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Realms: Hunter Logs

Part Nine: Threshold

Scarlet Chimera, berthed at Oblivion Falls
Skamandrios, submoon of Boros, moon of Adarra, Mishka Quadrant

The smoke is fading over the ruins of Five Dragons' compound, a light rain helping to cast it away. Oblivion Falls police are pursuing leads but so far they've turned up nothing more than a Tong over on Boros as having possibly been responsible. There is little else; both Alliance and local law compliance agencies profess bafflement.

The crew is aboard ship. Nigel is making some sudden repairs of the ship's computer system to secure it a bit more against any sort of intrusion, and to secure the pulse-beacon. Otherwise, the crew is considering their next move. Solbiort has a few things to accomplish before they leave. First, more pre-packaged, storable food to be delivered to the spot Raj arranged for Five Dragons' people. She also checks the 'wave for any news on Fleur-de-Croix -- hopefully there won't be anything about recent attacks on anyone. Next she tries to find "The Third Way" in downloadable format, as she wants to do some research on this interesting subject. A part of her is intensely curious -- is this what the Circle of Elders on Midgaard are implementing?

She also wants to get Raj and Nigel together, so Nigel can tell Raj what medical facilities and/or tools he'd need if he had to wake up Wintarsen and Lieutenant himself... so Raj can check around and see if any of that is available for purchase. And finally... she wants to spend the evening at the bar she told Five Dragons she'd be at, in case they had any further news or requests for the crew of the Chimera.

The supplies are easily acquired and delivered -- puts only a modest dent in the ship funds. So far there is no news from Fleur-de-Croix of any atrocities or crimes or such. The book is remarkably hard to track down on the net -- plenty of secondary sources mentioning it, a number of quotes, but no single whole text available through readily available nodes of the Cortex. Solbiort checks for a library of sorts on Skamandrios, then.

A message from a few librarians on Skamandrios -- even one who gets in touch with the librarian of Boros' college -- note The Third Way is remarkably hard to get hold of. It was panned so badly by academia during and after the war that it just never made it to any libraries. The Boros librarian notes in his message that he'll contact the Logisium and see if they can't send a copy, either by 'wave or by transport if the text is too large to 'wave between quadrants -- though it might be a week before he gets a reply.

Solbiort sighs, then thanks the librarian. While unfortunate, she knows this is not entirely unusual -- bandwidth on the Cortex is at a premium, considering the distances involved. Though local storage space is pretty well unlimited, they usually only store frequently consulted texts.

Later that night at the bar Noug meets with Solbiort discretely. The woman passes on that what Syndicate contacts Five Dragons has, noting Gorman has not shown his face anywhere the Syndicate has eyes. The good and missing doctor has not shown up, either. Beyond that, Five Dragons can unfortunately not provide anything at this time since for most legal purposes she's dead.

After meeting with Nigel, Raj has a shopping list which he's fairly sure will make Odessa and her suppliers either blanche or laugh hilariously. Aside from a pharmacopoeia of medicines ranging from over-the-counter to Schedule Ten controlled wonder-drugs, Nigel would need a cryobaric recovery suite, something found (usually) in Central Planet hospitals or in the most well-equipped Border Moon hospitals -- of which Nigel can name perhaps one off the top of his head. Lacking that, Nigel absolutely cannot do without a place where he can work, mostly uninterrupted, for at least several days while keeping the patients under observation, and some qualified helping hands. This isn't like any typical cryogenic patient who has decent chances of waking up without major problems. Judging by Colonel Xing's autopsy there are some severe complications that need to be addressed at the same time as the patients are woken up.

Solbiort sighs quietly at the news, then nods to Nigel & Raj, "All right. So if Fleur is gone... ve must find place for Nigel to vork, ya?"

Nigel leans against the nearest wall, working on learning to walk a small round blank of metal over his fingers, "And someone willing to help me. I'm good, but I'm not a full medical staff."

Solbiort says, "So ka, di-di Nigel." She considers thoughtfully... does Midgaard have any such medical facilities? She knows it's advanced in technology, but something like what Nigel needs... it'd be a long shot -- she doesn't know off the top of her head. She makes a mental note -- absolute worst comes to worst, she'll take them all home.

Raj studies the list, shaking his head, and says, "This is one whopper of an order. I'll keep an eye open for an opportunity, but I'm going to assume this is a 'wish list' at best. Nigel, if you can let me know what's a priority, that might help a bit."

Solbiort says, "All right. In that case, ve're out of here."

Elgyn looks doubtfully at Nigel and Solbiort. "You know I'd be willing, but this isn't exactly removing a bullet or stitching up a gut wound. Probably need someone Alliance-trained."

Solbiort smiles at Elgyn, "So ka, di-di. I vouldn't ask this of you."

Elgyn shrugs and turns to a console. "That's the least of what I would do, if asked," he says under his breath as he shuts the cargo doors.

Prior to departure, Raj attempts to make a few contacts for cargoes bound for Fleur-de-Croix. He doesn't find much; Fleur is a rather boring world that does more exporting than importing. There is, however, a few bids to carry a... well, considering how long the cargo broker paused before explaining what the cargo was, it's most likely some kind of contraband. Nothing that most people would blink at, but despite most towns on Fleur being fairly permissive there's a bit of a market for sweetfruits shipped in cryostasis... which violates several local regulations regarding the import of non-local fruits.

The broker is offering a rather tidy sum for the shipment of one ton of fruits mixed in with a shipment of nine tons of scrap metal. It seems to Raj that this is probably someone just trying to push the envelope. Near as he can tell, he's not dealing with anyone shady enough or desperate enough to try and ship, for example, Rapture or cacopiates hidden in the sweetfruits.

Solbiort sets course for Fleur-de-Croix, and crosses her fingers that the medical facilities will be there when they arrive.

The Crimson Chimera is partway to Fleur-de-Croix, and Solbiort is on the bridge, double checking things are fine before going to a meeting Nigel has asked her for in the machine rooms of the ship.

Some of the more complex wiring for the backup life support system was hidden deep in a hatch in the Engine Room. Since there had been some minor glitch on it, Nigel wanted to make absolutely certain it was working correctly. Before doing so, he had very carefully removed the hatch cover completely and set it to one side because (as he would not have admitted if asked) the thought of being closed up in a space like that gave the smart-arsed doctor the screaming heebie-jeebies.

Despite his care with removing the hatch door, the doctor had failed to take the large, heavy boxes of various tools were stacked next to said hatch. Or the fact that one of them really should have been on the top instead of the bottom and how that one might buckle and spill the larger one into the trapdoor, wedging Nigel into a space a little less than shoulder high.

The fact that he'd been crouching when it happened kept him from being beaned, but he also couldn't push his way out. Two minutes of frantic shoving and using every curse word in his vocabulary later, Nigel was in a blind panic, screaming at the top of his voice and whacking on the sides of the hatch to try and make enough noise to draw someone's attention. The fact that the captain would be there for a meeting about some upgrades he was wanting to make was completely washed out of his head.

Solbiort comes strolling into the engine rooms a short while later, looking around curiously for the hyper-energetic Nigel. Not seeing him immediately, she pauses to call his name... then pauses again, trying to figure out where the faint, strange noise is coming from. She tracks the sound with some difficulty, since the dim, close, warm engine room is full of the hum of engines. It takes her a bit to figure out what the noise is, but once she realizes it's a human screaming she gets much quicker and more intent in her search.

Nigel gives up pounding on the sides of the hatch with his hands and start slamming the drill he was using into it instead, still screaming but now there's less words and more pure panic.

Seconds later Solbiort's staring bemusedly at the box and wondering if they have a stowaway -- that doesn't sound like anyone in her crew! She crouches, gets a good grip on the box, and with a grunt of effort yanks it aside. She stares in astonishment at Nigel -- then reaches in, grabs him under the arms, and hauls him out. The moment the hatch is clear, Nigel is scramling to get to his feet, having gone from crouching to kneeling sometime in his terrified convulsions. Solbiort's quick scoop and grab actually gets him up and out before he'd have been able to on his own.

Solbiort says, "Nigel! Di-di, calm down, you're okay, you're safe. Easy, boy... vhat's vrong? Did you hit your head or somezing?"

Nigel is still screeching for a moment even despite being out of the hatch. The captain's question taps him in such a way that the rational doctor comes enough to the surface for him to stop the yelling and patter his fingers lightly over his own head. Solbiort grins in faint relief as she sees the rationality coming back into Nigel's eyes, but she holds on to him for a moment more, just to be sure.

He didn't feel a rap on the head, but endorphins and panic can do wonderful things. Checking manually for any damage harnessed enough of his rational mind to bring him just barely back into a more normal state. After a moment, he takes his first really deep breath and releases it with a gusty, almost annoyed sigh, "No, no gou cao de bump on the gorram head." It doesn't seem to have occurred to him yet that Soli is holding onto him.

Solbiort straightens carefully, keeping one hand on him so he doesn't fall over if she releases him. "Hokay... so... vhat happened, di-di? You... did not sound good a moment ago?"

Nigel rubs the palm of one hand over the back of his head, scowling as if someone had just offered to take a sledgehammer to the engine. "I don't..." He reached out a foot and kicked the edge of the hatch, "-ruttin' well like bein' shut in a bitty gorram hole..." Each word is another kick. Then he realizes Solbiort's holding onto him and he jerks his arm away, something closer to embarrassment than anger flashing across his face for an instant.

Solbiort raises an eyebrow, but says nothing, simply folding her arms and watching. She studies Nigel's flushed face for a moment, the brand standing out lividly, then murmurs, "Am thinking I vould like... to share a hit of that very fine vhisky you carry, di-di Nigel. You have that on you?"

Nigel pushes himself to his feet and starts shoving and hauling boxes away from the hatch. The brand is standing out more prominently than nearly any other time the captain has seen it. Once they're as far back as he can make them, he flops back to sit on the floor again. He snorts at Soli's suggestion, "I'm not a shee-niou idiot. Of course I've got it with me." He produces the silver flask from one of his many pockets.

Solbiort grins quietly, then crouches relaxedly next to him, "Sheh-sheh, then." She waves a hand, "Do the honors?"

Even when he's fidgeting, his hands aren't trembling. That's the only way to describe what they're doing now, and it takes him a few seconds longer than normal to spin the cap open. And he takes a second or two longer with his sip that is strictly necessary. Solbiort waits patiently, giving Nigel all the time he needs. When he finishes and hands her the flask she'll have a sip -- she does appreciate a mellow old whisky -- then hands it back to Nigel. "So, am thinking you are reacting more like var-vet than normal. So vhat happen that you so much dislike bitty gorram holes, di-di?"

Nigel takes the flask back and has another over those slightly-long slugs before putting the cap back and disappearing the whisky back into a pocket. He's still scowling, but his face is cooling back to a more normal color. The war-vet comment makes him snort, "Nah. I wasn't in the gorram war. I just... got shut up for a while once." He mutters the last somewhat evasively.

Solbiort tilts her head thoughtfully, then reaches out with one finger to lightly trace the brand, "Have anything to do vith Higgins' Moon?"

Nigel jerks his head away with a lot more force than is needed, the glower going a shade or two more grey, "Chiang-bao hoe-tze duh bastard and his gorram hotboxes." His gaze narrows on Solbiort's face, "How the hell did you know about Higgins?"

Solbiort manages to keep a straight face at Nigel's colorful invective, and her expression is, if anything, somewhat sympathetic, "Di-di, first, did you think I vouldn't look into who my new crew vas? I have people to protect. Second, did you really think your courage in facing down Boss Higgins vould go unremarked?" She adds calmly, "Und now you are part of the people I protect. I respect those vith the courage of their convictions." She grins, teasing gently as she adds, "Even if they are smart-ass doctors."

Nigel snorts again, but this time it actually sounds half-amused, "Face down, my shiny pink arse. He got his throat nicked in gorram hunting accident and I told him if he didn't quit bellowing like a half-drunk schizophrenic ox, he was going to die. So I told him to shut his pie-hole and let me do my ruttin' job."

Solbiort grins, "Ah, vas not how the story got out. According to the gossips you faced him down over a serf he vas mistreating." She adds with wry amusement, "Should have known they'd not be accurate. They sure aren't vith me!"

Nigel is still so tense he's almost humming like a guitar string, but the wild panic is gone out of his eyes, "So he put this go-se on my face and shoved me in one of those bitty boxes he's so fond of."

Solbiort nods quietly. "Vell. Guess ve'll just have to be sure you don't get into that sort of predicament again, ya?" She asks curiously, "So vhy your family allow this to happen?"

Nigel laughs at length that, rolling his eyes, "Captain, my folks had no more idea I was on that damn rock than they did what Moses' favorite color was."

Solbiort blinks, then bemusedly asks, "Are there no vorlds vhere boys are properly cherished?!"

Elgyn comes in then, looking distracted, but he looks up at Solbiort's outburst. "Whawho?" he queries intelligently.

Solbiort laughs, shaking her head, "Ah, I give up. Here everyvon calls me mad... but you Alliance boys take the cake!"

Nigel peers at Solbiort as he takes out the flask again, "Properly gorram cherished?" He glances up at Elgyn and presses his lips together for a second.

Solbiort grins, patting the ground next to where she and Nigel are seated, "Come, di-di Elgyn, sit a bit?" Her eyes flash with amusement as she looks back at Nigel, "Is a bit different on my homevorld. Just sometimes I have trouble understanding how people can treat nice boys so shabbily in the Alliance." She settles herself comfortably cross-legged, tossing her braid over her shoulder, and adds, "So you too run avay from your family, eh, di-di Nigel?"

Elgyn doesn't immediately sit, trying to determine exactly what's going on. "People have different values everywhere, Captain. Different people too. Not all of them are good, but not all of them are considered bad by those that grow up with them," he finally replies diplomatically.

Nigel takes a sip of the whisky, this one a lot more controlled, "No, I ran away from hypochondriac matrons and whiny hospital board members."

Solbiort chuckles at Elgyn's comment, "Very carefully phrased indeed." She grins teasingly at Nigel, "Ah, better. In that case I vill not have to fend off hysterical muttirs demanding return of their precious baby boy, ya?"

Nigel grins at Elgyn's phrasing of that sentiment, but says to Soli, "My mother is more likely be nagging at me for running off when I could have had such a successful surgery practice. Am I trying to shame her to death?" He switches on the word 'running' to a high pitched, mocking Londinium accent.

Solbiort chuckles again, "Then ve shall not vorry about her right now." She tilts her head, studying Nigel, then says, "Better, di-di Nigel?"

Elgyn smiles wryly. "I phrase it that way because of your own words, Captain," he reminds her. He glances at Nigel. "That is... a sad thing. As it always is when there is conflict between child and parent," he muses, looking sympathetic.

Solbiort nods quietly to Elgyn, "Glad to hear it." Her tone is only very, very slightly dry.

Nigel rolls his eyes again and damn near guffaws, "There's no conflict. She whines. I leave." He nods to the captain's question, trying to hide a slightly sheepish expression behind his normal smirk.

Solbiort reaches out and squeezes Nigel's shoulder gently, "Nothing vrong vith fear, di-di. Ve all feel it some times. Is how ve react after that matters, ya?" Elgyn seems confused at Solbiort's words, but from the expression on Nigel's face, lets it go unremarked. Solbiort adds quietly to Nigel, "You vant to talk about it any more?"

Nigel is starting to look distinctly uncomfortable now that the grip of the panic is gone. He doesn't jerk away this time, but he does move his shoulder out of Solbiort's grip, "And I react like a gorram gi...." there's a stuttery pause as he changes mid-word to "baby."

Solbiort shakes her head, "I have seen grown soldiers fall apart and cry like a baby at less, di-di Nigel. It's individual, and it happens to everyvon under the right circumstances."

Elgyn fights back a response... it's clear to him that whatever happened was difficult for Nigel, and now is not the time to make light. He does have a moment of deja-vu, however, remembering a similar time on Midgaard, with Solbiort's muttir, Lady Veleda... he nods at Solbiort's words. "I remember such a time... in front of the Captain, as a matter of fact."

Solbiort glances over her shoulder and smiles at Elgyn, then looks back at Nigel and adds in a matter-of-fact tone, "So, di-di Nigel... there vas something you vanted to show me in engine room?"

Nigel shakes his head and waves the captain off, "Nah. It can wait. I just had some upgrades I want to do. Some modifications that could maybe give us just a little extra boost."

Solbiort considers a moment... then nods, "All right. Vhen you are ready, call, ya?" She straightens, rising smoothly, and turns to Elgyn, "So... you have a moment? Had something I vanted to ask you about empty crew rooms." She will (unless Elgyn protests) walk out with him, leaving Nigel to recover in peace and quiet. Elgyn hesitates, and then only gives Nigel a sympathetic nod, following Solbiort out. She'll head for their room on the upper level. That should give Nigel all the space he needs, and not seem like they're lurking. Nigel slides back to the ground after his crewmates leave and takes a couple of more slugs of whisky before crawling very reluctantly back into the hole to try to finish what he started.

Later that ship's night, Solbiort is sitting and reading something on her CoreView for a good twenty minutes before she realizes that there's a noise outside. No, actually that's not quite true: she realized there was a noise outside her cabin, but it's only now that she realizes it has a pattern. And after listening to it for a little while, she realizes it bears a remarkable resemblance to someone pacing on a metal deck. Then the sound stops, and Elgyn opens the door to the cabin. He seems a little flustered. "Captain... do you have a moment? Well, rather, longer than a moment... it might take a good long while..." he queries, almost immediately stumbling over his words.

Solbiort raises an interested eyebrow, setting the terminal aside and swiveling the chair to regard Elgyn. "Sure, di-di. Vhat's up?" She grins, adding, "Come in and close the door... your pacing vill vear a rut in the deck othervise."

Elgyn does not reply to that, though the way he ducks his head answers the question easily enough. He closes the door, and in doing so fumbles something in his hands... actually, both of his hands contain several things, and a few of them fall to the floor... among them a pair of scissors and a couple of different combs. "I..." he starts to say, and then crouches to pick up the items. "I wanted to ask a favor of you. I would... it would honor me greatly if you would assist me. I wish to shave off my dreadlocks," he says, his words coming out in a staggered rush.

Solbiort looks puzzled, but rises to give Elgyn a hand, "You do not like your hair any more?" She picks up a few of the combs, handing them over to Elgyn as she speaks.

Elgyn shakes his head, not quite meeting her eyes. "It is not that precisely... although I admit that it would partly be a relief not to have to deal with their weight in combat. It is..." He takes a deep breath. "It is a common custom when a boy reaches the Age of Ascension, before the ritual, to have one's hair cut short. It is meant to symbolize a new beginning, a transition from boy to man." His brow knits. "I had been thinking about your words... and it seemed to me that this would be an appropriate time for such a new beginning, what with the ship and all."

Solbiort says, "Ah!" She smiles, "In that case, vould be honored, di-di. Let's see..." She looks around the room thoughtfully, hands on hips, then flips a sheet out of a cupboard, "Here, sit on floor by bed, and I'll help."

Elgyn's expression brightens, and he seems... well, awfully happy about this, though no less flushed as he goes to his knees and lets Soli drape the sheet around him like a smock. "Thank you, Captain," he murmurs as he tilts his head forward. "I had even looked into getting some relaxant at our next stop... I had often admired your valkyrie's braid, but my hair, as it is, is impossible to fashion so..."

Solbiort smiles, settling on the bed with one foot on each side of Elgyn and tucking the ends of the sheet so it will catch the hair, "Vell, vould take a vhile to comb all this out. Vhich you prefer, di-di -- vait and try to comb it out, or cut off and start over?"

Elgyn chuckles. "This is many years of work, Captain... I doubt it would comb out easily. Better to make a fresh start," he replies, slightly squirmy in front of her... clearly looking like a man trying to relax, and not entirely succeeding.

Solbiort says, "Very vell, then -- ve'll cut it all off." She removes Elgyn's hair band, handing it down to him, then considers his hair a moment. She carefully runs her fingers through the dreads, turning some of them over to see how close to the scalp they are... then nods and picks up the scissors. "Hokay, here goes..." She'll cut the heavy dreads off first, casually commenting, "Going to be rather uneven at first... ve'll even it out after." She cuts a few more off, then softly comments, "So, di-di... vhy you never tell me?"

Elgyn exhales a breath, and then he is very still... as if he is calling on the talents he uses in stealth to bring himself to calm for this event as she starts snipping away his 'locks. "Tell you what, Captain?" he queries.

Solbiort gives Elgyn an amused glance, "How important this is to you? Ve could have done this long ago, di-di."

Elgyn is quiet for a long moment, the only sound his breathing and the sounds of the scissors shearing through thick hair. "It is... complex, Captain. Part of me wanted to believe... it was not important. That I could be who I was without... it. I was with you, and that was all that mattered."

Solbiort pauses, then lays her free hand on Elgyn's shoulder, "Sheh-sheh, di-di. That means a lot to me. But I don't vant you to feel as if you have to... to 'make do' to be vith me." She gently runs her fingers through Elgyn's shorter hair, ruffling it up to check the varying lengths, then goes back to cutting off the few remaining dreads.

Elgyn starts to shake his head and then remembers he can't, not with his hair in her hands. "I would never say that, Captain. Serving with you has been the greatest time of my life. Nothing has meant more than it. But I also..." He pauses again. "I did not know if you would understand."

Solbiort is silent a moment, quietly cutting... then says thoughtfully, "Explain it to me then, di-di... and I vill do my best to understand. I vould like to be trusted that much, please."

"Captain, it is not about trust," Elgyn replies solemnly. "Please, do not take offense, but... it is because of your own words on a similar subject that I did not speak up."

Solbiort says, "Really now. Vant to know vhy I not say anything about that for very long time... vhile you say many things? Because did not vant to hurt your feelings, und knew you vere far from home und did not have family to return to. So now you are telling me because I ask you not to berate my home, you no longer villing to talk freely to me? How am I supposed to feel about that?"

Elgyn grimaces. "Captain, no, you...you misunderstand completely." He seems almost anguished about that. "I was wrong to say what I said, and I cannot express how sorry I am. But..."

Solbiort murmurs without heat, "Then enlighten me, di-di." The slow, measured snipping continues calmly.

Elgyn wrings his hands. "Captain, to you I am a boy. To you all men are boys, whether they come from your world, my world, or any world in the 'verse. Is it so unreasonable for me to expect you would not understand the importance to me, to any male, of becoming a man? Does the word even hold any meaning for you?"

Solbiort considers a bit, pausing as she reflects. "Vell... to me, vord only meant human male past puberty. Alvays figured emotional content had to be something like pride and honor of becoming valkyrie?" She smiles, laying the scissors aside, "There, all dreads off. How you feel?" As she speaks, she takes a comb and uses it and her fingers to fluff out the shorter strands, combs out the last few remaining tangles in Elgyn's hair. She adds amusedly, "And ya, vas unreasonable, di-di. Vhat, you decide for me you can never explain adequately; I am alvays too stupid to understand?

Elgyn nods slowly. "There is something to that, yes. And let me go on to be clear that women, whether they are warriors or no, have their own Rite of Ascension. But there is more to it than that," he explains, and then stops at her words, blinking and touching his... much shorter hair. "Very... different," he murmurs. And then he cringes again, almost seems to shrink into himself. "Perhaps this was unwise. I... cannot seem to avoid offending you, Captain, even when it was not my intent," he says softly.

Solbiort chuckles quietly, running her fingers lightly through Elgyn's hair, enjoying the soft feel of it as she says, "Am not offended, pretty. Have been through this myself. Vould help you past it if I knew how... but very vise voman vonce tell me everyvon have to learn it themselves -- because they von't listen." She adds amusedly, "She tell me this after I learn hard vay too -- from not listening."

Elgyn nods slowly and seems to relax a little, and then more as the touch of Solbiort's fingers in his hair. "You have something of Lady Veleda in you," he murmurs.

Solbiort chuckles, "Should. She is my mutti of blood." Even more dryly she adds, "Vas her vords, too." She takes a moment to slowly stroke her fingers through Elgyn's hair. Not only is it pleasant, but he seems to like it too. As she does so she murmurs softly, "So... explain it to me, di-di. Trust me enough, please, to at least try?"

Elgyn nods. "I suspected as much. She has great wisdom, and piercing vision... she saw through me like a paper wall. I suspect she knew things about me I did not even know about myself." He sighs then. "When a... child, becomes an adult, on my world, it is a thing of great import. There are... responsibilities that come with the mantle."

Elgyn wets his lips, breathing deep and relaxing into Solbiort's hands. "For the males of Ulundi, the warriors, it is possibly very like becoming a valkyrie. There is pride, surely, but there is also the duty that is very like what you described to me once. That once a boy is a man, it is his duty to uphold the code of the warrior. To protect the innocent, to care for his clan as if each of its members were his own blood. To give one's life, if need be, in defense of home, of people, of values. To be a man is to finally have the right to pay court to a woman in the goal of forging a new family, of bearing strong sons and daughters to make the clan ever stronger. To be a man is to have a voice in the goals, in the growth of the clan. To be a man... is to be whole." He turns and half looks at her then. "And that, more than anything, is why I never spoke of it... you made me feel... whole," he says softly, his eyes almost tender.

Solbiort watches Elgyn quietly, her green eyes calm as she considers. Finally she says, "This is not so hard to understand, d- Elgyn. Is much the same for valkyrior." Her gaze grows increasingly thoughtful as she slowly adds, "But... I have qvestion, please. If you are feeling whole vith me, vhy you never vish to court voman and start family? Something has changed now?"

Elgyn stares back into Solbiort's eyes for a long time, before finally breaking with her gaze. "Things are changing, Solbiort. No, I never desired any other woman I had seen during my time with you. I told you once what I desired, and I would not settle for less. And besides that... my duty to you always took precedence. To put that aside would be... selfish."

Solbiort's eyes widen slightly and her lips part to ask a question... then she goes still, listening to Elgyn speak. She gets an extremely thoughtful look, then finally says very quietly, "Changing how, please?"

Elgyn spreads his hands, as if to gesture at the ship. "You see it for yourself, Captain. You have made me your second, and we have a crew. While I am still yours till my heart beats its last... it is now my duty to serve them as well." Solbiort takes a slow breath, sitting very still. Elgyn blinks. "Captain, is something wrong?" he queries, turning to look at her.

Solbiort, normally pale, is perhaps a touch paler than usual. She takes another long, slow breath, taking up a comb and forcing a smile, "Neh, neh, Elgyn. Nothing's wrong." She starts running the comb through his hair in long, slow strokes, thinking... then finally says very softly, almost whispering, "Vhy you never tell me how you feel, d- Elgyn?"

Elgyn is still confused, and himself is getting a little nervous at the tone in Solbiort's voice. "I... I don't understand. Feel about what?"

Solbiort says, "Me."

Elgyn's brow knits, his mouth dry. "Captain... is there some doubt of my devotion to you? Have I not made clear in all this time what it meant to me to have you accept my oath, to allow me to follow you?"

Solbiort is almost automatically combing the short, soft hair under her hands. She quotes, adding the emphasis herself, "...'No, I never desired any other woman I had seen during my time with you'..."

Elgyn listens, and mouths the words, still seeming confused... and then he goes scarlet. "Captain, I... I didn't mean... forgive me, now I..." He gropes for words, but does not find them. Solbiort watches silently, her expression becoming a bit bemused. Elgyn ducks his head, mind working a mile a minute. "Solbiort..." he begins, almost grateful he still faces away from her. "You are a... great beauty. A magnificent warrior. I..." Solbiort leans down, taking Elgyn's chin lightly between her fingers, her face inches from his and her green eyes quietly watching him. It does not get easier once she takes his chin and looks at him. "To say that I have never desired you would be the biggest falsehood I have ever told. But... this sort of thing simply isn't done. It's unconscionable."

Solbiort is close enough Elgyn can feel the light brush of her hair against his cheek, as the scarlet wings of hair framing her face slide smoothly forward, almost like a curtain enclosing them. Her eyes narrow slightly in thought... then she simply murmurs softly, "Vhy?" She's not moved back at all.

Elgyn seems almost paralyzed, like a deer in the headlights. "Because of my oath. I owe you my honor, my life... for those who are bound by such to pursue a relationship... it would be like..." His mind fumbles for an explanation she can understand, and would not be offended by. He throws out the first dozen responses before saying, "We are not equals. I am, and always will be, your karl."

Solbiort is silent a moment... then her lips quirk slightly in a faint, amused smile. She leans in with slow deliberation, her lips barely moving as she murmurs, "Karls are often lovers, and you said yourself things are changing..."

Yes. says a small voice of Elgyn's mind, knowing what is coming, welcoming it, craving it. He had not been pacing outside the door simply because cutting off one's hair is a part of Ascension... he had been pacing because asking a woman to give a haircut is one of the few most romantic things one can do in his culture... he knew she would not know that, but he did, and his mind was split in twain at the idea. But now the moment is here, and part of him wants it...

...and then he lifts a hand and brings her to a gentle halt. "Solbiort... I want to but... I can't put this aside so easily," he whispers. "I need... I need time."

Solbiort still doesn't shift back. There's a mischievously knowing gleam in her eyes as she murmurs against his hand, "Put vhat aside?" She grins, bringing up her other hand to intertwine her fingers with his upraised hand, "Put aside this hand?"

Elgyn sighs. There's nothing for it. "Solbiort, I have lived a third of my life looking on you as my oathbound. When you collapsed on Bellerophon, it was only then I realized how much more important you were to me. Since then I have been like... a wound, trying to heal, trying to understand how I felt. I'm not ready. Part of me sees you as the glorious woman you are... and part of me sees you as my... master," he says gently.

Solbiort goes still at that. There's a moment where Elgyn is so close he can see the enthusiasm die out of her eyes... then she draws a long breath and sits back, moving her hands to rest on her thighs. "Vell." She looks away a moment... then deliberately picks up a comb and a pair of scissors, studying them. Without looking at him she says quietly, "Turn around and settle back down, di-di. You need trimming. Right now you look like you vere attacked vith a hedge cutter."

Elgyn wants to take back the words; seeing that light die in her eyes was like a knife in his gut. But it would not be honest of him. "Yes... Captain," he whispers, unable to face her now as the poison of his truthful words burns in his gut.

On the way there, after Nigel reports the new pulse beacon is working fine, Solbiort will quiz Molly for any info on how to contact these folks. Nigel reports the pulse-beacon code is functional and looks to be laser-proof -- the Kowloon Pan has a modest and unremarkable record in the Alliance's register of ships. As for contacting them, Molly reports that it was to be fairly direct: Adarra's local traffic control didn't extend too well to Fleur-de-Croix, and it would be simplicity itself to land at the remote canyon which was the location of the medical center. Renovated and manned by another Browncoat cell, they would be awaiting the arrival of the Fengwu -- the remote location of the center and the hidden nature of it would make it unlikely that anyone else would show up.

Solbiort says, "I see." She nods thoughtfully, then adds dryly, "A remote canyon... ideally suited to gunship strafing too. Vell, ve'll see vhat ve see vhen ve arrive."

Molly says, "Supposedly there are surface-to-air batteries there. Whether the ammunition is still viable after ten years is debatable, but I believe the renovators at least brought some anti-air launchers."

"We can't count on that being still true, though... it's entirely possible they know by now of the fate of their sister ships. Do they at least know what the Fengwu looked like?" Elgyn muses, touching his new haircut absently... it looks good, but he does find it takes getting used to such a dramatic... weight loss.

Solbiort says, "Ve'll see." She grins amusedly at Elgyn's reaction, then sighs softly, "We'll come in quick and careful for an overflight first to see if they're there, and only land if ve get good news."

Molly nods, subdued. "They've been told to expect a Trans-K, but not what the name of the ship is."

Elgyn notes Molly's reaction. "Worried about their fate, Molly?" he queries, his expression sympathetic.

Molly nods a little. "I know no plan survives contact with the enemy... but things went wrong in a big way. Still, I can't say they've gone bad. At least, well... for Wintarsen and his people, and for me. Gorman can suck an egg."

Solbiort coughs! Nigel smirks at Molly, "Not exactly the noun I would have chosen."

Solbiort gives up and laughs aloud! Elgyn smirks at Nigel. "Be nice to her, Doc. She doesn't have your vocabulary when it comes to scathing commentary."

Nigel says, "Well, how's she ever gonna learn if she doesn't practice?"

Solbiort coughs again, still grinning, then says, "All right, folks -- decision time. Do we try a run over the medical facilities first, or go straight to the port first? It's a quarter of the vay around the planet." She considers, then adds, "Or... ve could try to spy as ve vent by the facilities, heading for the port. Nigel, could ve viably do that?"

Elgyn ponders, fingers tracing over a map detailing the location of the facility, and the main spaceport. "It might not be a bad idea to stop at the spaceport first... get rid of our other illegal cargo and dredge for local news. We don't want to fly into a hornet's nest."

Nigel rubs a hand over the top of his head as he thinks about that, "I'd like to know about the facilities before we commit to landing."

Solbiort says, "All right. Sounds like a fly-by on the vay to the port, then. Let's have Nigel on vatch, Raj manning com, I'll be flying, and Molly and Elgyn on gunnery stations, for just in case. Sound good?" Nigel nods to the proposed arrangements. His fingers dip back into his pocket after the metal disc he's been playing with. Solbiort says, "If things go to gwai in a handbasket..." she grins wryly, "-we don't vant me on com."

Nigel chuckles, "Just so I know, captain, am I doing visual checks here or trying to detect communications from the med facilities?"

Elgyn taps his fingers against his chin. "I always wondered where that turn of phrase came from. Do the devils carry lost souls in handbaskets?"

Solbiort says, "Both, I think, di-di Nigel. Visual is primary need, though. If there's a lake of ash, ve are so gone like a freki vith a burr in her tail!" She grins ferally at Elgyn, "If ve meet them on the vay down, you can ask!" Then she settles into the pilot's seat for the trip down into atmo, waiting until everyone else is in place before she starts.

Scarlet Chimera, approaching Fleur-de-Croix,
moon of Adarra, Mishka Quadrant

The ship retros out of pulse-transit. This corner of Adarra's volume is relatively quiet; there aren't a lot of transports or other ships in this area. An Alliance DSPV is making a leisurely patrol of local space, already vectoring into the departure corridor for Boros. Beyond that ship, a few local law compliance vessels are making rough training runs between the planet and the ramshackle skyplex in orbit.

The ship's terminal bleeps for attention. "This is Fleur-de-Croix space traffic, inbound Trans-K on vector Skamandrios-inbound." The controller sounds bored and weary. "Kowloon Pan, we have you on the grid, maintain course and speed for orbital insertion. Welcome to..." A huge yawn. "-ahm. Welcome to Fleur-de-Croix."

Solbiort snorts in quiet amusement, keeping an eye on the grid so she can give Nigel the best view possible. Elgyn looks at the others from where he's strapped in. "That sounds promising... I don't think he'd be that bored if he was aware of any excitement..."

Solbiort murmurs under her breath, "Boredom in officials is alvays goot sign..."

Raj says, "Fleur-de-Croix space traffic, this is Kowloon Pan. Thanks for the hello. We'll maintain course and speed, per your instructions and check back in five."

"Roger that, Kowloon Pan. Make it twenty. Happy landings."

Raj says, "Fleur-de-Croix space traffic, this is Kowloon Pan. Ping you in twenty. Kowloon Pan out."

Elgyn glances at Solbiort. "Here's hoping your 'luck' runs true, Captain." he comments. Solbiort glances at Elgyn and smiles, then goes back to relaxedly watching the grid.

Nigel peers at the monitors, "Captain, I think I'm going to have get an awful close fly-by over on one side..."

Solbiort grins, "Ya? Von sidevays flyby coming up..." Elgyn blinks, and is awful glad he's strapped in... though he does fight an impulse to clutch the console...

Nigel clears his throat, "And I meant to their side, not on our side..." Solbiort gives Nigel a grin, then sighs in exaggerated disappointment as she does a flyby along the entire circumference of the valley. She also quietly prepares to jink out of there like mad, if they're shot at, of course...

To Nigel's eye, the canyon -- it's more of an ancient meteorite crater -- as they pass over it is not terribly interesting; it's a bit deep and allows for a lot of nooks and crannies. There doesn't seem to be anything untoward as far as evidence of recent attacks. The central area of the small crater can easily fit the ship, and there are a number of places where an entrance into a hidden facility could be concealed. Nigel keeps his eyes glued on the ports of the bridge, eyes squinted as he peers at the facilities, muttering to himself, "Better ruttin' be alright... I ain't looking forward to trying to wake up the indecicles on the ship."

"Might also be nice to not have a lot of other people dead..." Elgyn says to no one in particular in a wry tone... Solbiort nods silently to herself.

Nigel nods to Elgyn, fingers tapping on the edges of the ports, "That too, but the dead are dead. You bury and you mourn. Two notorious Browncoats that might die if I try to wake them up are an immediate problem." He sighs at all the crannies. "There are a lot of places they could be hiding down there. Molly, give us any idea where this might actually be?"

The waves are quiet; there's some twitching of the radar as if there's something other than dirt out there but nothing more a not-quite-civilian-rated rig can pull up. Molly points, "They said the south-east side of the crater has the security checkpoint behind and beneath some rocks. We approach, they check the airspace for intruders, and then check out credentials -- which in this case is our cargo. There might be a few questions, mind you. Like, 'what happened to Gorman?' Which I'll be more than happy to answer, though it'd be closer to what I would want to happen to Gorman."

Solbiort grins at Molly's reply, then says, "So ve have no vay of knowing if they are still there. So now ve head into the port, ya?" She keeps on course to head for the port, barring anyone else commenting.

Elgyn shakes his head at Nigel's comment, "There's more to it than that. The Browncoats knew what they were getting into... but the massacre of civilians is untenable. Should I meet anyone that participated, I plan to make my displeasure clear... all the more so if we come to the installation and find a mass grave."

Solbiort says, "Hokay. Unless anyvon has something else they vant to do, ve're going in. Ve can spend a day unloading this cargo and picking up new cargo, listen to see if there's anything about a lot of thugs in-coming recently, and if not, slide in here in the canyon on the vay out."

Nigel arches a brow at Elgyn, "Yes, it's a stupid, cruel thing... but it can be dealt with at last instead of at first." When the captain asks her question he shakes his head, "I'm good."

Elgyn looks at the others. "Sounds like a plan, Captain."

Raj shrugs, "No reason not to. There doesn't seem to be anything to see here." Solbiort nods and heads in for an entirely ordinary landing.

The delivery of the cargo goes without incident. The "scrap metal" is offloaded and whisked off to nobody-wants-to-know-where. There isn't much news circulating the spaceport; Fleur is a quiet world. A bit of a Puritan community -- hence the name 'Flower of the Cross' -- it is nevertheless relatively permissive, and while there's not a lot of vice going on it's a place you wouldn't mind being caught in by your grandparents.

They spend little more than a day there, however, offloading the cargo and taking on some foodstuffs for Enyo -- not a terribly profitable cargo but it'll cover expenses. Then the ship takes off, making a side-trip to the canyon they orbited before. Solbiort slides the ship smoothly into the canyon, more towards the southeastern end but making sure there's plenty of room for hasty takeoff. To the others she murmurs, "Remember... ve are not home safe yet..."

Elgyn nods grimly. "We might not be home safe even after offloading Wintarsen, if they're still there," he agrees.

Solbiort waits with the others for any reaction from the canyon. "Elgyn, Molly, go pull out the boxes, then take high guard in the cargo bay again, please. Nigel, if they come out can you please keep vatch here? Raj, you and I can meet them, same as at Skamandrios. Everyone good vith that?"

Elgyn unstraps, and picks up his hogleg from where he rested it, levering a round into the chamber. "Can do, Captain."

Raj says, "Before we crack the door, I think now would be a good time to do a quick weapons check, eh? We have no idea what's next and I'd rather not be caught with out pants down."

Solbiort casually zips up her armored jacket as she straightens, looking to Raj, "Veapons check? The shipguns are loaded but concealed. You vant them out?"

Raj says, "Oh, let's not pop the guns yet, but we should make sure everything's hot just in case."

Solbiort grins at Raj, "All is hot, ya. Molly and Elgyn had the gunnery stations ready to roll."

Elgyn gestures with his shotgun. "Personally, though, this is the weapon I prefer." Molly nods, checking her cambered revolver briefly before following him to the cargo hold. Moments later, Elgyn grunts as he pulls the first cryochamber free of the hidey-hole. "Just remember, Molly...you're with us, now. Don't let them push you around because of past allegiances," he says firmly, taking a momentary breather.

Molly pauses briefly, then continues to help free the cryobox from the smuggler's hole. "I won't forget," she says simply.

Back on the bridge, Solbiort says, "If it goes bad, Molly and Elgyn vill head back to the bridge and give covering fire as soon as the cargo bay is locked down again. As soon as possible, ve lift off. Sound good?"

Nigel shakes his head, "Gorammit, I just wish we could pick up any scans they were doing... then we'd have a better idea if it's manned..."

As the engines whir down into idle, a sort of calm settles over the canyon. From this angle they can see how the arrangement of rocks and the crater wall forms a blind of sorts, concealing a broad opening in the rock, within which is an old and battered bunker hatch. It's cleverly hidden from any overhead observation, which explains why this facility managed to stay secret for so long. Beyond that, though, the canyon is quiet. The canyon/crater remains quiet, but the longer they remain on the ground, the more and more the crew get the distinct feel they're being watched.

Solbiort sighs finally and intercoms, "Hokay, it looks like they're unclear on the concept, and I'm not interested in keeping us here all day vhile they shiver in their hole. I'm going to assume they thought ve vere supposed to come to them. Raj, you're a good shot -- you cover from the door. Elgyn, vith me, please. Let's see if they'll come out if ve try to meet them halfvay. Nigel, test my and Elgyn's coms before ve leave the ship?" Raj nods and shifts position, stepping back just a bit further into cover. Nigel keeps watch, being as intent as the twitchy little doctor can be.

Elgyn nods curtly, striding over and sliding down the ladder before finally coming to Solbiort's side. He looks at her. "Should I holster, Captain?" he asks curiously.

Solbiort murmurs quietly to Elgyn, "Hogleg on shoulder pointed up at all times... unless kao happens." Elgyn nods, seeming pleased that his instinct in this matter was on point, and keeps his shotgun slung. Solbiort unsnaps her holster, pulls up the hood on her armored jacket, waits for everyone to confirm... then heads out carefully with Elgyn, careful to leave a good line of fire for Raj at the door to the heap of rocks.

As Solbiort and Elgyn approach the rock formation, the hatch does indeed open, dropping into the floor as it kicks up some dust. Beyond, two people are already coming through the door: one wearing a brown jerkin that she's just finished fastening, looking rushed and harried, while the other is outpacing her significantly faster: a tall, lanky man with small glasses perched on his nose. He at least is smiling. "Sorry for the delay," he says. "We'd expected you a couple of weeks ago, and Griz here was complaining about protocols."

Elgyn says nothing, but does give the one in the brown coat the hairy eyeball... expecting if there's trouble it'll come from her. Raj takes a visual scan of the surrounding rock formations and cliff faces. He does notice one nest occupied by someone with a rifle but not trying to hide -- rather, someone there just in case. They aren't taking aim or such.

To Solbiort, nothing about the two standing in front of her -- the science-type with the sun-bleached blond hair and tanned features and incongruous skinny frame, and the more military-type but average-looking and sharp-eyed Browncoat in the armored jerkin -- seems to indicate they're fronting for an ambush of some type. From his vantage Nigel notices the soldiers in the tunnel, in mirror setup to them. Seems like nobody fully trusts either side for the time being -- except for Mr. Wizard here. Solbiort halts, giving one polite nod and waiting for them to come to the ship. The science guy and Griz (the Browncoat) approach the ship, Mr. Wizard still talking. "As soon as you offload we can begin reviving them. Gah, I hope they're okay."

Nigel activates the com-link and clears his throat, "Captain, they've got a mirror image of us down in the tunnel. You three be gorram careful down there... even if it's not an ambush, I think they're twitchy." Solbiort nods once at Nigel's communication, not glancing at the bridge. Nigel's hands move over the console in front of himself, as if he's just wanting to familiarize himself with things. Yet again.

Griz puts a hand on the medical guy's shoulder, and looks to Solbiort, picking her out as the skipper. "Captain Gorman?" Solbiort shakes her head to Griz' query, then waves towards the ship. She turns and heads that way. She's getting an itchy feeling between her shoulder blades.

Elgyn doesn't immediately turn to follow... he doesn't like the idea of showing 'Griz' his back. He gestures quietly for them to follow. Griz doesn't move, instead saying warily. "What happened to Gorman?"

Solbiort glances over her shoulder at Griz, "He attacked the wrong person. Come... they vill explain on board."

Griz doesn't like that answer, but she looks at Science Guy for a moment, then back at the tunnel, before visibly girding herself and nodding, gesturing the medico to follow her. Elgyn paces them then, making no outward sign of his bemusement at Soli deciding to hold off details... Solbiort murmurs on the com, "Elgyn, back to high guard. Molly, on cargo floor. Raj, to the side and covering." Elgyn seamlessly responds, moving to one side once in cargo, and shimmying up the port stairwell. Solbiort steps into the cargo bay, standing holding the door for the two to enter.

Griz is clearly uncomfortable but not jittery as she steps cautiously into the cargo bay. Her eye falls on Molly and her duster, and the three cryoboxes, but she still doesn't quite relax. She keeps Science Guy behind her. Solbiort glances around once, making sure everyone's in position and supporting each other... then smiles once reassuringly at Molly. Elgyn lurks above, quietly unslinging his shotgun and crouching in the shadows, watching intently. Solbiort lets the door swing slightly shut, but does not lock it. "Velcome. This is Molly, of the original crew. Molly, please to tell your story?" She leans her back against the wall next to the door, hands resting on her gun belt, and lets everyone talk things out.

Griz tenses a little at the door, and listens as Molly relates the story of how the Fengwu attacked the Shao Kung and got counter-bushwhacked. As she speaks, relating what Gorman did -- simply and directly, without embellishment -- Griz's expression darkens. "Hundan idiot," she mutters. She looks around. "All right. Well. I imagine a big part of what happens next is in your hands, Captain. On behalf of the staff here I want to thank you for bringing Wintarsen, Danviere, and Xing." She looks at the cryoboxes and winces. "And even though I had nothing to do with Gorman's side of the operation... I'm sorry. He shouldn't have done what he did."

Elgyn relaxes an iota, letting out a small breath. Solbiort smiles, relaxing slightly and straightening. "Pleasure to meet you, Griz." She nods, "I am Captain Solbiort Skialdmeyjar, and there is one last thing ve must tell you." She waves at the boxes, "The corporal vas unconscious for some time, recovering. During that time ve did inventory in cargo. Shuh muh, but ve opened von box unvittingly. Xing did not make it. Ve tried our best."

Griz smiles wanly a little. "Griselda Tomlinson, no rank and no unit, not since the war anyway. This is An Ying Shang, doctor." She blinks at Solbiort's statement, opens her mouth, then closes it. "But... oh. Of course. You couldn't have known," she says softly. Solbiort nods to Griz, her expression regretful... then nods once politely to the doctor.

Shiang's shoulders slump. "Oh, man," he murmurs. "Standard cryo shouldn't do that. What the frelling mojo did they do to them at Ariel?"

Solbiort thumbs the intercom, "Doc, can you give this doc any info? Over the intercom?"

Nigel thumbs the intercom and says back, "Sure. Want me to do that face-to-face or over the speakers?"

Solbiort says, "Speakers for now." She grins, adding, "If they decide they like us and invite us in, you can geeksqveal all you vant at each other."

Griz snickers softly. Shiang rolls his eyes, "I do not geeksqueal. Much."

Solbiort chuckles quietly. While Shiang and Nigel are talking, Soli beckons Griz over to her -- she wants to share the worrisome information about whomever is terminally effectively cleaning up the back trail of this little escapade. Griz takes the news of whomever is following the trail grimly. "I'm pretty sure they're not Browncoat," she murmurs. "But I'd be lying if I didn't have a suspicion of some really ruthless son of a bitch in charge wanting to sanitize things."

Nigel puts on an unusually professional air as he rattles off symptoms and the reactions to procedures and medication that led up to the expiration of the first piece of human cargo. Shiang listens, asks questions, and in general becomes less the geeky doctor and more the medical professional... an image that is shattered when he says at the end of it all, "Gorram, I don't know what they did to him, but that's some freaky voudun. We knew they'd be in bad shape, but... Doc, uh... Griz? I think we're gonna need another doctor's help for this." Nigel actually laughs out loud as the other doctor responds much as he would.

Solbiort nods to Griz, then raises an amused eyebrow at Shiang's reaction. Then she folds her arms quietly and watches. She has a suspicion of where this is going, but she's not going to risk her ship or crew for this without either a good hiding place for the ship, or really good compensation. Elgyn listens, finding himself of two minds. On the one hand part of him wants to stay... not as much to help these folk as to take on the bastards after them, but he also has to admit they're likely far too outnumbered... Griz looks askance at Shiang. "Are you saying you can't revive them?"

"Uh... I'm saying that we'll have better luck if we had two doctors to revive them. You're not supposed to die coming out of cryostasis. That's kind of the point of cryostasis. Which tells me that this isn't normal cryostasis."

Griz sighs, looks heavenward, thinking or praying, then looks to Solbiort. "You and your crew have done a hell of a lot more than anyone had a right to ask of you, Captain. That being said... time's not on our side based on what you've told us about the trail being sanitized. And if An Ying says he can't do it alone, I've no choice but to believe him. So. It's been a long time since I've had to do this, but... how much for you and your crew's time, and your doctor's assistance?"

Solbiort studies the other woman with some sympathy, considering. Then she says, "If my crew vishes to do this... a good place to hide the Chimera vhile ve're here." She considers, then mentally doubles standard combat rates for everyone, and names the price, adding, "-and if anyvon else on the crew has special needs, must include them also, please." She calls out, "Ve need time to talk about this or neh, boys?"

Nigel thumbs the intercom, "Chattin' would be a gorram good idea."

Elgyn's voice comes out of nowhere. "I think he speaks for all of us, Captain."

Solbiort nods, "Vell enough." She looks at Griz, "Vill need time, shuh muh. Vill com you back, ya?"

Griz blanches and runs a hand over her face. "Um. Urm, okay. I'll work out where we can hide your ship. As for the pay... damn, um, I'll work that out." She nods. "I'll leave someone at the tunnel mouth if you want. In the meantime, can we bring the cryoboxes into the base? I've some people with a couple of mules."

Solbiort considers... then nods, "Yah, that vas vhy ve bring them."

Griz nods, "Thank you again, Captain. Should I come back in an hour? Two hours?"

Solbiort smiles ruefully, "Can try at von hour. Honestly don't know vhat ve'll decide at this point."

Griz nods. Shortly, her people have moved the crates into the medical facility. The soldiers within the tunnel mostly disperse, except for one or two which remain just inside the tunnel entrance. This leaves the crew more than enough time to talk. Solbiort pulls the cargo bay hatch closed, locks it... then sighs, leaning against a wall and relaxing. She unzips her heavy armored jacket, shrugging out of it with relief, and grins at Molly, "Vell done, girl." Then she adds on the intercom, "Hokay. Bridge in fifteen for everyvon!"

Molly ducks her head. "Thank you, Captain."

Raj says, "May I suggest we make sure someone is on watch at all times? I don't want to let our guard down one moment around these people."

Elgyn sighs, resting the butt of his hogleg on the deck and musing thoughtfully. Solbiort claps Molly on the shoulder, "Sheh-sheh! Now go -- expecting you on bridge vith rest of crew!" She nods to Raj, "Ya, is vhy ve meet on Bridge." She will settle on the bridge with everyone else some fifteen or so minutes later, and grin at Nigel, "Good job vith the doc, di-di Nigel."

Nigel is sitting on the console of the bridge when everyone arrives, swinging his legs like a little boy sitting on a table, "So, yeah, I'm willing to help, but I'm not sure I feel all that safe in that compound."

Solbiort nods a bit grimly to Nigel, "Ya, thinking that is our biggest vorry. Not sure how to handle that... hostage exchange maybe?"

Raj says, "Are we seriously considering staying here? Their whole operation is coming apart, and I surely don't want to be standing next to them when the Hand of God finally gets around to smiting them. Also, what makes any of us think they're not simply going to shoot us in the back when we've outlived our usefulness?"

Solbiort nods to Raj also, "This also vorries me." She glances curiously at Elgyn and Molly for their input.

Elgyn looks up from where he was leaning against a bridge wall. "Were I alone, Captain, I would want to stay and fight, win or lose. But I am not alone... and as I am sure you would say, Captain, my first responsibility is to the crew, and not to my own outrage." He looks at Raj. "We don't, perhaps. But if they are wise at all, they know that they don't exactly have many allies at this point, and it would not be smart to kill the only ones they might have." Solbiort nods to Elgyn, quietly pleased with his conclusions.

Molly takes in a breath. "You know what I want to do, and what I hope for. At the same time, it's... not an ideal situation."

Solbiort says, "Molly, vhat arrangements vere there, if any that you know of, for your previous crew leaving here safe and sound?"

Molly says, "Before things started falling apart, we... I admit there was some debate. Some of the more militant -- like Gorman -- were convinced we would go from here to Shadow and rebuild Wintarsen's Indep faction. The rest of us were going to find someplace on the Fringe and just live out the rest of our lives quietly, keeping below the Alliance's grid. I imagine there was going to have been some debate going on. Mandate from our coordinators was to just revive Wintarsen and see where he would lead us."

Elgyn looks at Nigel. "You're the Doc, doc... how long do you think you need with the survivors before they're safe to move?"

Nigel shrugs, "I really can't say. If we've got something better than what I jury-rigged up before, it could be just days."

Elgyn grimaces. That is not the news he wanted to hear. "Even days might be too long," he murmurs.

Solbiort considers, then says thoughtfully, "All right, how about this... if ve decide to help, since Nigel says he's villing, ve first hide ship. Then do a swap -- Griz and her second in exchange for Nigel and... one of us for back up for him. Ve waive the doubled combat pay, for regular combat pay. Ve stay for... five days max." She glances around, "What do you all think?" She adds quietly, "Ve are brainstorming here, so all suggestions are good."

Nigel purses his lips thoughtfully and shrugs, "Works for me." Solbiort looks around inquiringly at everyone else.

Elgyn flexes his fingers. "I say yes, tentatively. But I'd want a good idea of what we have before us. If there are other exits from the complex, if we can barricade the entrance... there is no way we'd last in a standup fight. Not considering the kind of forces our opponent seems able to martial. Our best strategy is walling ourselves in, and retreating as soon as possible. To do everything we can without putting our people in the line of fire."

Solbiort nods to Elgyn, then looks to Raj and Molly. Molly nods a little. "I would be comfortable with that plan."

Raj says, "Well, short of all the arguments for NOT doing this, I'd certainly want to see the color of their money up front. Also, hiding the ship from anything but a casual visual inspection will be a trick, unless they've already got someplace in mind. If the people after these corpsicles have anything like decent scanning gear, we'll be hard pressed to avoid it. Frankly, I'd almost rather park the ship right on top of them so they don't try anything funny, and so we can get the hell out as soon as Nigel's ready to go."

Solbiort grins, "Happen to agree vith most of the arguments on not doing this. On the other hand, also agree this is vorthvhile cause." She considers a bit, then nods, "Good point on hiding the Chimera. All right, let's review. Combat pay for all, up front. Swap Griz and second for Nigel and back up for no more than 5 days. If they have good place to hide ship that ve can escape from quickly, then ve use it. Otherwise might as vell just use usual milspec camouflage tarp." She mentally reviews, then nods, "Sound good?"

Raj scowls, "It sounds like a plan."

Elgyn looks at Nigel. "Don't suppose you can make the Chimera invisible to scans?" he queries wistfully.

Nigel snorts at Elgyn, "I can disappear a coin or two, but the gorram boat's a little big for me to stuff up my sleeve."

Elgyn shakes his head. "And here I thought you were good..." he says mock-dismissively.

Solbiort grins at Nigel, then asks, "Di-di Nigel, vhat you vant for backup? Medically trained and good hand-to-hand, or good shot but no medical training? If no medical training, can cover you better... possibly. But can't help in emergency."

Elgyn looks sharply at Solbiort. "I should go. Captain stays with the ship," he says firmly.

Nigel snorts, "Well, I think Solbiort needs to stay here. So either Elgyn or Raj, whichever is willing to volunteer to be my beck and call boy."

Solbiort says, "Ya, but vhich? Elgyn has competent field doctoring and hand-to-hand. Raj is good shot. Choose." She grins a bit wistfully at Elgyn, "I know. Vish I could go, but..." she shrugs, falling silent.

Nigel shrugs, "Seriously, captain, either one will do just as well. It's up to them if they want to be a hostage for five days."

Elgyn looks at Raj. "I should go. I'm the sneaky one, and can keep the doc out of the line of fire... and I know you don't want to be there. Besides... I'm also ex-Browncoat, and therefore they're more likely to trust me."

Solbiort says, "Oh!" She raises an admonishing finger, "Also, ve need maps for you two inside to be able to get out qvickly." She nods to Nigel, then looks at Elgyn and Raj. "Decide, please?"

Raj grins, "Up to you, Nigel. Elgyn makes a good point about them being more likely to trust him more. I'll just make them nervous."

Solbiort nods, "Hokay." She glances out the bridge side windows, checking to see if anyone's approaching.

Nigel chuckles, "All righty then, looks like it's you and me, Elgyn."

Elgyn smiles tightly. "I'll try not to step on your toes, Doc." Solbiort sighs, giving them a slightly worried look, but says nothing.

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Last modified: 2006-Mar-04 21:02:19

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