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(OOC) Sat Jun 9 1901 11:14 AM by "ScarGM" at "Scar Soundstage" (OOC)

ScarGM says, "For reasons of your own, each of you have come to the small-to-medium sized city of Cannas, located in northwestern Lageni near the crossroads of the Vashenyi River and the Irontooth Pass. This area constitutes one of the more heavily trafficked areas, by merchants at least. Cannas itself has its origins as a well-defended bandit camp in which a very powerful thieves/merchants guild conglomerate has formed. When Lageni became occupied by the forces of King Virduk, the military saw that the Guild, known as the Clenched Glove, would be a better ally than enemy, and thus allowed the Guild to remain in control of the city in return for services performed by the Guild's members."

ScarGM says, "The Guild's members include everyone alive in Cannas. To not be a Guild member is hazardous to one's health."

ScarGM says, "Undoubtedly, you have come to Cannas seeking opportunities for wealth or adventure, and indeed you have found them, though perhaps not quite like you hoped. The Guild has put each of you up in your own closet-sized apartment in the residential sector of the city. Your corner of the residential section is the most out-of-the-way, crummy, run-down, low-class section available. The apartments are in buildings two-stories high, and the Guild's workers are crammed into them like soldiers in a barracks. The buildings are arranged in a square-like fashion and there is a very large bell in the center of this square, which you have grown used to hearing as a summons to work for whatever task the Guild has for you that day."

ScarGM says, "It is currently early morning, around 6:30 am. Each of you is in your apartment, presumably lying in your cot or just getting up, when you hear the loud metallic clang of the workbell sounding in the center."

Flibsy rolls over, trying to find a little more warmth by tolling the cloak around her a little further. And why can't management at least provide a pillow? That would be so much nicer than the bedbugs.

ScarGM says, "Dawn was approximately 45 minutes ago. The sunlight is starting to pour in through cracks in the shutters and walls of your cells"

Bret who is already dressed goes down to see what drudgeries the day has to offer.

Libby wakens with a scowl, almost fully dressed... no telling when somebody Official might come barging in. She stretches quickly, conceals the things she doesn't want to leave behind (in case an escape opportunity arises) on her person, and pulls her cap over her ears before heading out.

ScarGM says, "Those of you who get up find other residents coming out of their rooms as well, hurrying down stairs and out into the center of the square to form a half-circle in front of a group of large men. Four men total, three standing behind one who is obviously the leader. All bear large and nasty-looking swords at their belts, and the three men behind the leader all bear large crossbows at the ready. None of them look particularly pleasant. The leader is reading names from a list."

Leader says, "Good morning, Guildsmen! Today is your lucky day! We have a work assignment for each and every one of you! Form a line to my right as I call your name. Goran...(a large looking human male steps out of the crowd and walks to his right)...Sammuel...(a human/orc crossbreed follows)...

Leader says, "Bret..."

Leader says, "Libby..."

Leader says, "...Flibsy..."

Libby walks meekly over to join the line.

Flibsy says, "Flibsy rolls over, pulling her cloak over her head. So she's not there ..."

Guild Sergeant looks at the line and scowls, looks back to his list, running his finger down and checking something.

Libby sizes up the human and half-orc beside her thoughtfully. Good. They're much bigger than I am, and therefore more likely to get noticed... or decide to pick on me. We'll see...

Flibsy catapults out of bed as she hears her name called, grabbing cloak and backpack and sprinting for the sqare. Faced with a mass of workers, she starts squirming to reach the front.

Goran grins, wide eyed, and says "oooh, boy, this is going to be fun"

Guild Sergeant booms, "Alright, the other six of you who's names I didn't call, form a line to my left. You've got a different assignment. Who's missing?...(checks his list again, then motions to one of the men behind him)

Goran grins and chuckles. He turns to face Bret. "I love working for the Guild. Don't you?"

Goran doesn't quite seem to be all there...

Libby watches Goran and Bret, hiding amusement very carefully.

The thug the Guild Sgt. motioned to heads off towards the end of the square and kicks open the door of the last apartment. Some shouting and screaming is heard. Fragments of "...can't take it anymore..." "...don't want to die..." "...no, NO!..." are heard, followed by a high-pitched twang. The Guild thug walks out of the apartment, reloading his crossbow.

Flibsy moves to stand between Libby and Bret, one hand looking for Libby's ...

The Guild Sergeant continues. "Alright, the five of you whose names I didn't call, you go with Corporal Thurn here (Corporal Thurn appears to be the one reloading his crossbow). The rest of you, follow me.

Libby's hand catches the youngster's for a moment, to squeeze reassuringly. She hopes.

The Guild Sergeant heads off, one of the other Grunts follows him. The other two Guildmen accompany the other five persons, mostly human, one halfling, all very sullen-looking. The two parties approach the edge of the square. Your party turns right, towards where you know the Guild's headquarters (and most of the rest of the city) to be. The other party turns left, and the only thing you can think of to the left is the a bridge being built over a very treacherous river.

Goran continues to grin crazily and wide-eyed and looks towards Sammuel. "This is going to be soooo much fun."

The Guild Sergeant barks back at Goran, "No talking!" Goran grins even wider, if that's possible, and says "Yes sir! No more talking, sir!"

Goran is human, about 5 and a half feet tall, with very close-cropped blonde hair and a permanently crazy look on his face. He looks happy. Very very very happy. Definitely the word to describe him would be happy. Or crazy.

Goran is dressed in a plain Brown tunic and breeches. He wears boots that look very well-worn. He carries no obious weapons. He grins at each of you and mumbles under his breath while bouncing slightly in his steps. "...so much fun...just love doing this..."

Flibsy smiles, look up at Libby wistfully, her lack of inches hiding her in almost every crowd. From underneath the oversized beret, brown eyes gleam under mobile brown eyebrows, and long hair hangs down her back. Her cloak is a demure brown, and well covered in road dust, although a fw tattered knots of ribbons are still attached at the shoulders, elbows, and knees of the tunic and trews below to indicate that she's a traveling jongleur. Obviously a very young one; she doesn't look old enough to have hit puberty yet, although her face is already losing its babyfat.

ScarGM says, "As your little work party walks, you pass roads leading to other corridors of the city. You've never been allowed to roam freely in this city. The people who inhabit the areas you've never been to pay dearly for privacy and protection. As near as you can guess, this entire city is a big haven for criminals, less-than-ethical merchantlords, and other folks who would not be bothered."

Bret is tall, about six feet, rawboned, beardless, with a roguishly appealing face. His dusty blonde hair is cut an inch above his shoulder. He moves with a nonchalant grace.

Libby is a thin, nondescript female of middle height (about 5'5"). Her features aren't particularly memorable or attractive; the best adjective for her might be 'gangly.' Pale skin and the straight, white-blonde hair hanging stringily down to midback from under a knit cap make her seem washed-out, and the drab browns of her garments don't change that. The only spot of color on her is her eyes, more amethyst than blue. Her age could be anywhere from mid-teens to mid-twenties.

ScarGM says, "Your workparty walks for close to twenty minutes at a brisk pace. Goran grins and bounces the whole way, making ...VERY...cheerful remarks about working for the guild...ceaselessly. Finally and suddenly, the Guild Sergeant stops in front of an unlabeled, nondescript door in the side of a very plain-looking wooden building. The building is two stories tall. How deep it runs cannot be determined from where you are. There are no windows or signs as far as you can see. "

Guild Sergeant, "In through this door, take a seat inside."

Libby follows meekly and quietly where the group is led. The only thing she does that wouldn't match a spiritless golem is to lightly touch the small girl for comfort, should she seem to want it again.

Flibsy follows right on Libby's heels, holding her hand whenever allowed, and looking up and around at all she can see ...

ScarGM says, "The other Guildman ushers you all in through to door, then shuts the door behind you. The five of you are now in a room 10' tall, 20' long, and 15' wide. There are a number of chairs set against one wall, and there is a large table/podium against the opposite wall, behind which is a door, closed."

Bret gives a discretely appraising look to Goran, goes in and has a seat.

Flibsy looks around briefly, and then climbs into a seat, hoping Libby will sit next to her.

Goran grins widely and sits in his seat, clenching his fists in anticipation of something.

Libby stays next to the child when picking a seat. Soft heart will get you killed someday, Denaelibelian...

Flibsy looks sideways at Libby, and begins to chatter nervously. "What do you think they have planned for us? DO you think it will make a good song? I haven't found any good songs yet and if I never find any good songs then how will I ever ... but they don't sing very much, do they?"

Libby leans slightly over to speak to the short girl. Her voice is more pleasant than her features, warm and low. "Are you a singer, then, girl? I have no idea what they want of us today, but no, they don't seem to sing very much here."

Bret settles back into his seat, not showing his inner turmoil. Anything that has this Goran this excited cannot be good for anyone's continued health.

Flibsy nods. "I sing lots of songs and I tells stories. I know lots of stories. And then people buy me milk and give me a place to sleep. They told me I could sing lots of songs here but ... I think they lied."

Libby flicks a glance over at Bret. Not one of the big guys, but too good-looking to be trustworthy. Looks like I'm stuck babysitting. The little one shouldn't be alone.

Libby says softly to the girl, "I think you might be right. Who told you this?"

Sammuel sits quietly, his face showing no emotion. He wipes a bit of drool away and says nothing. His description, btw, is that of a big half-orf looking guy.

ScarGM says, "after a few minutes, the door behind the podium opens and a very serious looking man with stacks of papers in his arms comes into the room. He is wearing the same scale-mail that the thugs were wearing, but he appears to be more of an officer-type."

The man sets his papers down on the table and begins going through them, looking at a paper, then one of you, nodding and setting that paper aside, proceeding to the next... After a while, he looks up and says "Good morning. My name is Theed. You're about to receive instructions on your work assignment, and you'll have a chance to ask me any questions you may have. For some...no, for all of you, this is your first major work assignment with us. This will be a very different type of work than you've been used to previously. Consider this a promotion.

Flibsy timidly raises one grimy hand.

Theed voice sounds full of a bit of disdain as he regards you all, but mainly indifference.

Theed looks down his nose at Flibsy. "Yes?" he asks, sounding mildly annoyed at being interrupted.

Flibsy cringes. "Will we be ... leaving the city, oh Wise and Munificent Sir sir?

Theed snorts a little. "Yes."

Thead says, "Now, please, if I may continue..."

Theed says, "Some of our scouts are reporting that there is an increase in dwarven activity in some of our mines in the Kelder Mountains, notably the ones closest to Irontooth Pass. Obviously, this matter is of great concern both to the Guild and to King Virduk. We are sending you to investigate and report back.

ScarGM says, "One piece of information we've heard is that these dwarves don't seem like regular dwarves. We haven't heard anything more on that."

Theed says, "And you'll be leaving this afternoon. We'll provide you with some directions and guide you out of the city. If there aren't any questions..."

Flibsy raises her hand again. Timidly. "Will this be dangerous? Because I don't have barely any weapons, and ... ummm ...

Libby listens attentively but quietly.

Theed stares at Flibsy for a moment before answering, his brow furrowing. "You have no weapons? Well that's hardly the Guild's fault. I suppose we can slip you in for a brief visit to the quartermaster. Otherwise, I'm surprised you didn't bring anything with you. Where are all your backpacks? Haven't you packed for this already?

Goran turns to Bret, grinning wildly. "Weapons? We can have weapons? Oh, boy this is fun!"

Libby shakes her head meekly and peers up at Thead. "No, great sir. We were not given instructions to pack, and need supplies."

Flibsy sniffles. "I ... I didn't know we needed to .... I'm sorry sir. I'll talk to the Quarter master, sir. I'll ... maybe he'll sell me a dagger for a song, sir? I know good ..." Uh oh.

Theed looks down at one of his papers and shakes his head, grumbling. "You were supposed to be notified of this last night. I suppose now we'll have to give you time to pack your belongings as well. You may be gone for a week or more, so I suggest you take everything you think you may need.

Bret "Indeed." Gods, how did I get myself into this? Lunatics on one side and...Oh no.

Theed looks through a few more papers, making marks on a few of them.

Theed, without looking up, says "Ah yes, due to the nature of this mission, you'll be leaving the city by way of the sewers. I suggest you pack your things well."

Libby waits patiently to be released to go pack, showing no sign of... well, the intelligence to have a problem with that.

Flibsy says, "Sewers? But why not the ... Yes Sir. The sewers, sir." I wonder if someone will volunteer to carry me. These are my last ribbons."

Libby says, "Yes, sir. Do you want us to pack first, sir, or go to the quartmaster first, sir?"

Libby says, "****Editor: quartERmaster."

Theed looks back up and smiles the most insincere smile you've ever seen. "Well, unless you have any more questions, that will be all. Good luck to you...(mumbles something about the last scouting party sent out)...Private Benson will meet you outside and escort you to the quartermaster, then to your lodgings, then to the sewers."

Theed gives Libby an odd look for having asked him a question answered by what he was saying at the time.

Libby nods meekly. "Thank you, sir."

Bret nods inwardly. Of course, it's the sewers. And just maybe we won't get cut down by the guards while leaving the city.

Flibsy listens intently to the mumbling, trying to make it out.

Flibsy says, "That would be a ... not likely. :)"

ScarGM says, "Flibsy hears nothing beyond the mumbling and the topic thereof"

Bret did I catch the mumbling by chance?

ScarGM says, "if none of you have anything else to say/ask, you are ushered back out onto the street where you meet Pvt. Benson."

ScarGM says, "**********editor ^^"

Bret *********editor: strike the Did I comment.

Private Benson is a large, surly, and not entirely bright looking human male with a close-to-shaved head, scale mail barely fitting him, and a massive broadsword belted to his waist. He towers over all of you save for Sammuel, who he sees eye-to-eye.

Benson is standing rigidly at attention while you exit the briefing room.

Goran grins at Benson. "Hi! Are you Benson? Can you take us to the Quartermaster? They're going to give us WEAPONS!"

Flibsy follows Libby back out the door, glancing apprehensively up at Benson, and twitching away from Goran.

Benson jumps a bit (a couple feet or so, just a bit at his size), and looks at you rather than staring into the distance. "Uhh, yah. Dis way. Follow me." and trots off down further the way you were going to get to the briefing room.

Libby's face is devoid of expression. Goran's going to be useful... if the Quartermaster gives us a gag and a leash. Otherwise, we may have to remove his tongue to keep him quiet. Pity we can't keep Benson too.

Libby follows Benson.

Flibsy follows Libby following Benson. "Do you know how to read maps, Libby? I can read maps. I like reading maps. Maps are like stories in a foreign language."

Bret follows Benson. Appraising this bunch he's been thrust into.

Bret *********Editor Note that that should be one sentence, not two.

Libby ponders... Wonder if we can get dumb-and-quiet instead of dumb-and-mouthy? Ah, yes. Then there's just Mouthy...

Libby answers Flibsy quietly as they walk. "Not very well, but some. I'd like it if you'd show me how to do it better sometime."

Benson trots a short distance (forcing a couple of you to run just to keep up with him), rounds a corner to the right, and comes to an abrupt halt (spinning with surprising grace for one of his size on one foot, bringing the other foot together perfectly at the heel; you get the impression this bird got a little overcooked in training), and says "Here yar. Cordermaster."

Libby smiles at Benson. "Thank you, Private." She walks in to see the Quartermaster.

Benson motions you in through a door to his left (your right)

Flibsy looks around, and chews on her thumb, before running after Libby.

The Quartermaster's warehouse is a huge expanse of shelving in a massive room. You enter into a small partitioned area at the head of this room, but you can see over the partition to the racks of weapons, armor, and equipment of all sorts.

Bret turns to Goran. "You're the longsword sort aren't you?"

Goran GRINS and turns to Bret. "Me? No, no, I like maces."

Libby looks around for an actual Quartermaster-- is anyone watching what she takes?

A man walks up to a counter in the partition. "Papers?" he asks, without even looking at you.

Libby says, "We were sent with Private Benson. Perhaps he has them, if we were given any."

Bret says, "Oh of course and you're probably good with a flail, too."

Flibsy digs around in her tunic, and finally pulls out a scrubby little piece of paper. It's got some writing on it. "I was sent, oh marvellous sir, to trade some songs for daggers, sir, on account of great dangers, sir, and I still have a verse or two free for a handsome man such as you, sir. Please?

Libby says, "We're here to be outfitted for the dwarven scouting party by the mines."

Goran grins wider. "Well, yes indeed, but I like maces. I really like maces. What do you like? Isn't this fun?"

Libby spares Flibsy a mildly astonished look. Oh well, diversion's good too.

The man behind the counter looks at Flibsy's paper and snorts. "Try again. We don't accept songs here. Only currency and credit papers."

Libby looks around for rations, or darts...

Flibsy puts the paper away again, after scribbling an annotation. "Currency, sir? I have a few coppers. How many daggers will that buy me, sir?

Bret "Sir Quartermaster, we were sent by Master Theed to obtain weapons for the dwarven scouting party, surely you've already been notified of our coming?"

The man behind the counter grunts. "Form a line. One at a time. You first, kid. (looking at Flibsy)."

Libby's eyes show a small grin... Oh yes. Diversion.

Flibsy bounces up and down. "Look, Libby, he's gonna sell me daggers. Lots of daggers. Nice sharp daggers. Good ones. Right, oh magnanimous Master sir?

The man behind the counter says "None. But if you sign this here paper, you can void a portion of your pay and take a dagger on loan.

Libby nods and slips out the door to see if Private Benson is still there.

Private Benson is indeed still there, standing at exactly the same position you left him at.

Libby says, "Private. Were you given any papers for us?"

The paper the man is referring to seems to be a very long and detailed contract to the extent of voiding 150% of the cost of the item out of your pay to rent it, with a 75% refund if its returned in good order

Flibsy peers over the counter. "Can I sign it six times, and get six throwing daggers? And how much are we getting paid? And can I get a flint too? Mine broke."

Benson turns to you and says, "uh, nope"

The man snorts again (he seems to do that a lot). "No, sonny, I haven't already been notified you were coming. and to answer your question, kid, you sign it once, and I list what items you check out on the back. As for how much you're getting paid, if you've forgotten already, how in the nine hells do you expect me to know?

Libby asks Benson, "Can you take me back to Theed? We need to have papers to get supplies."

Benson grunts and says, "uhhhhh..."

Flibsy signs the piece of paper F. Gibbet. There's a heart dotting the i, and happy faces in the bellies of the b. And she gratefully accepts six throwing daggers, and a flint. And longingly eyes the wineskins.

the man behind the counter motions for Bret, the next in line, to come forward.

The Quartermaster waits for Bret to come forward

Bret goes up to the QM.

The Quartermaster looks at Bret expectantly. "Well? What do you need?

Libby looks carefully at Private Benson for signs of comprehension, or a forthcoming answer.

Benson says, "uhhhh..."

Flibsy goes outside to find Libby and show her the new pointy sharp daggers. "See? They're so pretty. And they were really cheap. Just a signature. Why are you talking to Benson? Is he gonna come with us? Do you think he likes daggers? Why doesn't his scalemail fit? Are you gonna buy anything once Bret is done?

Bret says, "Yes, I'd like a rapier and a crossbow with 16 bolts."

The Quartermaster leaves and comes back quickly with those items and another credit sheet. He hands it to Bret to sign, then motions Goran forward.

Libby says, "Nevermind, Private," after looking at him again, and turns to Flibsy. "Yes, pretty. No, I don't think he's coming. Yeah, I should go in." She goes back inside.

Bret signs the sheet 'B. Vindessen'.

Bret moves aside for Goran.

Goran grins ear-to-ear and says "Hi! I'd like a biiiiiiiiiig mace, please! And a smaller mace! And a lantern and some oil for it! And some cheese! And a grappling hook! And a week's worth of iron rations! And that's all."

Libby joins the line behind Goran.

The quartermaster grunts. "No cheese here." He returns with the rest of Goran's items and another sheet. "Next!" Sammuel moves forward

Libby waits to go after Sammuel. He's bigger.

Sammuel says, "One week rations."

Goran says, "Thanks a lot! This is so great!"

The QM nods and brings Sammuel's rations and a sheet. Sammuel pays for the rations rather than sign the sheet.

The QM shouts, "NEXT!" which brings up Libby.

Flibsy waits outside, singing a song of bravery and pigs for Benson.

Benson looks down at Flibsy and continues saying, "uhhhmmmm...."

Libby says, "One week's rations, a lantern and oil, a grappling hook, 5 pitons, and 50 feet of silk rope. And poison or poisoned darts, if you have any."

Libby says, "Oh, and a bedroll."

the QM looks incredulously at Libby. "The rations, lamp, oil, hook, spikes, and bedroll are no problem. We don't loan silk rope. You buy it or you get hemp rope. And I'm going to forget I heard you ask about poison.

He continues, "And if you cut my hemp rope, I'll tan your hide when you get back.

Libby says, "How much to buy silk rope, then? It's lighter and I'm not a horse."

He goes on, "Though you might reconsider the hook, your buddy there's already got one. Might want to take it away from him before he hurts himself on it. He doesn't seem quite right."

Libby grins faintly to the Quartermaster. "You have a very good point there, sir."

Libby says, "All right, no hook for me."

ScarGM says, "Well, the way silk's been running lately, our silk rope is 150 golden crowns for a 50 foot length."

Libby says, "Too rich for me. To buy hemp, how much?"

The QM says, "Hemp's cheaper, 10 crowns for 50 feet

Bret says, "I'm starting to worry about my own equipment as well."

Libby nods. "Eh, put hemp on the loan sheet too then."

ScarGM says, "The QM nods and gets your requested items and has you sign your sheet.""

Libby signs hers in a scrawl that might say Libby and then something else that probably ends in 'n'.

The QM grins, a truly beastly sight to behold, and says "Pleasure doin' business with ya. Y'all have a good trip, and bring my stuff back safe."

The QM then slides down a cover over the hole in the partition. Everyone make a listening check

Bret exits smiling. The one universal constant; corruption.

Bret "Chin up, Benson."

ScarGM says, "everyone hears the QM say from behind the partition as he's walking off, "Poor bastards""

Goran grins.

ScarGM says, "after you head back out, Private Benson takes a few minutes to count you all to make sure you're there. He has to stop and start over a few times, check the math on his fingers, roll his eyes back and squint a lot, but after a few minutes he seems satisfied that you're all there. He then trots back towards your residences."

ScarGM says, "all five of you :)"

Libby follows, stuff in her arms.

Flibsy follows Libby, while sliding the daggers into various pocketses.

Goran runs along, grinning gleefully, humming what sounds like King Virduk's Royal Theme.

Bret follows Benson. Once back at the apartment he'll gather his things.

Once back at the apartments, Flibsy disappears into her cell, where amidst much mumbling and rearranging, her backpack is packed. And then packed again without the spider in the bottom. After that she'll wait in the square.

Libby notes to Flibsy, "Look, someone does sing." Her face is straight.

ScarGM says, "about thirty minutes later, you're all back at your apartments. "Here yar, pack yer gear." Benson says."

Libby says, "*****editor: Please stick my last comment earlier where it's appropriate."

Libby takes her armload into her cell and emerges several moments later wearing a backpack.

Bret joins the rest wearing a large belt pouch and a backpack.

Flibsy emerges, wearing a backpack under her cloak. Her ribbons are still attached, and wave limply in the nonexistent breezes.

ScarGM says, "Benson goes through the counting ordeal again. Once satisfied again that you're all present, he says "Follow me" and trots off, this time veering down an alley, then another alley, then another, then back up the main road a ways. At times, you almost think he might be deliberately trying to have you lose your trail, but then you remember he's an idiot. He continues winding his way through smaller streets until he comes to a manhole guarded by two more large thugs with crossbows. He comes up at attention before them. "Here yar" he says."

ScarGM says, "the crossbow thug on the right slings his weapon and grabs a crowbar that was leaning against the wall. he pries up the lip of the manhole cover, and Benson grabs the cover and pulls it aside."

Libby says, "Do we get a guide through the sewers?"

Bret with a friendly smile, "You have five of us and you have five fingers. Why not just count your fingers, it'd go faster."

ScarGM says, "Benson doesn't hear Bret's comment as he hops down through the hole, disappearing into the darkness."

Libby sighs and follows Benson.

Flibsy carefully climbs down too.


ScarGM says, "the hole descends about ten feet to a flat stone platform. This does not appear to be a used section of the sewers....as, well, there's no sewerage around, and it doesn't stink to high heaven."

Flibsy follows Libby and Benson, straining to see into the dark, and holding Libby's hand whenever Libby permits.

ScarGM says, "its very, very dark. Suddenly the world becomes a shower of sparks and light as Pvt Benson runs one end of what appears to be a torch along the wall. It catches flame, looking like no more than a match in Benson's huge hands."

Bret follows the last, looking warily to see if any of those guards are going with them.

ScarGM says, "no guards follow. the manhole cover is put back in place after the last of the party has gone down."

Goran grins. "Wow, this is great. I've never been in the sewers before, have you? This is fun!"

Bret will keep an eye to note any markings on the walls and any support structures, particularly near the mouth of the sewer entrance.

Libby looks around, hoping to see some way of identifying the way back in...

Flibsy looks around too ...

Goran grins and doesn't look anywhere in particular.

Sammuel grunts. You notice that he has a very long spiked chain around his waist

Benson reaches into a pouch at his belt and rummages around in it for a while. He finds a scroll-case. "For you" he hands it out. "Who wants it?"

Flibsy jumps up and down. "ooooh. Can I have a look, Sergeant Benson?

Libby reaches for it. "I'll carry it."

Benson starts handing it to Flibsy.

Libby moves to intercept, smiling. "Of course you can look, Flibsy, but I'm taller-- and it's wet here. I think I should carry it, if you don't mind?"

Libby says, "What is it? A map?"

Flibsy looks at Libby. "Why don't I carry it, and you carry me? I can't swim."

Benson says, "Alright, I'm done. Good luck. Don't die or nuttin"

Flibsy says, "We won't, Benson. I promise someday you'll hear all about this trip!"

Libby chuckles, "I don't think I'm strong enough to carry you and my pack, little one. Maybe one of the big fellows can."

Benson hands his torch over to Goran. Goran, you notice, is no longer just wearing a simple tunic but is now clad in what appears to be a suit of chainmail, covered by a fairly flowing cloak. He's still grinning wild-eyed

Libby says, "I don't think swimming's going to be a problem."

ScarGM says, "There is no water where you are at. You are on a platform in a tunnel. A ladder goes up. The tunnel runs more or less north/south."

Libby says, "Let's look in the scrollcase, shall we?"

Benson begins climbing back up the ladder. He knocks on the manhole cover, which is slid away. He climbs out, and the manhole is slid back into place.

Flibsy says, "See, Libby? No water. I can keep this case with my other notes. But yeah, let's have a look ..." With that, Flibsy carefully opens up the scrollcase and looks inside."

Libby shrugs cheerfully to Flibsy and moves to look at the contents as well.

ScarGM says, "inside the scrollcase is a crude map with a big red arrow pointing to one end. Everyone looking at the map make a wisdom check"

Bret moves in to have a look, "I'd think we all better have a look."

Flibsy starts tracing lines on the paper. "See here, Libby, these must be the sewers. And here ... I bet that's where the sewers come out. And ... hmmm ... there's X's here. Those don't look so good, mebbe we should avoid 'em. See? Mapreading is easy." Flibsy smiles happily, and continues tracing out paths.

Bret says to Flibsy, "Can you figure out where we are on that?"

Libby nods to Flibsy's comments, looking serious.

Flibsy says, "That would be an ... "I'm not sure?""

Flibsy says, "*****Editor: Please nuke last Flibsy "That would be ... "

Flibsy points at the map again. "I think, Bret ... I think we're here. Or herre. Could be either. But see, if we follow the tunnel north, one of them will branch here, and the other won't ... so we should know soon enough ...

Flibsy puts down her pack for a moment and starts digging. After spending some time pawing through the tightly packed backpack, she pulls out a little pencase, and holds it aloft. "See? When we know, we can mark it! And then we can find it again."

Bret says, "That'll have to do for now. I want to take a closer look at that map, later, but for now we'd better move before those guards back there get antsy."

Libby nods. "I wish we could mark the entrance back in, though... maybe we could scorch the wall with the torch?"

Flibsy says, "Why can't we just mark it on the map Libby? That way they don't know that we know where the exit is?"

Libby says, "What if the map doesn't make it back with us?"

Bret says, "We could tie a ribbon to the torch socket."

Flibsy oooohs at Bret. "You have ribbons?"

Goran starts heading off towards what he thinks is the north, wielding the torch in front of him, grinning. He draws a very large mace in his other hand. Everyone make a spot check.

Libby eyes Flibsy's outfit thoughtfully and nods to Bret. "That's a good idea."

Libby says, "There goes our torch. Better follow."

Bret strides up to Goran, "You seem to have an idea where you're going, but you said you've never been down here before..."

Flibsy notices the torch leaving and packs up the map carefully, protectively hiding it in her tunic, before running after the party.

Libby follows her own advice. I hope I can come back in through the front gate... if I come back here.

Goran looks at Bret and smiles. For the first time, his grin doesn't look quite as maniacle as it had. "I'm going out. Just following directions," he says in quite a different voice than he's used thus far...more determined sounding...

Libby trots up to Goran. "You know the way?"

Goran says, "Nope! I saw the map. We head this way, out of the sewers, out of the city. Having fun yet?"

Bret says, "Okay...But let's not make getting out, getting dead, okay?"

Libby looks thoughtfully at Goran. "Of course I'm having fun. We're on a special mission from the Glove."

Flibsy catches up and catches her breath. Her dagger is out and at the ready. "Lead on, Goran. I was right. It was here, not there, on the map ..."

Goran griiiiiins at Bret and says, "No, no, no getting dead, that's no fun at all. I'm good at not getting dead, I am. And at keeping you all from not getting dead, either, if it comes down to it, if the Gods tell me and let me."

Bret says sotto voce to Flibsy, "Are you certain?"

Libby says, "Well, thank goodness the party has someone the Gods may talk to."

Flibsy nods at Bret, whispering back. "I'll mark it when we're out and stopped for lunch. Don't worry. And see, you don't even have to sacrifice one of your ribbons."

Goran looks to Libby and grins. "Oh, the Gods talk to all of us, but not everyone hears."

Bret says, "That's a relief." Funny, he doesn't look like the religious sort.

Libby says, "Mm."

Flibsy pulls the map back out, though, and keeps checking the route as Goran leads the party. Every so often, she sprints to catch back up again.

Goran leads onward though he doesn't seem to be assuming the role of the party leader, just the guy in front.

Libby draws a dagger too as she advances into the darkness, following the lone torch.

Bret says, "I'd suggest, Goran and Bret to the fore, Flibsy and libby in the middle, and Samuel taking up the rear, for now.

Bret ack, that should have been +4

Bret *************Editor Strike that +4 line

ScarGM says, "You head down the corridor towards a bend to the right. There is some water now, an inch or two, at your feet, and the smell of filth has been getting progressively worse. Up ahead around the bend, you think you see something scurry around the corner away from you.""

Bret says softly, "Keep your head above the water whatever happens."

Flibsy puts the map away carefully, and stays very near Bret.

Goran grins and says, "I told you this would be fun." Everybody roll initiative.

ScarGM says, "about 15 feet ahead of the party, just around the bend, are visible two very large rats, on the order of 2.5 feet long or so... From the squeaking sound, there are more around the corner. Neither the party nor the rats are surprised. Sammuel goes first, covering the 15 feet and swinging at the rats"

Sammuel swings his spiked chain at one of the rats, hitting it squarely and ripping it messily in half. Nasty weapon, that chain. He calls back, "There's more"

Goran advances, grinning and yelling. He takes a mighty swing at the second visible rat, but his mace misses as the rat cringes back just in time.

ScarGM says, "rat1 misses Sammuel"

ScarGM says, "another rat appears from around the corner and tries to bite sammuel. and misses."

Bret goes in to aid Sammuel to take down the visible rat.

Bret attacks with rapier.

Bret misses but also manages to avoid hitting his companions

OOF! Another rat appears from around the corner and chomps down hard on Goran's leg.

Libby throws a dart at the nearest rat.

Libby's dart misses its mark and narrowly misses Goran's ankle

Libby winces.

Another rat appears from around the corner and attacks Sammuel but misses

a dagger comes flipping through the air between 3 of the 5 party members, missing them all and striking a rat.

Yet another rat comes around the corner, attacks Goran and misses

ScarGM says, "Sammuel swings at a rat and misses."

Goran grins madly and slams his mace directly down onto the rat that bit him, splattering it.

One of the four remaining rats attacks Sammuel and misses

Bret tries to skewer one of those rats again, the one nearest him.

Bret hits the same rat that has Flibsy's dagger sticking out of it. It squeals in pain.

A rat tries to bite Goran and misses

Libby moves in closer to get a better position.

Libby says, "*****editor: strike that."

Libby decides not to waste a dart on a party member.

Libby does not attack.

The injured rat attempts to scurry away. Sammuel swings at it as it moves away, but misses

Flibsy throws another dagger which clangs and skitters across the ground.

The remaining rat tries to bite Sammuel but misses

Sammuel swings and misses

A rat tries to bite Goran and connects. Goran is now rather injured and bleeding.

Goran attempts to swing at the rat that bit him, but slips and drops his mace.

Bret tries to hit the rat that bit Goran.

Bret nicks Goran's rat with his rapier.

An uninjured rat tries to bite Sammuel but misses

Libby tries another dart, at an uninjured rat.

Libby misses

another rat tries to bite Goran but misses

Flibsy tosses another dagger into the muck

Another rat misses Sammuel

Sammuel rips another rat in half with his chain.

Goran reaches under his chainmail and grabs something on a leather thong about his neck. He closes his eyes and mutters a few words, then appears to be healed.

Bret attacks again trying to kill the last beligerant sewer rat.

Bret misses and just barely avoids hitting Sammuel. Following in kind, a rat tries to bite Sammuel but slips and falls.

Libby hits the darkness squarely.

Libby changes weapons to her sling

ScarGM says, "scratch that, *******editor flibsy does that"

Sammuel misses

Goran squishes the injured rat.

Bret attacks the nearest rat.

Bret misses.

Libby tries another dart, without much hope.

rat goes down...

ScarGM says, "You round the corner and see the dagger that had been stuck into the last rat laying on the ground. The body of that rat is laying on the ground...well, half of it is. Where the other half is is unknown, but there are a number of small tunnels dug by small animals going off into the sides of this corridor."

ScarGM says, "Assuming you take the time to search, all your darts and daggers are recovered."

Bret goes to see how Goran is doing.

Flibsy pounces on that last dagger, and cleans it quickly, while ignoring the gruesome corpses around her.

Libby searches for her darts and thankfully recovers them all.

Goran stands up, dusts himself off, and grins. "I'm fine. Thanks! Isn't this fun?"

Libby gives Goran a look. "Your God likes battle, doesn't he?"

Goran gives Libby a look, then grins. "One does. Corean. He loves battle. Madriel likes healing. The two often go hand in hand."

Libby grins slowly back at Goran. "Well, good job on both."

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Last modified: 2001-May-09 10:05:21

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