pillow...he reacts with the most effective weapon he has on hand.

Kyrel rolls out of bed, groping for a dagger as the shout in the next room and his familiar's chittering alarm pull him out of sleep. After a moment of orientation, he charges out of the room and across the hall, banging on the door. "What's going on in there?"

Kaz is already sliding out of bed, and hurls the empty crossbow at the shadowy figure, hoping to distract him. The bow tumbles through the air, but the figure's agility proves equal to the task, and the weapon is batted aside.

Derleth is unable to respond as he thrusts out his palm, loudly chanting the words of a spell which he hopes will respond with far more of the Lady's favor than in the past... The blast of sunlight splits the darkness, and the beam zips in, striking the rogue, who was starting to flee toward the window, full in the chest. A scream of pain hits the air, before the figure drops to the floor, visible smoke rising in the air. Not a move out of the figure, either. Derleth blinks again, blearily. "I don't believe it. It actually worked!"

Kaz moves to light the lantern at bedside, and draws his scimitar. However, it's obviously not needed, the body, clad in dark armor, simply lies there, and isn't going anywhere. Kaz creeps closely in, before looking up. "Derleth...I believe you've killed him."

Kyrel continues pounding on the door. "Derleth! Kaz! What's going on?"

Derleth slips out of bed in his sleep robes away from the body. "Make sure," he says curtly as he strides over and unlatches the door. "Come in an see what we caught..."

The half-elf rogue drops a hand to the young burglar's neck. "He's fading fast. Very fast," Kaz puts in, glancing back at the doorway.

Derleth rubs his chin, sighing. "Oh, roll him over. Ah dinnae memorize that speak with dead prayer yestiday...an ah think we may need t' ask some questions o' this bloke.

Kaz does as instructed, and rolls the body over, winching at the smoking hole eaten through the leathers, and the stain on the floor. "I don't think the Innkeep is going to appreciate the puddles."

Derleth straddles the body, crossing his palms over the scortched hole without really touching it. "Ah dinnae think he'll like the dead body ann'e betta." He chants once more, his hands glowing with a bright glow.

The hole starts to close up, burnt flesh starting to pinken and seal, the blood draining inward. Some color returns to the rogue's face, who apparently is barely older then a boy. He coughs, coming out of the darkness and back into reality. "Wha...ah!" Instantly, the boy starts to squirm, trying to get out from under Derleth, albeit weakly.

"I meant the blood puddle, holy man. Hold him down!" To help in the matter, Kaz plants a foot on the fellow's chest. And, apparently none too nicely, stepping on the still crispy, slightly bleeding spot.

Kyrel winces. "I don't think that's really necessary, Kaz." He pauses for a heartbeat. "Unless he doesn't want to talk to us..."

Derleth reaches down and grabs the boy by the throat. "Ah brought ye back from Gythaxis's cruel grip, boy. But robbing a priest of Lliara could have gotten ye worse than a clean death at the hands of Her holy fire. So unless ye think t' tempt me imagination, ah suggest ye tell me what ye be doing here and who yer employer be."

The boy twists and squirms under Derleth's grasp, panting all the while, before spouting off, "Fellow down stairs says you were loaded with coin! Could tell it by the jingle... I thought you were easy pickings!" Though hasty, it does sound sincere.

Kyrel says, "And who might this helpful fellow have been?"

He glances around. "Gisim! Gisim, he cases this tavern's patrons, looking for easy prey...he let me know...we share profits."

Derleth sighs. "Righto, then. Ye go an' tell this Gisim that if we get another visit, first we're going t' burn the unwelcome guest's face off, an then we'll come looking for him and make sausage out o' his intestines." Clear?"

The rogue nods his head. "Crystal..."

Kyrel clears his throat. "And empty out your pockets before you leave."

The thief glances up at the cleric, while addressing Kyrel. "I would, if I could get up."

Kyrel moves back and closes the door. "That sounds fair."

Derleth nudges Kaz's foot off the thief's chest, and then rises, pulling the young boy to his feet. Hand still locked around his throat. "Go ahead, naew."

He doesn't look very happy, or dignified, what with Derleth being a foot shorter then him, the rogue having to stoop as he empties the contents of his pockets, and various nooks and crannies loose.

Kaz frowns a moment. "How come Vane and Sara havn't checked up on us?"

Derleth pats the boy down, just in case there's anything the boy 'forgot' to take out.

Kyrel says, "Vane is guarding the back door. I don't know about Sara... I only woke up because Kiri heard what was going on."

The cleric's hands pat down the rogue, but he seems to pull away as the cleric's search brings him close to the boy's wrist.

Kaz nods. "True, but don't you think she'd be hearing the pounding?"

Kyrel says, "I would hope so.. we'd better check on her as soon as we're done here. Derleth, are you missing anything important?"

Derleth creases his brow, and makes sure the ring is still on his finger...

The boy crosses his arms. "There, all empty. Now, may I leave?"

Derleth says, "Kyrel? Make sure the bead is still here....Kaz, grab the boy's arm."

Kaz does as instructed, putting an arm about the boy's throat, to stem any resistance, as he siezes an arm, pulling it out.

Kyrel says, "Good point." He heads back across the hall to sort through his gear. "Looks like everything's okay here."

Derleth pulls up the boy's sleeve curiously...

Tied around his wrist is a thong, and hanging from it a small token, a coin-sized disk, displaying a dark cloth, with a blade pointing beneath it.

Derleth purses his lips, staring the boy dead in the face. "Ye came looking for more n' gold, dinnae ye?"

He tugs slightly in Kaz's grip, before coughing. Apparently he's stopped lying. "Yes..."

Derleth sighs. "Were it the ring or the bottle, hmm?"

He shakes his head, as best he can. "No...a single bitted axe head, and a red gem gripped in a claw..."

Derleth stares at the boy.

Kyrel comes back into the room in time to hear that. "Someone's messing with you, boy. We've not got anything like that."

Derleth looks at the boy strangely. "The man what hired ye....were he a dwarf?"

He glances to Kyrel, breaking the gaze. "I don't know, I was just told that someone came a'calling for it." Back to Derleth, "I don't know who requested the burglary... My superior sent me."

The rogue looks from one to the other, pulling on Kaz's restraint. "I've given you your gold, I've told you what I know, let me go?"

Kyrel shrugs. "Just tell this Gisim that we are not in the habit of giving second warnings. Kaz, you have anything to add?"

Derleth considers. He then turns the boy's palm over, picks up one of the larger gems, and mutters something that sound like magic syllables before he releases it. "Here. This is what we be doing. Ye go back t'yer man, and tell him ye overheard that what ye be looking fer was lost....in cave up north, where the lizardmen live. And if ye tell him anything else, this gem will let loose a curse on ye. If ye keep t' what I say, ye can sell it and make profit, no harm, no foul. If ye try and sell it before ye speak t' yer man, it will let loose the curse on ye nonetheless. Understand?"

He nods hastily. "Yes, Yes..." Kaz, having nothing to put in, simply lets go. "Can I leave, now?"

Derleth lets go of him. "Off wi' ye."

The boy nods, and simply bolts for the door, and down the stairs, slamming it behind.

Kaz glances around, and retrieves his crossbow, this time loading it. Thankfully it wasn't damaged. "Back to bed?"

Kyrel is already on his way out the door. "Sara..."

Derleth says, "Aye. Best make sure the lock isnae broken, though...dinna want more visitors..."

Kaz nods, setting his loaded crossbow down, and follows Kyrel, scimitar in hand.

Kyrel knocks on Sara's door, waits a bit, then knocks louder. There is no response. He opens the door, and it swings easily open, exposing an empty room. "Well, that explains why she didn't overhear anything. Where the heck is she?"

Kaz shakes his head, stepping inside. "Well, maybe we should look around, to see if she left a note."

Derleth swings the lantern around, frowning as he takes stock of the empty room....

Kyrel says, "She doesn't sleep all that much, maybe she's just roaming around somewhere." He starts looking through the room, checking for her gear.

The lantern swings into the empty room. Even Sara's equipment is gone... The light roves over the floor, and Kaz pauses a moment. "Hello..." He moves in, picking it up. "Uh oh."

Derleth squints. "What be it?"

Kyrel turns at the rogue's worried comment. "What?"

The rogue returns with the item. He holds up the claw-gripped gem. "What we 'lost up in the caves up north'."

Kyrel frowns. "Why would she have left just that and taken everything else?"

Derleth blinks. "That makes....no sense. Why would she leave behind such an important item?"

Derleth says, "No note? Just that gem?""

Kaz shrugs. "The nine hells if I know... Wasn't this attached to that haft? Where's the haft?"

Derleth doubletakes. "It's nae attached...that makes even less sense. If'n she went after the dwarf, why would she separate stake and pommel?"

Kyrel says, "You've got the blade, Derleth, right?"

Kaz growls. "Y'know, I'm sick of this. Let's just go to bed, and in the morning, leave this town in our dust."

Kyrel doesn't even acknowledge Kaz's complaint. "Derleth, are you coming with me? I think we should find her before we go back to sleep."

Derleth nods. "I be with ye, Kyrel. An the axe blade be on me horse, aye. Give me a moment t' suit up."

Kaz shakes his head. "I don't believe this. Well, I'm going back to bed, after I hide this." He palms the gem, and heads for his room.

Kyrel nods and heads back to his room to dress as well. He takes a moment to apprise Vane of the problem and persuade him to wait with Kaz in case Sara returns.

As the pair come down the stairs, a human behind the bar calls out, "HEY! You the gents who rented three rooms, upstairs?"

Derleth blinks. "Aye, man. Why?"

He holds up a rolled up piece of parchment. "You have a message, and if you're leaving now, need to pay your tab."

Derleth snatches the parchment and scans it.

Greetings. First, I'd like to thank you for freeing me. Next, I'd like to make this very plain. I Want My Property Back. You have my axe, and the gem attached. I watched you fumble about when you beautiful idiots finally put the pieces together. If the thief I sent doesn't retrieve the items, he'll feel steel for it. But, nonetheless, if he returns without it, then I will give you one last chance. Leave both items in the first barrel within the second warehouse on the left side of the pier, noon, or, believe me, I will spend a year's worth of vengeance retrieving my property, and I will pave your paths with the blood of your loved ones. Do be so kind as to comply. it is signed, Ebrek the Red.

Derleth just stares, for the second time that night. "Well....he didn't say that Sara left it..."

Kyrel says, "This remains... very strange." He turns back to the bartender. "Who left this?""

The human strugged. "Donno. Was recieved when Ivan was tending. He just gave me the instructions he recieved. If you gents come down, tell you this came. And, you owe twenty gold."

Derleth says, "Has anyone else read this? Like say, a female warrior caryin' a spiked chain?"

He shakes his head. "Nope. Though, I did see a woman fitting that come down stairs, and out the door. Bout...mm, a while ago."

Derleth looks at Kyrel. "Right. Way I see it, we got two problems, an ah'm not e'en sure they're related. Opinions?"

The human holds out his hand, clearing his throat.

Kyrel says, "If she didn't see this... Come on, Derleth. We'd better find her before something happens." He turns and moves toward the door. "We'll be back, bartender. You've still got our horses in the stable, so don't get all bent out of shape."

Kyrel and Derleth search but find nothing, not even any reasonable tracks. The cleric even goes fox, but still can't track down her scent. She's vanished with her gear, leaving behind only her horse and the gemstone. The two return after an hour, worried, and get what sleep they can.

No word from Sara is received, and after searching for another day, the remainder of the group heads south, leaving Sara's horse behind if she should choose to return and reclaim it. The trip back to Tarlbren is a cold, slow one, and cheerless, since they now leave before the caravan instead of traveling with it. The days seem slightly shorter, the nights are none-too-trusting, and the snow thicker. However, the trip is an uneventful one.

Derleth has gotten even quieter since they left Nemford. He didn't like the idea of leaving Sara behind, and he also didn't like the idea of staking out the barrel to see who would come for the axe and gem...but he was outvoted. As a result, he's unsually surly about the whole thing. He seems relieved as they come into TarlBren, however, since this then means with one obligation paid, they can finally turn back to deal with their missing party member and this 'Ebrek'...

The group heads into the Fierce Kobold. Some of the patrons look up and cheer, and Kevward looks up, smiling. "Ye're back!" He turns to Irievyre, and informs her to fetch Basel's servant. Turning back, "How's yer travels?"

Kyrel says, "Could have been better. We're heading out again once we finish up with Basel... we had to interrupt something that needs to be finished up."

Kevward nods. "That's too bad...we're havin' some trouble here, as well. Could be usin' yer help..." At that moment, a young man in fancy clothes half-runs down the stairs. "Ah, you're here!" he chirps, and retrieves a small globe from his pocket. He talks to it for a moment. "They're here, Sir."

Kyrel pauses for a moment. "Oh? What kind of trouble? It's not like we can get back to Nemford tomorrow no matter what we do."

Derleth sighs, but doesn't explain his reaction.

Kevward starts to reply, but the young fellow interrups rather excitedly. "Lord Basel wants to know if you have any spell requests for the scrolls he's including? He wasn't informed if either of the mages were masters of a certain school, and he certainly can retrieve those of a certain school from his library."

Kyrel nods. "We've been discussing that. I'm interested in Nondetection after the last few weeks, or maybe Protection from Elements if he can't do that one. Vane?" The mages go into a technical discussion and finally reach a conclusion, which they pass to the messenger. The young man relays the message, then nods. "If you would, could we step into the back room?"

Derleth nods. "Aye. As ye like."

He nods, and, with Kevward's agreement, opens the door leading into the back room.

Derleth shuffles in, looking for somewhere to sit, and plopping himself down.

Kyrel mentions to the lackey as they follow him back, "Oh.. if he needs a bead to carry them back, would you ask him to bring another one? We've promised the wolves that they'd get to meet him before we sent them off with him."

The stewart returns the message, and the air is split by a slit of ameythst light. The slit starts to turn, until it becomes a circle of illumination. First steps out the mountain of muscle that is Basel's body guard, covered completely as usual, seeming the faintest bit disoriented with the travel. The guard glances around, before nodding to the steward, who speaks again, and two men step out. One finely dressed, holding a sack. The other, Basel. They both come off the disorientation, before the wizard smiles. Addressing Kyrel's concern, "Not to worry. I can meet them, and then have my handler," gesturing to the man at his side, "take them in."

Kyrel grins. "We've got a bonus, too, if you're interested in an ice-dragon egg." He helps clear out a space for the reappearance.

Derleth digs into his pouch and retrieves the bead, holding it up. "Your winterwolves, as promised. Plus the aforementioned egg."

The wizard blinks, at that. "Seriously? That's marvelous! ...You didn't have to battle an ice dragon, I'm hoping?"

Derleth shakes his head. "Nae. Twas something we picked up on a side jaunt."

Kyrel says, "No, nothing so drastic. Just lizardmen who'd been taking an interest in the clutch."

Basel claps his hands. "Delightful. I'll have to throw in something extra for you, then." He gestures. "Please, free them?"

Derleth looks around the room, making sure there's enough space. He puts down the bead, murmurs the command word as he steps back.

The bead discharges, the light blasting in, and the forms materialize into being. The wolves blink, and glance around. The wizard seems quite pleased, nodding his head in satisfaction. "They're beautiful. In good shape, too." Then, his voice shifts into the giant tongue, which grabs both wolves' attention. Some discussion follows, the guard speaking up at one point, and the wolves' side of the conversation seems surprised for a while. After a few more words, they nod and, as the wizard moves aside, the two beasts rise, and start toward the dimensional rift. To the handler, "Be sure they don't startle Demsie when she comes to the door, all right?"

Basel adds, "And inform her to bring the portable desk." The handler nods, handing Basel the sack, and follows the wolves into the rift. Turning back to the four, he reaches in, retrieving a heavy, full pouch that clinks. "Your gold," he states, tossing it to Derleth.

Derleth arches an eyebrow, surprised by the interchange. He thought that this would be a more difficult stage, as they'd been asked to bring barely sentient pups, and not intelligent adults. He wastes no time in snatching up the pouch, however. "Much obliged, sirrah!"

Basel chuckles, and walks toward Kyrel, extracting from the sack a leather bound book. "I pulled a few strings, but I found the information you requested. It's a bit of history, planes, and thus. I haven't particularly read through it, but I've been told it's quite informative."

Kyrel nods and takes the book. "Thank you. I'm sure it will prove interesting."

Kaz moves forward impatiently, and the transmuter simply gives him a look, before extracting the crossbow, lines of gold and fitted with a silver bolt deck, and hands it over. "Yours." Stepping back, the wizard glances over the group. "Have my scrolls and arrows been used?"

Kyrel says, "The fire arrows, yes. The net arrows and scrolls are still intact... as you see, we did not, after all, have to fight with wolves or dragons."

Kyrel retrieves the scrolls and hands them back to Basel.

Taking the scrolls, he nods, and removes from his pocket a rolled up bit of parchment, and replacing the enscribed pieces into his robe. Unrolling the one he removed, "Your contract, gentleman. You returned safely, and with more then I even asked for," He glances to the egg, "You're no longer bound." He rips the paper twice, and wads it up. "My deepest thanks." From the portal steps a young lady, well dressed though in apprentice clothes, holding a small case and a slightly large box by a handle. "Your requests, sire."

Turning, Basel takes up the box, and the one by the handle, as well, before setting it before Kyrel and Vane. Pointing at it, "That, my friends, is a portable writing desk, including places for ink, quills, and parchment. I purchased it in my earlier days, but it's had little use." Opening the box, "And, your spells. I have what requests I could fill, as well as a few extras." He removes the rolled up parchments, and sets them atop the boxed-up desk. "If that's all, then, I thank you, and it was a pleasure doing bussiness with you."

Kyrel says, "Indeed it was. We have some other business at the moment, but if you need specimens in the future, please keep us in mind."

Derleth looks up from counting the coinage and eyes the desk. It's a curious item but, like the bottle he obtained, could be useful in a pinch. "Same t' ye, mage. Oh. An one other thing. When ye're busy with yer lass, try t' keep it down, aye?" He grins knowingly at Basel.

Kyrel coughs, covering his mouth to stifle a chuckle, and glares at Derleth over his hand.

Smiling, Basel nods. "Much appreciated." He nods to the guard, exchanging a word or two in giant, before the mountain moves, taking up the egg in a single arm. Turning back, "Well, then, gentlemen, I bid you ad-" A pause, glancing toward Derleth. The guard snorts, a fog of cold coming from the hood. He looks puzzled, before grinning, quite widely. "If you're casting a powerful spell, your mind isn't concerned about burning some grass, is it?"

Derleth looks bemused for a moment, then understanding dawns. He decides not to pursue the subject further, however, not because of Kyrel, but rather because of the bodyguard's presence, which he lost track of in the counting of money. "Aye, an' ah suppose ye have something there. Enjoy yer spoils, Sirrah Mage."

Basel nods. "Indeed I will, good Fortune Follower. May your lady smile on your path." With that, he turns, and slips into the portal. The guard pauses a moment, growling slightly. Head turned toward Kaz, "I suggest you not sneak inside a room I'm in again." The rogue cocks an eye at that, looking a hair surprized.

Kyrel chuckles. "She recognizes your scent, Kaz. I thought that was a bad idea...."

The guard nods. "Indeed, I did. Listen to the voice of reason, next time." A faint growl to punctuate the warning is given, before the eight foot tall mountain turns, and, stooping, moves into the portal, before it closes.

Kyrel remains seated for a minute after the portal closes, then stands up. "I do hope that fellow paid his bill before he left. Let's stash our new equipment in our room and go back downstairs to see what troubles the locals have. I've had the disquieting thought that a vampire could have beaten us here if he had any idea where we were going."

Derleth blanches. "Oh dear. Ye may have a point."

Back in the common room, the barkeep moves to the group. "All done with yer business?"

Derleth smiles to the familiar face. "Aye, my man. Now what be this trouble ye be speaking of, hmm?"

Kevward shakes his head, propping his elbows up on the bar. "Disturbin' things, me friends. There've been at least three disappearances, that I know of. A boy was killed, a few nights ago, too. Looked like he was eaten by wolves... There've been a breaken down at Jamason's shop." He shakes his head. "The women are afraid to let their children out to play."

Kyrel says, "Oh, my... wolves, you say? All the disappearances have been after dark?"

Derleth looks worried. "Eaten by wolves? What made ye think that? An what boy?"

The barkeep screws up his face. "Er...Zenfig, I think. Y'know, one of them boys you taught. Nasty mess they found him in, too... Broken and chewed on, he was. Weird thing, the snow was all scooped up around him, like someone were digging furrows in it."

Kyrel says, "Strange. Who's disappeared?"

"Lesse... There was a woodsman, y'know, the trapper. Then there wa-" He's interrupted as the door to the inn flies open. In rushes one of the farmers. "Hey, hey, there's a fella ridin' into town! Armor dawned, cloak of blood, the horseman's ridin'!"

Vane just sighs irritably. "It's always something."

Derleth draws his flail from his belt. "Look at it this way, elf. It's somethin' else ye can set on fire. Come on, lets see what this is all about..."

Kyrel nods. "Well, we're back, so let's go see about... oh." He turns back to the barkeep. "Kevward. Spread this around. If any of the missing people reappear, or if any strangers arrive in town... under no circumstances should anyone invite them inside. If they step in, fine, but do not invite them. It's important."

Vane shakes his head and removes his dark spectacles. "Your hero complex will be the death of you. All I'm doing is seeing that it isn't the death of me." He moves toward the door.

Kevward gives Kyrel a look. "That's not showing hospitality, you know."

Kyrel sighs, and lowers his voice to a whisper. "I know... but it's important nonetheless. From what you've told me, I suspect we've got a vampire problem. You don't want to risk inviting a vampire into your home or inn. Now, don't spread this around and panic everyone, just tell them what to do to stay safe."

Kevward swears. "Vampire?" He hisses. "By the burning tome. We need the Temple priests for this..."

Kyrel nods to Kevward. "I suspect you're right. We'll do what we can, but they'd help."

Derleth strides outside, stepping out into the street, scanning for the supposed oncoming rider...

The neigh of a horse and the clattering of hooves ringing through the cold air announce the arrival of the horseman.

Kyrel comes out of the inn in time to see the new arrival. "You heard what I told Kevward? No invitations. He doesn't look like he'd be related to Ebrek, but I don't want to take chances."

    His build is one of a beast. His monstrous, orcish heritage is most apparent even upon first glance, overpowering his human features. Even his powerful arms bulge with ferocity with the slightest of movements. Bodan stands a full 5' 11" tall in his pristine breastplate armor and flowing full cloak of the deepest red color. Small tusks jut out from behind his lower lip and his jaw line, as well as his brow, is longer than a human's and much more defined. He wears a single, soft leather glove on his right hand leaving his left uncovered. His skin has light a gray hue to it while his thick, slicked back hair, which falls to just below his shoulders, is as black as pitch. He seems to carry no weapons of any sort and the backpack slung over one shoulder looks as empty as the quiver that rests on the other.

Vane's shoulders droop. "Oh, for the love of... it's a half-orc." He turns from the doorway and stalks back to the inn's interior. "It's not the bloody end of the world."

Kyrel grins as he turns. "Which half?"

Vane says, "Does it matter?"

Spotting the short man coming out of the inn, the horseman reins in his light horse and questions Derleth in a deep voice, "Where might one be finding the stables?"

The deliverer of the message shrugs. "We don't get many horse-ridin' armored folk."

Derleth takes stock of the new arrival. Deciding that he doesn't appear to be an immediate threat, he motions. "Around to the right and in the back, sirrah."

The half orc nods and nudges his steed into motion around the building and out of sight.

Kaz moves to Kyrel and Vane. "If it's anything to either of you, I'd like to just take my share and be going."

A few minutes later the large half-orc strides in the front door, brushing the snow off of his cloak. He looks around for someone who might be able to show him a room for the night.

Vane says, "That's equitable. I'd follow you south, if I hadn't a brother full of noblesse oblige to tend to."

Kyrel chuckles. "I must be getting more impressive. Usually he says I'm full of something else."

Vane doesn't even turn around. "That's not changed."

Kyrel snorts, and adds quietly. "At least it won't be as much trouble to track the thing down. He's followed us, so we won't have to go back north."

Derleth follows the half orc back in and, after giving him another once over as he talks to the inkeeper, goes bacto Kevward. "Ye were saying there were others missing?"

The half orc walks up to the bar to address the man behind, but stands waiting calmly for him to answer Derleth before asking his question.

Kevward gives the half-orc an appraising eye, as does the entire room full, but the barkeep at least doesn't look that bothered. "Whatcha needin'? Food? Room?" He hms, to Derleth. "Eh? Ya, the trapper, one o' the blacksmith boys, and...oh, what's his name? Tomals. Ya, that boy."

The half-orc nods. "A room please, for the night, and perhaps the week."

Derleth grimaces. "Ah....Tomals....that's nae good...nae good at all...he had brass, that one."

Kyrel looks upset. "And magic. This is not a good thing."

Kevward mmhms. "That'll be two gold for the night, fourteen for the week."

The half-orc nods, reaches into his money pouch and hands the innkeeper two gold.

The coins are deposited into a box behind the counter. "Thank ye." Kevward tosses the half-orc a key.

Kaz, noting the lack of protest, shrugs. "Well, then, I'll be seeing you. My stuff is still on my horse."

Vane says, "Ride sure, Kaz. Don't get caught."

Derleth blinks. "What de'ye mean, Kaz? Why de'ye mean to be leaving?"

The half-orc stares at the innkeeper as if waiting for something, then looks down at the key. "Might there be someone to escort me to the room?" He glances at Derleth, obviously listening to the tale of woes the innkeeper is telling him.

The rogue grins. "The only reason I've been caught yet, is because someone had a nose that knows."

Vane says, "So do some undead. Get going... I expect to see you alive again someday."

He ehs? "Oh! Sorry. Second door on the right, just off the stairs." He nods toward one of the barmaids. "If ye need help, she'll show the way."

Kyrel sighs. "We could use your help, Kaz, but if you want to be moving on, I can't say I blame you. Take care, and looks us up if you come back this way.

Vane says, "Don't expect to find me here if you come back to this waste, though."

Derleth blinks. "Kaz, if ye be afraid of the dwarf, running is nae going to keep you safe...we needs ta stay t'gether on this. He'll just pick ye off with naeone t' watch yer back!"

The half-orc glances at the barmaid, "An warm invitation, thank you." He nods and follows the Barmaid to his room.

Kaz nods to the wizards. "No worries. I hope I don't hav eto look for you in the graveyard, friends." Smirking to Derleth, "I'll sleep in a tree. I figure that leech is too stumpy and wide to climb worth his weight."

Vane says, "I hope to see you in warmer climes, Kaz. You should ride while there's still light."

The rogue mmhms. "And, if he's after you, then he'll be after You, and stick around. I've got neither of his trinkets, so I should be fine." With that, the half-elf starts toward the door.

Derleth sighs. "Kaz, he can fly, remember? And he's nae going t just let ye go, despite that me n' Sara were the ones responsible. He'll kill you an enslave you jus' t' get back at us."

Shortly thereafter the half-orc returns to the main room. He approaches the bar and buys a drink, but before he takes even a sip, asks, "You all speak of undead. Are they here already?"

Vane doesn't bother to look up, or reply.

Kyrel nods. "We suspect so. Have you seen signs of them yourself?"

Derleth seems to be concentrating on the departing Kaz, and not on the newly arrive half-orc.

Kaz sends a shrug to Derleth. "I'll set the mare running into the night. Don't worry. I'll watch my back. I don't want to stay any longer then I have to; things to see, places to go. No long-toothed rock-picker is going to stop me."

The half-orc takes another long drink from his mug. "No. But me knew something was afoot here. How do you know of such things? You have seen them, me take it?

Derleth sighs. "As ye like, Kaz. Good riding." The half-elf nods, and slips out the door.

Derleth sits at the bar, and quietly orders something from the bar that's stronger than what he usually drinks.

Some of the patrons seem quite interested in the topic of undead, paying close attention.

Kyrel says, "They've been having troubles here - the innkeeper was just telling us about it - that seem to indicate the possibility."

The half-orc nods. "A great suffering is coming. That much me can tell you." He takes another large gulp of his drink.

Vane says, "You're rather well-informed."

Kyrel nods. "Indeed. Are you a shaman? We could probably use the help if you wish to stay on."

"Not as much as me would like. Suffering, where you find it, you will find me." the large man answers.

Derleth abruptly has an empty mug. Anyone who was paying attention doesn't know when he finished it, but he indicates to Kevward that he wants another. You couldn't tell if he's listening, but he continues to face away from the others.

The barkeep nods, and drops another mug infront of the cleric, and simply stays back and listens, while polishing a tankard.

Derleth catches Bodan's last words. That could be taken one of two ways....

"A shaman, no. Me'm a knight of suffering, and I have come for my duties here." he says as he finishes his drink.

Derleth actually turns around at that. "A knight of suffering." It's not phrased like a question, but it might as well be.

Vane says, "Is that a fact."

Kyrel turns to his brother, speaking quickly in Elven. "What do you think? We could use the muscle if he's on the level."

Derleth abruptly looks like a light went on in his head. "Yer one of the Crying God's ilk."

"Indeed!" the half-orc nods with a a grin, his tusks sticking out even further. "And me would have it no other way. It is me sworn duty"

Derleth waves his nearly empty mug at the two mages. "He's all right, you two. Illmater's folk are right good people."

Kyrel looks enlightened. "Ah. Welcome aboard, then. You are....?"

The half-orc stands, grasps at his blood red cloak and takes a small bow, "Forgive me. Me is Bodan, paladin of Ilmater."

Vane folds his arms, and takes a breath, "Well. Ilmaterites are almost always on the "level"," his speech stilts there; that's a really odd euphemism in Elven, "I'd say he's trustworthy, on that account. Can't account for his personal ambience though."

Bodan says, "Me have come here following a suffering vision, a great darkness sweeping over this town." He turns to the commoners listening, "But me has come to put a stop to the darkness before it befalls any of you" He takes his seat back at the bar.

Vane turns to his brother, "Or his sense of drama."

The patrons start to murmur quietly among themselves.

Kyrel nods and stands as well, offering a hand. "Kyrel Thalassian, a humble practitioner of the Art, and my brother Vane. Kiri, come down and say hello to the nice fellow." The bat flutters down from where he's been sleeping inconspicuously in the rafters and lands on the half-elf's shoulder, chirriping curiously.

Derleth reaches under his armor and pulls out his medallion. "Pleased ta meetcha. Derleth, servant of Lliara. Welcome t' TarlBren." He takes a swing from his mug, which got refilled at some point during that introduction.

Vane just nods.

Bodan says, "Pleased."

Kyrel grins. He's a paladin, you know how they are. He'll be a good fellow to have around. Maybe we can teach him the difference between nominative and objective case pronouns before too long."

Vane regards his little brother blankly. "Never traveled with an Ilmaterian before, have you."

Kyrel looks at Vane. "No, not that I can recall. Tell me about it later."

Derleth decides, at that moment, just for kicks and giggles, to cast a spell. He doesn't quite slur the words, but his voice is thick as he clutches his medallion.

Kyrel nods, and lowers his voice. "At any rate, gentlemen... we might want to move to a more private area to discuss this, before we alarm the locals."

Derleth looks around. "Okay. Yer all shafe. No evil here right now."

Vane says, "It's a little bloody late for that."

Kyrel says, "Better late than never. Shall we go up to one of our rooms to continue this?"

Bodan buys another drink and stands, ready to follow.

Derleth says, "Hold on....Kev, gimmie annuder."

The tender gives Derleth an appraising eye, before filling his tankard up three fourths the way. "Ye be sure to put his head over a chamber pot, or he'll be cleanin' it up."

Vane says, "No more for him, Kevward."

Derleth says, "Shhut up, treehugger. I cansh drink more if I want to."

Derleth tries to get off the stool, gets his feet tangled, and goes *BAM!* as he hits the ground.

Vane frowns. "You're cut off, Derleth. We'll not have you vomiting in a shared--" He sighs at the sound of the cleric making landfall. "--room."

The tender points at the spilled drink. "He's cleanin' that up."

Derleth looks up at the celing. "As the lady qouth....ow."

Kyrel sighs. "Just bring him along for now..."

Bodan frowns as he picks the little man up and places him on his feet.

Bodan says, "Come now, let us all speak."

Derleth says, "Hold on, big fella. Need ta get the hang of walking, firsht."

Derleth actually manages to walk across the room and upstairs without stumbling. He's tipsy, not drunk. But he's also small, and has a low tolerance.

Bodan waits for the other two to lead the way.

Kyrel leads the way upstairs. Once the four are in private, Kyrel tells the story of how the vampire was freed, the unsuccessful search for the missing Sara, and their arrival here only to find that the vampire has apparently arrived first.

Vane tsks and turns away, heading up the stairs. Why must everything be an ordeal?

Derleth busies himself with his waterskin, contributing little to the conversation.

Bodan says, "So you've brought it here. Well no matter. Too bad you have no way of tracking it, but if you believe it to be in the town already tonight would be the best opportunity to search."

Kyrel says, "That's about the size of it. We need to put it down again before it can do any more damage... though I'm not sure that a night-time search is our best bet."

Derleth rubs his temples. "Mebbe we kin get th' vampire t' come to us. On our terms."

Bodan says, "You would look for it while it is secure in its hiding place rather than when it is about and active? Certainly me can't sit tonight, even after me hard ride over the past 3 days, and let the evil do its work."

Kyrel says, "We can try, I suppose... but you read that note, too. He intends to hurt our friends and associates here before he kills us, just out of sheer sadism. We need to find out what he's so worried about with the axehead and gem. The gem was stuck in him before, so why does he insist it's his property now?""

Vane says, "It would behoove us to choose our battlefield carefully. I can't bring my full power to bear in town, if any of you have a vested interest in seeing that the town remains standing."

Derleth points a finger at Kyrel. "That's the question. Is it important or nae? If 'tis important, we can lure him somewheres with it. If it is just somethin' he wants withou' placin' any real value behin' it....that tactic is worthless."

Bodan says, "Well if, as the note says, it is after those you care about before he is going to come after you, there are but two choices. Find him first, or secure all of the loved ones and prepare for an attack."

Kyrel says, "We'd have to secure the entire village.. he'll treat them all as hostages. You're right... I think we'll need to find him."

Derleth nodnods. "The folk in the village are all what matter. Less he wants t' travel hundred o miles south t' find me kin or me brethren."

Vane says, "The daytime would be best for that, when it enters torpor."

Vane says, "Unless dwarven vampires don't sleep."

Kyrel says, "Don't give him ideas." He nods to Vane. "That was my thought, as well. We need an idea of where that might be, though."

Vane says, "Where might the least hallowed ground be? The mine complex?"

Kyrel says, "Which means we may have to venture out at night, at least once."

Bodan nods, "If you have the things he wants, let's announce it while we search for him. Like me said, me don't think you'll be likely to trip over him in the daytime.

Derleth says, "An the least likely time we'll find 'im, Vane. There may be no caves nearby, but ye can be sure he's picked a safe place. We'll nae take him 'cept in a standup fight, I'll bet."

Vane says, "I have no intention of doing that unless forced."

Derleth dismisses Vane. "We'll miss ye."

Vane ignores the slight; he doesn't grace the sodden cleric with his attention. "Kyrel, what say you?"

The window is slowly getting dark, as sunset approaches.

Kyrel says, "I would think that if we can keep the townsfolk inside tonight, they'll be safe enough. Vampires do have trouble entering uninvited. Leaving the safety of the Inn to wander the town at random does not strike me as being a good idea."

Derleth says, "The trick is 'at random', Kyrel. Don't bother looking for the vampire; let 'im come t' us.""

Bodan says, "Wandering at random would not be good. We need to perform a full search, street by street. Do you know this town well?"

Kyrel nods. "We spent six months here over the spring and summer. We know it well enough."

Bodan nods, "Good. Then we go in two's, never more than one street apart at any time, within yelling distance. We should start soon."

Vane says, "Kyrel, I hope you've a better idea than random streetsweeping."

Bodan says, "Hardly random. And we should each take one of the items he is after, announcing that we have them."

Derleth nods. "Naew that's more like it."

Kyrel shakes his head. "No. We should reconstruct it. The axehead and the gem were near each other when found, we should make a new axe. It might have properties."

Vane says, "It would stand to reason that if it struck him down before, it could do so a second time."

Bodan says, "Do we have time for that now?"

Derleth rolls his eyes. "D'ye have skill in repairing a magic item? Kyrel, the axe is broken. No magic resides in't. Even if we made them part of a new axe, t'wouldn't have power less ye enchanted it all o'er.

Kyrel says, "We make time. If we hear something outside, we can investigate, but we should put it back together first." He stares at Derleth. "Really? You know more about magic than Vane and I?"

Vane watches the darkening twilight outside the window. "Don't bother, little brother. If they're set upon their course, let them do as they will."

Derleth says, "Knowing about magic means nothing less ye know the roight things, lad. Ah may nae be schooled in the matter mysel, but I've seen the smiths making items fer the church. This tis no easy matter ye bespeaking of."

Kyrel shakes his head. "We'll all be needed. And we must not wander around in pairs. It'll take all of us and luck to defeat the thing, and going about in small groups will only let him defeat us in detail."

Bodan says, "If you wish to work on that, then that is your plight. Me will not let it become that of the people who here. Me will not rest this night, Me'll be searching."

Derleth nods. "Right, then. So we stand our ground on a field of our choice, and lure the beast in with his broken bauble."

Kyrel says, "Derleth, this item was already forged. Some enchantments are tied to the unity of an object, and restoring that unity restores the enchantment. I'm not saying it definitely will, but there's a chance of it." He nods. "That much I'll agree with. As long as we're together.""

Derleth says, "Ah, wan' us t' be together. T'was why ah dinnae want Kaz t' leave."

Vane doesn't raise his head from where he's leaning against the wall, looking down onto the street. "Kaz may have had the proper idea. I'll do as you see fit, Kyrel... I'll let you make the decision for you and I."

Derleth stares daggers briefly at Vane's back.

Kyrel says, "I still think we should wait. Derleth, let's see that axehead."

Derleth shrugs and reaches over to the saddlebags he brought in and withdraws it, handing it over.

Kyrel looks at it carefully, noting the size of the shaft it requires and comparing that to the gemstone claw, trying to decide if they're the same size.

Derleth says, "Ah still wonder why Sara removed the sharpened haft remaining...an wha happen t' her..."

The holes seem to be the exact same size, the broken haft protruding from beneath the head exactly the same diamater needed for the pummel.

Bodan stands, "Me's going out. Were any of you coming?"

Derleth says, "Where you going, Sir Paladin?"

Vane doesn't stir from his place by the window.

Bodan says, "Me'll go, starting from one end of town to the other if nobody is going to come with me." and begins walking out the door.

Vane sighs quietly. "And Ilmater keep you."

Derleth sighs. "Stay here and do what ye like with the axe. I'd best keep an eye on him."

Kyrel says, "Don't get too far. We'll back you up if we hear you... I'm going to see if Kevward has anything we can use."

Derleth rises, grabs the spare flasks of holy water that he was blessing, and follows.

Bodan utters a quick prayer and begins searching for evil as he walks boldly out the door. "And you Vane..."

Vane hms. "I'm sure he will." There's been no shortage of suffering in my life. I suspect I'm not going to run out soon, at this rate.

Derleth erms at Bodan as he follows. "Did ye...need a weapon or aught?"

Bodan answers Derleth as he walks down the steps, "Me's got everything me needs. Except maybe, if you had some extra holy water."

Derleth looks dubious, and gives the half-orc two of his eight vials.

Bodan says, "Me thanks. You hold the power to turn such a creature, do you not?"

Kyrel wraps the gem in cloth and goes downstairs to see if Kevward has any axehandles available that might fit the clawed pommel.

Vane follows his brother, tipping his hat down toward his eyes.

Derleth momentarily goes to the center of the common room, chanting to his Goddess as he sprinkles some silver dust about. "Aye." he says as he finishes his ritual. "But it remains t' be seen if I have th' power to turn a creature of such malevolence."

The barkeep hms? "Eh? No... Y'might need to check with the blacksmith, for weapons, and the proper hafts."

Bodan while heading out the door, "If you wish to attempt, make sure me am near, me assist you"

Derleth nods absently. "Aye, sirrah. But ah think twill require more than that. Besides, we want t' kill the foul beast, nae drive it away."

Kyrel nods. "Okay. First thing in the morning." He waits until Bodan and Derleth have left, then sends Kiri to keep an eye on them.

Bodan says, "But if it isn't willing ta fight us, then we can chase it down and destroy it."

Kyrel waits in the inn's common room, seeming to doze off as he watches through his familiar's eyes.

Vane folds his arms, seating himself next to his brother and leaning the chair back against the wall, after the others have gone. "We're going to go after them, aren't we, little brother."

Bodan strides out the door, Derleth in tow, "let's begin on this side..."

A scream, followed by shouts, filters in from outside.

Derleth snarls. "Damme." and pushes past the half-orc, one hand with a vial of holy water, the other with his flail.

Bodan looks about quickly, holy water in each hand.

As the pair race outside, they can see the bright flare of flames as they ripple and dance along the roofs of two houses, in the next street over, smoke as black as death pouring into the night sky.

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Last modified: 2001-Apr-19 23:10:57

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