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Into the Hinterlands, and Onward to Iniesta

Finally, things are ready. Permits have been issued, passages purchased, and arrangements have been made for the ship's crew while the command staff heads inland. Early on a cloudy, muggy morning, the party of eleven boards the Bayo Aquatico for the trip upriver. Rosita and her sisters are now wearing blousy tunics in the St. Genevieve colors over their skirts, and are gradually getting over being self-conscious about it.

    The Bayo Aquatico is a typical Rio Verde riverboat, a shallow draft transport with lateen sails. She is designed mostly for cargo, but there is a small cabin aft for the crew of otters and another one forward for passengers.

Carroll counts noses to make sure all of his staff has made it along, and murrs, "Looks like we're all here." Alex makes sure that Horatio packs his uniform and a formal change of clothes, as well as his usual clothing, just in case the capital is more formal than they thought. She does the same for herself, although doesn't bother for her clotheshorse brother Carroll, then makes sure crossbows are packed for everyone as well. She also checks with the bosun, making sure everything's fine for the Mare while her command crew are gone, and making sure the captain has nothing to worry about... finally, after much scurrying around and organizing and planning and logistics... she's ready to go.

The master of the riverboat greets his guests cheerfully and escorts them to their cabin. Rosita translates for him as he asks the ocean sailors to keep in mind that sailing on a river is a specialty of its own and that if he needs help, he will request it. Alex smiles quietly at the request for the foxes to keep their noses out of the otter crew's business... very politely put! she thinks amusedly. Carroll smiles and murrs, "Of course, Captain. We shall do our utmost to be good passengers." He asks his first mate, "Alex, can you make sure the Captain's reminder is clear to the rest of our staff, please?"

Alex nods briskly, "Certainly, captain." She'll quietly pass the word, although considering that everyone else is either guards, medic, or in training, she suspects it won't be a problem. On the other hand, she decides, she should perhaps spend more time in her more formal 'first mate' attitudes, than just relaxing and having a good time.

The trip upriver is a journey on a broad watery path between green walls, the jungle vegetation sweeping down to the river's edge from the trees that grow as close to the banks as they can. Strange calls come from within the riotous growth, and insects buzz and occasionally try to swarm around the travelers. The otters use sail when they can and slowly pole the craft along near the bank when they can't, occasionally diving in to cool off and frustrate the hungry bugs. Occasional landings with trails leading back into the trees are passed, and a little after noon the boat ties up by one. "Madera Occidental, senyores y senyoritas." Valencia is waiting in the shade of the trail leading up from the landing.

Alex is enjoying herself -- so many new things to see! and there's always studying her magic when she gets bored. She's glad to finally land at Madera Occidental, however... a week, she decides, is enough river travel. She trots down the gangplank and smiles to the oilbird, testing out her few words of the local language, "Bwenoz deeahs, senyor Valencia!" Carroll smiles, and waves to their contact as soon as he spots them, and makes sure that both Horatio and Rosita are close at hand when he finally disembarks and is able to talk to the man, as he'd like there to be a chance of understanding the man.

The oilbird sweeps a bow to the group, smiling in particular at Horatio but including Alex when she greets him in his native language. This encourages him to try talking directly to her, unfortunately, and Rosita has to intervene. "Senyorita, Capitan... he greets you and weell lead us to his village now, si?" Alex blinks startledly at the outpouring of a foreign language at her... then grins sheepishly and shrugs, turning her hands out the way she's seen folks here do when they don't understand.

Carroll nods to Rosita and murrs, "Thank him and tell him that would be lovely."

Alex then grins at Carroll, "Oops. Obviously more than a greeting is necessary to learn still... so! Shall we?"

Carroll nods to his sister and murrs, "Yes. The language barrier is very frustrating, isn't it?" Alex nods amusedly, pattering along with him.

    Jungle Trail
    The trail leads back into the jungle, the light dim and green under the enormous trees. The undergrowth is sparse except where there is a gap in the leafy canopy overhead -- in those places the light creates a riot of growth. Certain of the trees have chevrons slashed into their bark, and milky white sap is oozing down into collecting buckets. The sound of wild birds and arboreal animals occasionally disturbs the hush.

Alex is far more fascinated on this section of the journey than she was on the river. Curiously she asks Valencia, through Rosita, what the buckets are collecting from the trees? Is this the stuff he's been working on? Carroll listens to the answer, also curious. Valencia nods, "Si, si!" Rosita has a bit of trouble with the rest of his answer, not being familiar with some of the terms, but she does confirm that this is the sap being collected to turn into goma. Alex listens intently, nodding interestedly at the information. Carroll nods and smiles, he hopes, sagely. I certainly hope this proves fruitful. Otherwise I'm going to feel like an overcredible fool. Alex, of course, has no such worries... the journey is beautiful and the scenery and surroundings new and exciting for her!

A gentle greenish glow ahead signals the end of the trail. The group passes through the thick curtain of leaves and vines that mark the edge of a clearing and stand at the edge of the fields that belong to Madera Occidental.

    Madera Occidental
    The village and its fields occupy a large clearing in the jungle. The buildings are elevated on platforms, wooden with thatched roofs. The clearing is surrounded by green walls, where the jungle growth takes advantage of the light to grow from the ground to the treetops.

Carroll looks at the village curiously and asks, via Rosita, "Why are the buildings raised up like that?"

Alex blinks in the sudden sunlight, shading her eyes and looking around curiously. "Ooh... how pretty! Is this all Senyor Valencia's estate?"

The answer comes quickly, Rosita not needing to ask. "The spring floods, Capitan. The houses stay dry thees way." She looks a little puzzled at 'estate' but then shrugs, chatting with her sisters and Valencia before answering. "He ees important here. Village alcalde he is, si?"

Alex says, "Oh! Like a mayor, I see, okay!" She grins excitedly at Carroll and Horatio, "Well? Let's go down and see what he has, yes?"

Carroll nods and murrs, "I'm ready, unless Senyor Valencia has some other plan."

On close inspection the wooden stilts on the buildings are coated with a sticky substance, apparently derived from the collected sap. Valencia points this out, Rosita translating that it cuts down on the water damage of the spring floods and generally extends the life of the cut wood by years; an important consideration in the humid and warm environment. Alex nods, her eyebrows raising in interest as she listens to Rosita. Fascinating... she wonders if this would work with docks or boats as well. Carroll nods and listens also, following the oilbird.

Valencia leads the way to one of the larger stilt-buildings and climbs up, waving the group to follow along. Inside he has set up a number of demonstrations of his new material. Carroll follows the bird, eager to see what other applications he has found. Alex lightly bounces up the ladder, pausing to make sure Horatio doesn't trip or fall and makes it up safely... then follows him and Carroll in to watch the demonstrations. She grins at Horatio's absorbed expression and his eager, rapid-fire questions that leave poor Rosita occasionally floundering!

The material, when treated, seems to be waterproof. Several of the demonstrations involve keeping water either in or out of something... for one, a pair of coated boots is immersed, and although the insides are a bit sticky, the water stays out. Another one is a woven container coated with the sap, holding water. Valencia offers it around, requesting that everyone take a sip from it. Carroll looks extremely carefully at the woven container, and at the boots. This is very interesting, indeed. Alex is a pragmatist -- she checks, during the tests, to be sure no magic is being used to accomplish these wonderful results! At the offer of a drink she sips cautiously, wondering what it tastes like.

There is no magic being used, and the water tastes a little odd, but is certainly fresh. It's certainly better than water that's been in kegs on board ship for a month. Alex's eyebrows go way up at that sudden thought -- which she hastily whispers to Carroll! Carroll nods, and whispers back something about wondering what it would taste like after a month. Horatio wonders about that, as well. "Carr- Captain, one of the biggest problems we have with fresh water is that the kegs leak -- in both directions. You know we've had kegs contaminated past the point of potability by seawater seepage. That alone should make this stuff worthwhile." Alex nods interestedly at Horatio's comment!

Carroll looks at Valencia, and says, "This is very interesting, senyor. You haven't been able to gather much interest in this new find?" He replies to his brother, "Myself, I was just considering how much less wet and cold the winter storms might be if one clothing coated like the boots there." Alex nods interestedly again.

Valencia shakes his head and talks at some length in response to Carroll's question. Rosita reports, "He ees saying that few sailing peoples from the League come to Punta del Oro, and our own sailors not take long journeys. He deed not heemself theenk of thees."

Carroll adds, "Better kegs, though, might be simpler to produce, which could bankroll further development and bring in income quickly." With an eager, slightly predatory grin, he finishes, "They might sell themselves too."

Alex wonders aloud, "How hard and how expensive is it to make? Is it only the trees around here that produce this sap? Rosita, could you ask him that, please?"

Horatio holds his paw up, forestalling Rosita. "We talked about this a lot back in the city, Alex. The stuff comes from one type of tree, but they are found throughout the jungles. He has been taking the trouble to plant a lot of them near here, his plantacion as he calls it."

Alex nods happily at Carroll's comment, then nods again at Horatio's words. "Okay then... what exactly does he want from us?"

Horatio says, "A market, and help refining the stuff. It does deteriorate over time, especially in sunlight, but he has slowed that down using flowers of sulfur... he needs some trained alchemists to work on that some more, and to cut down on the stickiness if possible."

Alex looks slightly blank, but nods gamely, glancing at her brothers, "Uhh... okaaay. Is that something we can do, guys?"

Horatio continues, more to himself, "But inside kegs in a hold, the sunlight isn't a problem... it should be possible to do that right away." He looks at Alex. "Well, certainly someone should be able to try. I don't know if it's possible, but he's made some progress with it already, and he's not an alchemist at all, really. Flowers of sulfur... I wonder... heat treatment maybe, and using different sulfates -- see which one works best..."

Carroll ahs, and murrs, "An early market of good kegs, and connections with ports all over the world; we can definitely help him with. Presuming that they sell remotely as well as they should, that will show enough profit to justify further investment."

Alex brightens, "Wonderful!"

Carroll nods and murrs, "For the boots, wouldn't a cotton or wool lining keep the stickiness down?"

Alex nods thoughtfully to Carroll, "I'd think so. Wool might be better... it wicks moisture away from your skin." She glances at Horatio and grins, "You want to stay and help, don't you?"

Carroll ahs, and asks his brother, "Horatio -- is this something that interests you? Would you like to lead up this research, or merely help us hire those who will?"

Horatio looks a little torn, but then straightens himself a little. I'd love to work on this... it's much more novel than anything I'd ever seen in the Academy! And yet.... no, it can wait. I am St. Genevieve. "Truth be told, Alex... I'd like to, but I should go with you both to the capital. Besides, there are better alchemists in the League who would each give a gallon of their sanguine humour to work on this."

Alex listens intently... then smiles and lightly pats his arm, "Truth be told, Horry... if you stayed, we'd miss you." Her ears flick back shyly as she adds, "I'm glad you'd rather come with us."

Carroll shrugs, and murrs, "Either way, this is interesting, and if Senyor Valencia has had the forethought to plant trees together for easier harvesting, that too is interesting."

Cleo chuckles to herself. "Using a wool lining should work, but would you expect the folks here to even think of needing warm footgear?"

Carroll also chuckles and answers Cleo, "No. That's why they need our help. And it's that innovation and distribution that I'm prepared to sell him."

Alex hms thoughtfully... then finally shakes her head, "I don't know the seasons here, Carroll. Maybe it gets really cold when it's rainy?"

Rosita is keeping up a running translation for Valencia, but chuckles herself at that. "We have two seasons here, senyorita. Hot and rainy, and hot with less rain."

Alex grins at Rosita, "Then I guess you don't use much wool here, eh?" She nods to Carroll, "That's all right... whether it's wool or cotton, I'm sure there'll be a market for them, yes?"

Carroll smiles and nods at the oilbird, and asks Rosita to ask him if he would promise to work only with House St. Genevieve in regards to this new material. He offers, "If he can make such a promise, then we'll work to expedite development for him."

Rosita talks for a while with Valencia, the discussion apparently including terms in her own language she is not familiar with. "He ask if you wish to write a contrato. I am sorry, not know thees word in your language."

Carroll sounds it out... "Contrato... a contract? An agreement in writing?"

Alex nods to Carroll, "It sounds vaguely like 'contract'... but do we want to make a verbal agreement with him first, and have someone who knows both languages look over it for both him and us later? After all, neither of us want to sign something we don't understand, right?"

Rosita nods. "Si, Capitan. That ees eet. Contract." She repeats it to herself a few times, apparently memorizing it.

Carroll nods and murrs, "It would be unwise to rush in to anything hasty, yes. Rosita, can you tell him that we'll need a lawyer who can speak both languages to take care of that, and that we'll have to find one back in the city? Until then, an agreement between gentlemen will satisfy me." Alex beams happily, her ears perking up -- this looks like a good deal -- for both parties involved!

Rosita nods and enters into another discussion with the bird. At the end of it he bows to Carroll and offers a wing-hand to shake. "Yo conforma, Capitan."

Alex looks very pleased. Rosita translates. "He agrees, Captain."

Carroll takes the proffered wing-hand and shakes it firmly, saying, "It is agreed then."

The bird grins. "Aggreeda!" He shouts something else, and the other villagers, who have been staying out of the way up to this point, cheer loudly. Rosita translates the shouting going on. "He wants to hold a fiesta to celebrate, Capitan. Weeth you as guest of honor, si?"

Alex laughs! -then grins at Carroll hopefully? Carroll smiles, then laughs and replies, "I think that a fiesta sounds like an excellent way to begin this new venture."

Alex beams again, bouncing lightly on her toes in excitement, "Hurray! You were right, Horatio -- this was a great idea!"

Rosita grins as she translates back and forth. "You are good patronas, si!"

Alex laughs again and grins at Rosita, "Thank you, Rosita!"

During the evening, Carroll finds a few minutes to talk business with the oilbird and, of course, Rosita. Carroll will try to find out how long it would take to produce a number of kegs with treated linings. "Those," he explains, "-have an easy sale potential, presuming they work. We'll test them on our ship. If they work half as well as I expect them to, then we'll be able to put them for sale all over the League as soon as we can get them made and shipped there." He adds, "Some stock to give to some highly visible and notable people would also make sales easier to make. We can work out exact details after we get a contract drawn up, of course, but I think there's no time to lose on this." He is smiling and very pleased by the thought of a new and exciting thing for the family to do.

Alex has a wonderful time. After all, for her a fiesta is yet another excuse for more dancing! The celebration goes well into the night, the food delicious, the music not up to the standards of Punta del Oro but quite rhythmic and easy enough to dance to, and the drinks... different. There is rum, there is cafe with rum in it, there is something called pulque which tastes like fermented boot linings and packs quite a kick, and there is something quite tasty which they call cacao, also fermented and much sneakier than the pulque. Everyone overindulges and finally drops off to sleep much later than they had intended, given that they are supposed to be back at the riverboat by dawn.

The Starfallers get rousted out far too early the next morning to head back to their riverboat, but the incredibly bitter cups of cafe do wake people up. The stuff does little to stop the headaches brought on by too much of the fermented cacao they were offered the night before, though. In spite of that, they make it back to the Bayo Aquatico and collapse in their cabin as the boat continues its way up the river. Carroll returns to the riverboat only a little less hung over than the rest of his staff and family, having indulged more than usual, being very pleased with the likelihood of future work, and not expecting the foreign drink to pack quite such a wallop.

The trip upriver is uneventful, and rapidly becomes a bit boring, although the brightly colored tropical birds and the occasional crocodile in the river provide points of interest. Cleo and Rosita spend their spare time giving language lessons to the armadillo's sisters, and Alex sometimes sits in on them to try to learn Boveyan at the same time. Carroll also tries to listen in on the language lessons.

Alex has plenty of time to think while they travel up river again. It's while she's lying on deck, lazily trailing her fingertips in the water, that she suddenly wonders... she looks over her shoulder, then rolls over to curiously ask MacKenzie, "Hey, Mac... do you happen to know if the city guards in Starfall all know each other by sight?"

MacKenzie looks a bit puzzled by the question, then shrugs. "I'd doubt it... there's a fair number of them. Why do you ask?"

Alex frowns, thinking... then says curiously, "Mac... if you were the guard on one side of a door, and someone you didn't know was the guard on the other side of the door... and they suddenly brought out a blowgun and used it on someone in the room... you'd grab him or her, right?" Horatio is, unfortunately for his linguistic skills, busy happily studying Valencia's material with what supplies he brought. There's little enough he can do of course, which means that Alex's question on that particular moment manages to catch his attention.

Alex pauses, thinking, then adds slowly... "Unless... unless that person suddenly wasn't there any more, somehow... and... and the assassination attempt on the queen -- why didn't the other musicians say something if one of their number wasn't the guy that was usually there? I know string quartets are almost like teams, after all... why didn't they notice that he was someone different?"

MacKenzie looks enlightened as he sees where this is going. "Ah. I'd certainly think that the guards on the same detail would know each other, though. An interesting question."

Horatio blinks a little, and gets a distinctly uncomfortable look on his face. "Unless... he wasn't someone different...?"

Alex nods firmly to MacKenzie, then adds, "Right... and we even heard the baroness say the musician looked like someone that should be there, but wasn't! So... maybe that's it! Maybe the assassins are using a magic that changes their shape?" Horatio blinks, and opens his mouth to say, 'Just like the queen used!' but stops himself in time. His mouth closes with a half-audible snap, and he considers Alex's words.

Cleo shrugs. "Possible, I suppose. It's not easy, though."

Alex nods thoughtfully again, looking faintly worried, "So... that could be why the assassins are so spectacularly successful -- they know that magic that Ambassador Rishali used, to change the way you look without leaving a magical aura!" She falls silent again, musing quietly to herself...

    Lago de Nevada
    The rumbling noise can be felt even before it can be heard, a disturbance that the local fauna seems to be oblivious to. It is not until the last turn in the river has been negotiated that the cause is seen. Lago de Nevada spreads out along the base of the cliffs ahead, and the whole enormous flow of the Rio Verde comes crashing down the cliff face. The otter boatman smiles and shouts, "Cascado de Aguilas!"

Alex's eyes widen, and she shades her eyes, steadying herself with one small paw on the railing. Her voice is lost in the thunder of the falls, "Whoaaa... it's beautiful!"

Horatio looks up at the falls, shaking his head slowly. "Incredible. There's nothing anywhere else in the League like this...."

Carroll pads up next to Alex, also admiring the falls and the lake. He nods and murrs, "Breathtaking country, yes, between the lake, the falls, and the jungle." Alex spares a smile and a nod up at her oldest brother... then goes back to her awestruck regard of the huge waterfall.

The cliff extends as far as the eye can see in both directions, a massive disruption of the landscape. Plants try their best to hang onto the face, the jungle doing its best to cover even a sheer surface in greenery. The scale is brought home when Alex realizes that the birds circling up and down along the cliff are not the little non-sapient jungle birds, but full-sized furrfolk. Alex squints uncertainly... then gasps in startlement and points, "Look! Look, those aren't birds -- those are people!"

Horatio blinks, looking at Alex briefly, then turning to squint at the little birds flying -- oh, good heavens, she's right, they're neither little nor birds! The falls must be titanic in scale! "Good heavens!"

Carroll is even more impressed by the falls. He asks idly, "What would cause a cliff like this?" forgetting that there's a good chance his brother might try and answer.

The otters have hoisted the sails again and are making for the little town nestled near the cliff to the west of the falls. As the boat gets closer the trail up the cliff can be made out, switchbacked to allow loads to be carried up and down, the pack mules looking like ants on a wall.

The steersman points ahead, "Val Asilo." Rosita translates the rest as, "This is where we leave you."

Horatio blinks, looking ahead and fretting a little. "Uhm, Carroll... I'm not sure how far we are from the capitol right now."

Alex glances at her twitchy brother and smiles, "What's the problem, Horatio?"

Carroll murrs, "As I recall, Horatio, once we've managed to climb up to the top of the cliff, it's about a three-day trip by some sort of carriage to the capital. It should be all arranged."

Horatio says, "Oh, it's probably nothing, Alex. Just worried about how long it would take to get there...." He looks over his shoulder at the lake. "And how long it would take to get back, if we had to do it in a hurry." He nods to his older brother. "Thank you, Carroll...""

Alex looks curious, "Why would we need to hurry, Horry?"

Horatio shakes his head and smiles a little. "Sorry, Alex. It's just me being a little more paranoid than usual, I guess. I suppose I'm not used to being so far from home or ship for so long...."

Alex grins at Horatio, "It's okay, Horry, think about it... we'd go faster going down than going up, right?"

Horatio chuckles softly. "Very fast, here, if we decline the use of mules...."

Alex looks at the waterfall, then wrinkles her nose and grins, "A little too fast, if you ask me!"

Val Asilo is a typical small town, except for the fact that the buildings are placed on mounds between the much lower streets. Apparently the streets turn into canals during flood season. The hike to the top takes most of a day, and the evening is spent in an inn in the sister town of Punta Rocoso. Both towns are bustling with trade, the necessary work of transferring burdens from boats to mules at the bottom and from mules to wagons at the top providing employment for quite a number of furrs. Alex is relieved when they finally make the cliff top -- she's not used to that much walking in the heat! She pants quietly, watching cargo be transferred.

Hiring a pair of cocheros the next day goes easily, and soon the party is moving rapidly. The river stays off to the east of the road, but branches shortly after the trip begins. It flows much faster here in the uplands, and the country continues to rise, the jungle giving way to a drier upland forest. On the second day the jungle is left behind permanently, the land switching over to cultivated grasslands supporting herds of cattle and sheep as well as crops. The high altitude makes the Starfallers a little breathless, but the temperature is much more comfortable, even a little chilly sometimes at night. The coaches keep rolling, with only a short break to switch horses at the regular stops.

Alex watches out the windows, fascinated by the change in environment, happily pointing out new things to her brothers. Horatio watches the forest pass outside the carriage windows. "I wonder," he says idly to his siblings, "just how much this little trip to get us to the capitol is costing...." Carroll tells Horatio. He does, after all, know... and he's keeping track for a number of reasons. He'll have to adjust prices to cover the cost of shipping them in this far. Horatio ahs, nodding. He hadn't thought League dollars went so far here....

On the last day, the mountains poke up above the horizon, and are beginning to loom over the plains by the time the coaches pull into the evening rest stop. The cochero changes horses and driver again, an opossum taking over from the long-tailed monkey who had driven through the day. Another long night trying to sleep while being jostled around in a stagecoach passes, but with the dawn it is obvious that the mountains are closer. The uplands are still cultivated, but more rugged here, rolling hills with occasional rock outcrops poking through the soil. The land still seems to be rich, though, and Iniesta is now visible ahead, a sprawling city surrounding a hilltop citadel. Another hour and the coaches pull into the courtyard of the final station on the route. Rosita is dozing, but wakes up when the motion stops. "He says we are here."

Horatio blinks wearily and looks outside the coach. "Mrrrph... we are? Already?" He isn't quite awake yet, else he surely wouldn't have even thought of muttering that.

Carroll nods and murrs, "So we are, so we are." He climbs down out of the coach and stretches. He then sees to the mundane details of arranging porters and lodgings in the capital city. Alex steps out stiffly and tiredly, stretching her arms, toes, and tail out. Horatio manages to not stumble out of the coach himself, and stretches a little, looking about.

The stationmaster for the stagecoach line is helpful, arranging for a porter with a cart for the luggage that the siblings brought. The inn that he directs them to is in the upscale quarter of town, and is apparently often used by lower level foreign dignitaries... at least that's how Rosita translates his explanation. It does seem to be a pleasant place when they finally arrive, and the cost is quite reasonable. Alex looks relieved. She mutters under her breath, "My kingdom for a bath!"

Carroll thanks the stationmaster -- with a tip if it's appropriate, asking Rosita first -- and is pleased with the lodgings suggested indeed. He replies to Alex's desire, "I think we could all use that. We can meet with the city leaders tomorrow."

Alex looks more relieved. She's very tired... even her normally perky ears are drooping. Horatio stretches a lot, even his tail seeming to stretch, trying to get all the kinks out of his body, and when he relaxes he looks, if anything, a bit more tired. "That... sounds like a good idea, Carr- er, Captain..." Carroll is also worn out by the long carriage ride, but continues to make the needed arrangements for baths and dinner for family and staff. He remains unfailingly polite, if tired. Hopefully the inn is used to what the trip in does to foreigners.

By evening everyone has had a chance to take a bath and to sleep in a bed instead of sitting up. A discreet knock on the door heralds the appearance of one of the hotel staff. "Will the senyores y senyorita be dining with us tonight?"

Alex's ears perk up as her tummy rumbles. "I vote yes, guys!"

Carroll smiles and murrs, "I think that would be very good, thank you."

Horatio bobs his head. "I agree, that would be a great idea."

The jaguar also bobs his head. "And weell you be joining us in thee dining room, or staying here in your suite?"

Alex looks hopefully at Carroll, "Dining room?"

Carroll nods again and murrs, "The dining room, yes. No need to be hermits." Horatio nods in agreement. Alex beams! She's looking forward to sentient company in a nice room -- not groggy siblings and friends in a swaying, over-heated, stinky stagecoach! Carroll makes sure he finds out when they should be there.

    Dining Room, Hacienda del Sol
    The dining room of the Hacienda del Sol is impressive, in a deliberately rustic fashion. The tables and chairs are well constructed, though not elaborately decorated, and the magelight chandeliers are built on the same pattern as wagon wheels. The walls are roughly plastered, with the wooden structural beams showing through. Along one side of the room is a selection of dishes, and people apparently are going up and being served there before returning to their seats. The local dress here is similar to that in Punta del Oro, although often of heavier cloth and more likely to be decorated. There are a fair number of foreigners here as well, so the League clothing styles being worn are not too out of place.

Carroll arrives with his family and smiles happily. He watches the flow of things for a while, securing a table and admiring the room. He asks Cleo, "How difficult is that trick with the lights?" Alex looks around in fascination, happily people-watching and sniffing the tempting, spicy scents of the food.

Cleo shrugs. "I can't do it. If you've got the right talent, though, it's fairly straightforward, I understand."

Alex says, "What, the chandeliers?" She glances up at them curiously, then smiles... maybe someday she'll be able to do that too. But for now... dinner!

Carroll nods, murring, "I wonder if it's expensive to hire it done." It's apparently never occurred to him to wonder before. He looks back around the room, and murrs, "Dinner beckons!" and shoos his charges towards the servers.

Carroll waits for his siblings and the staff who aren't security to have found food before he goes and collects his own, watching the room quietly. Alex experiments with her meal, trying a little of everything and then going back to try again anything that she liked the first time. Horatio is himself fascinated, and simply enjoys the atmosphere, the rustic feel of it. It would never stand the explosion of a furnace from a student's poorly concocted fulminate, he muses, but it doesn't have to. I could be comfortable here.... He takes his cues from his brother and sister, and heads to the buffet.

Alex looks around with a great deal of interest as she eats... what are people like? What are they wearing? Are they looking back at her? She's having fun, now that she can finally relax on steady ground instead of a stagecoach. This is apparently a popular establishment, with a large number of folks dining here. There are a few others in League-style clothing, and one of them, a heavily-built elk, approaches the St. Genevieve group after getting his food. "May I join you?"

Alex looks up with interest, wondering who he's with... do his clothes show any affiliation she recognizes? She glances curiously at Carroll, hoping he'll say yes. Carroll doesn't eat much, but it seems he rarely does. He enjoys the different food, but doesn't seem hungry. He ponders the future, somewhat pensively, wondering if his family will be finding their callings and drifting apart... Dimitri to Natasha and wherever that may lead, Horatio to some fascinating retreat of research, Alexandra beckoned away by the siren call of the ocean itself. For a moment he wonders what will become of him, until the elk politely imposes himself upon Carroll's reverie. He looks up and murrs, "Yes, of course."

The elk sits down. "Thank you. Carroll St. Genevieve, I presume?" He waits for Carroll to nod. "I'm Thomas Dannings, secretary to the Ambassador. I thought I recognized you; I'd met your father a few years back while I was working for the Council back home. What brings you here?" Carroll introduces himself, Horatio, and Alex. Alex smiles and nods politely. Horatio inclines his head politely in greeting to the gentleman, pausing in his devouring of one of the spicier dishes, having noted that the various herbs and spices -- a few he thinks he might recognize -- are combined wonderfully.

Alex listens with interest, wondering who the ambassador is... ambassador from Starfall to here, she presumes? Horatio's ears perk as the elk gives Carroll's name immediately, and even more so when he mentions meeting Father. Carroll smiles and replies wryly, "A very long carriage ride, of course." Alex covers a grin. Smiling, he really answers the question, "Looking for new things to buy and sell, and new places to do it. The business of the family brings us here. The coast was quite interesting, and I'm curious to see if we find as much potential here in the capital."

Dannings nods. "Ah, a trade mission then. We've gotten the most remarkable reports about you, you realize... Maidstone and Starfall both are interested in your whereabouts and well-being."

Alex blinks interestedly and grins, "Like what, if I may ask, Mr. Dannings?"

Carroll cocks his head and asks, "My well-being? Have I gone missing and didn't notice?" Alex giggles! Horatio blinks, glancing from Dannings to his brother and sister.

The elk grins. "Well, you have been out of touch for a while. I'm sure people will be happy to know that everything is fine."

Alex asks curiously, "How do you get messages quickly back to the League, sir?"

Carroll murrs, "We haven't left Maidstone that long ago. Who has been asking, specifically? I will make a point to send them a message."

Several other furrs are noticing who Dannings is talking to, and are watching him and his dinner companions. The elk seems oblivious. Alex wonders idly why folks are watching Dannings so closely... maybe his behavior out in the city previously has been unusual or something? -then nods, "Ah, of course, mage relays." She grins at Carroll, "We should tell Father we arrived safely, yes?"

Horatio glances a little to his left, then a bit to his right, before returning his attention -- mostly -- to the conversation. Odd... surely we aren't the only ones Dannings has ever talked to at dinner. Then again, they may not have had a lot of visitors here. I wonder, though... what did we get ourselves into? "That would certainly make him feel better, I think."

Alex hms to herself... maybe it's just that he's an embassy official. She's seen the ambassadors at Maidstone parties eyeing each other warily a lot also. She can't resist blatantly grinning at someone who's obviously staring, though. The elk twitches his ears a bit. "Oh... you've noticed my friends from the Empire and Costa Yermo, have you?"

Carroll notes the people looking, and something that Rosita said sinks in slowly; "lower level foreign dignitaries" rings a quiet bell. He asks the elk casually, "Are there a lot of merchants who stay at this inn?"

Alex chuckles quietly in spite of herself at the elk's comment, then says diplomatically, "They seem... quite taken with you, sir!" She grins again.

Horatio coughs a little, glancing Alex's way. "You must not get a lot of visitors for dinner...." Alex giggles again at Horatio's comment!

Carroll smiles at his brother and murrs, "I don't think that's it."

Dannings nods. "They follow me every time I leave the embassy. I make a point of talking to lots of folks, just so they have something to do with their time. Merchants? The richer ones, yes. You're not unique in that respect, whether you're here in a purely mercantile capacity or not."

Alex's eyes are dancing with amusement at the elk's comment, "Sounds like you're having fun then!"

Carroll chuckles and murrs, "And now they'll have to wonder." Horatio blinks, then chuckles softly, finally getting Dannings' intentions.

Alex grins mischievously at Carroll, "Tsk, I'm heartbroken! We don't appear to have tails of our own!" She giggles, adding, "Foreign tails, that is!"

Horatio grins, "I was about to say...."

The elk grins back at Alex. "Oh, of course! They never can tell that way whether any given contact is important or not. They'd be checking you out anyway, so I haven't messed anything up for you if you are here on some kind of covert expedition, and I make a point of talking to anyone from the League who passes through Iniesta." He turns and chats briefly with Rosita and her sisters, and nods at the answers he gets.

Carroll chuckles and murrs, "I'm crushed," to his sister.

Alex giggles again at both Dannings' and Carroll's comments, then pricks her ears in interest -- Dannings speaks the language! Hm... one of them at least should definitely learn it too, so Rosita doesn't have to be in three places at once. Carroll lets the official elk confuse the opposition some more, and drinks a glass of wine. Alex enjoys chatting with the elk. She asks him about local places that are good for business, that are fun, and where one should go to meet all the right folks. Dannings happily chats with Alex, and gives her pointers on enjoyable and useful places to go. "Hmm. That depends on who you think the Right Folks are. They don't have a nobility here, not officially at least, but there is a bit of a class distinction. The elected officials are always from the wealthy families."

Alex nods interestedly, "I'd noticed that, yes. Do you know why that's so, and who the wealthy families are? And..." she pauses, trying to think how to put it politely, "Um... do the elected officials do their job well, of taking care of their people?" Carroll's sister is asking good questions, so he doesn't interrupt.

Dannings considers the questions. "Well, the obvious answer is that it takes a bit of money to campaign. Even in the cases where a popular general or someone has been elected, he's had wealthy backers. Who they are? There are about twenty clans, each with their own, well, vassals is perhaps too strong a word, but effectively that's what they are. They ally and maneuver all the time. Once they're in? They don't do too bad a job, since there are nineteen other clans just waiting for a chance to savage them and point out that they could do a better job."

Carroll shakes his head and murrs, "What a strange way to do things. It's amazing what people will think of."

Dannings chuckles and shakes his head. "What do you think the League Council is?" He pauses, then continues, "Of course, the Council doesn't usually do as good a job."

Alex's ears tilt puzzledly as she thinks about that... slowly she murmurs, "Well... I guess that would keep them from the problem of noble families that think they deserve their positions..." She looks up at Dannings and shakes her head, "I don't know what it is. I'll respect it more if they figure out a way to keep unethical robbers like Pravinchandra from almost taking it over."

Carroll considers both of those statements, and replies, "I suppose that it's equally strange. I will be the first to agree it has problems too, some of which this may not have. I'm sure it has others."

Alex nibbles something unfamiliarly shaped, spicy, and tasty, then curiously says, "Do you know what problems the form of government here has, Mr. Dannings?" She tilts a thoughtful ear, trying to place Dannings' home from his accent.

The elk nods. "They seem to be consistently mediocre, with the occasional burst of adequate. Hereditary rulers range from imbecile to genius, but there's no easy way to get rid of the imbeciles before they do a lot of damage. I was a student of history back in my school days."

Alex looks up in sudden interest, "Really? How fascinating!"

The elk grins. "I thought so. But this is watching history unfold. Even better, in some ways."

Alex tilts her head curiously, "Watching history unfold? Howso, if I may ask? Do you mean in regards to being a diplomat?" Carroll listens, and lets his sister talk to the nice fellow. He's not got too many questions of his own right now, and she's on an interesting line.

Dannings shrugs. "Well, being an assistant diplomat at least. But yes. Everything that happens will be history someday, and if it's important enough it will end up in the history lessons. You four... umm... three, have already earned yourself a minor place, triggering a scandal and shaking up the Starfall Council the way you did." The elk looks a little nonplussed, apparently wondering why Dimitri stayed behind on this trip.

Carroll smiles, and murrs, "Earning a place in the history books was the last thing on our minds, I assure you." About his brother he chooses not to comment.

Alex's ears tilt back a little sadly, and her gold earring twinkles slightly in the mage light... but she also says nothing -- just sips her wine contemplatively. Then she hms and looks up again, "Er... did we trigger the scandal, or do you mean we revealed one?" She grins suddenly, her eyes slightly mischievous, "Ah! I understand... this is how you earn your minor place in history too?" Carroll looks blankly at his sister. Alex curiously adds, "Where are you from, Mr. Dannings, if I may ask? I can't quite place your accent? And... we should probably ask that about the League ambassador too, yes?" She raises an inquiring eyebrow at her perplexed older brother?

Dannings grins. "I didn't mean to imply that's why you exposed Pravinchandra, but it is the net result." He grins at Alex. "Accent? I don't have an accent! Everyone else does. Seriously, I'm from Jarrow. The Ambassador is from Falkirk."

Carroll hasn't yet figured out Alex's last question, but doesn't think it important enough to ask. Alex giggles at Dannings' comment about an accent, then brightens, "Oh! Jarrow... we have a holding from Jarrow, I think!" She grins at Carroll, "We almost visited there, Jarrow, with the Mare, in fact, right? But I've still never been there... although you were once as a boy with father, right, Carroll?"

Carroll nods and murrs, "We do indeed. That's a lot of what kept Pravinchandra's plan from working." With a grin he adds, "That, and us not doing what he expected." He murrs, "Yes, I was there some time ago. I don't think I'd recognize most of it now."

Alex beams fondly -- and rather proudly -- at her brothers, at that last comment about doing what Pravinchandra didn't expect. Happily she adds, "Thank goodness we did too, eh? Else poor Father'd still be on the run!"

Carroll reminds, "And us likely dead. I think we made a good choice, yes."

Alex smiles affectionately at her excessively modest brother, "You made most of them, Cara. We just implemented them."

Carroll suddenly has an odd thought, and asks the elk, "Wait a moment... You said that both Starfall and Maidstone had been asking about us? Does anyone else know that?" With a twinkle in his eye he adds, "Any foreigners?" Alex blinks at the sudden change of subject, then looks interestedly at the elk for his response.

Dannings frowns. "Hmmm. I would hope not. We certainly haven't bandied it about. On the other hand it wasn't marked secret, so I suspect that somehow it's gotten out -- somewhere, at least."

Alex murmurs, "Why do you ask, Carroll?"

Carroll smiles a foxy, mischievous smile, and murrs, "I am resisting the urge to visit Costa Yermo for the wrong reasons."

Alex laughs! then grins at Carroll amusedly, "Let us not borrow trouble, brother dear! It was exceedingly kind of Don Carlos to come to my and Horatio's aid in Maidstone that last time... but he's in Maidstone, not here, and he may not have passed on the message that you're not someone to worry about!"

Dannings shakes his head. "You can't have any right reasons for going there. Unpleasant place at the best of times, and right now, with the old King slipping into senility, is not the best of times. The Prince... is not completely stable."

Carroll nods and murrs, "Yes, it's an easy urge to resist. I feel sorry for the King, and for the people."

Alex gives Dannings a slightly wide-eyed look, "He's... unstable? Oh, my... I thought he was just... well... greedy for power, you know?" She thinks about that a bit, staring into her wineglass, then shakes her head a bit and sighs softly, "Those poor people..."

Carroll sips his wine and comments, "Pity it's not possible to cure the King's ailments." Alex nods quietly.

The elk nods. "But until they decide to do something about it themselves, they're stuck with it. Prince Iago is a bit paranoid, I'm afraid."

Alex gives the elk a curious glance, "They decide? Explain what you mean, please?"

Dannings shrugs. "The King is suffering from old age. Not much to be done about it."

Carroll nods and murrs, "True, true." He asks the elk idly, "Did you hear that Prince Iago asked Queen Arianna to marry him?"

Alex murmurs amusedly, "...repeatedly?"

The elk looks around and lowers his voice, only Alex and Carroll catching his next comment. "Costa Yermo is ripe for a revolt. But so far the Prince's Guardians, as he calls them, have captured every ringleader." His voice returns to normal again. "Oh, yes. Arianna had more sense than that, fortunately."

Alex watches the elk gravely... so, things are worse than she understood. She feels for those poor people. Her voice is quiet as she asks, "Who are the Guardians?"

Carroll nods. "The fellow he sent to do the asking -- he didn't even ask in person, which I thought somewhat tacky -- also managed to be rejected in a public event. The rather questionable gentleman who did the asking certainly came off looking like a fool. I find myself in the odd position of owing him a favor, though."

Alex pats Carroll's paw lightly and reassuringly, "I owe him the favor, not you, Carroll."

Carroll shakes his head and murrs, "The family owes him a favor, Alex. Things like that are important to keep track of. He managed to come along at the right moment to assist you and Horatio both."

Alex nods, "I won't argue with you about that." Carroll makes casual, gossipy talk, hoping the elk will answer Alex's question.

The elk looks curious, but continues. "His Vigilare. Spies and enforcers, and quite capable of making up charges against anyone they don't like."

Alex wrinkles her nose, her ears flattening in distaste, "How... shameless of him. Carroll, I truly think we should avoid it."

Dannings agrees. "I would certainly recommend it."

"Anyway..." Alex sips her drink, then smiles, deliberately changing the subject, "So, what of interest has happened here recently? Perhaps we can swap stories to update each other?"

Carroll nods, and murrs, "They shall have to manage without our excellent merchandise somehow." He answers the elk's curious look by explaining, "Alex, Horatio, and their guards were being accosted by enough local thugs for it to be problematic, when Don Carlos and his staff showed up and drove them away handily."

Alex raises an amused eyebrow at Carroll, but says only, "We were holding our own, Cara."

The elk nods. "Interesting. It could be coincidence... Costa Yermo does still have some decent people, even if the top is rotten... or it could have been arranged, too. Hard to say."

Carroll nods and murrs, "You were, but he did assist, without pausing or considering not to. I can't fault him for having done the right thing there."

Alex nods to Dannings, "I wondered that also, which is why we carried the wounded prisoner... instead of Don Carlos' men doing so."

Carroll nods to the ambassador's assistant and murrs, "Impossible to say. We'll definitely not tempt fate, and will avoid going there."

Alex smiles at Carroll, "True," then curiously adds to Dannings, "I hear women are viewed as um... hm... how to put it... as somehow not as good as men, here in the southern realms? Or is that a peculiarity only of Costa Yermo?"

Dannings grimaces. "That bit of perversity is primarily a Costa Yermo problem. There is a bit of a cultural imperative to keep daughters safe, but in most of Boveya it's not taken to extremes." Alex nods thoughtfully at that news.

Eventually the meal ends, with a sweet custard dish and cups of the bitter cafe. Dannings sips appreciatively. "White Mountain." He's apparently developed a taste for the stuff during his time here. "Have you seen much of the capital yet?"

Alex looks puzzled, "Er... I thought it was called Iniesta, actually...? oh! You mean the coffee..." She sniffs at it thoughtfully. Hm... it does actually smell nicer than the stuff she uses to keep awake on board. She has a careful sip -- tastes smoother too, in fact -- then answers, "Well, we're intimately acquainted with the interior of the cochero that brought us here, and our inn rooms..." she grins, "-but that's about it, really! We just arrived earlier today."

Dannings stands and sweeps an elegant bow toward Alex. "I would be honored to show you the sights, milady."

Alex gives a faintly surprised look at the huge elk... then grins, "That sounds lovely, Mr. Dannings. Let me check and see if we're free first though, if I may?" She looks at Carroll inquiringly, "Do we have anything scheduled tonight, Carroll, or can we go wandering in the city?"

Carroll nods. "I think that would be a very good idea. We should learn to find our way around."

Rosita has been listening with wide eyes, occasionally shushing her sisters so she can concentrate on the conversation of the Killimarans. She looks quite anxious to go along, but can't quite bring herself to say anything.

Alex brightens -- a bit of walking would be a very welcome relief to the incessant sitting she's been doing the last few days! -- and bounces up, "Then let us away! Avaunt! before the break of day!" She laughs, taking both Dannings' and Carroll's arms, almost springy with enthusiasm.

Alex grins at Rosita, "You're coming too, aren't you?"

Rosita almost knocks her chair over getting up. "May I, senyorita?"

Alex grins again, "But of course! We need your talent, Rosita!" She grins... they both know it's not just that, of course.

Alex grins as they're walking out, and nudges Carroll gently. Her eyes are dancing with mischief as she murmurs quietly to him, "So! Whatcha going to get me for my birthday, hmmm?"

The elk's ears twitch forward as he hears Rosita's accent for the first time. "Buenas noches, jovena senyorita." He continues in the language, and nods as Rosita answers... the only words the foxes catch are the armadillo's names and Punta del Oro.

Carroll just smiles and ignores the question.

Alex hmfs at her exasperating brother! -then grins cheerfully and turns her focus back to the interesting new city around them.

    The upland capital is much drier than the jungle seaport, and the architecture is built more for keeping warm at night and cool during the day than for keeping the rain off. The buildings are mostly either thick stone or adobe, with heavy wooden beams. Dannings leads the way down the wide street that the hotel is on, and after a few minutes pleasant walk past shops and taverns and businesses, the group enters a large open plaza. On the far side, a huge whitewashed building rears twin towers into the sky on either end of a massive structure. "Republic Plaza."

Alex looks up in astonishment at the far building, "Good heavens, it's huge! As tall as Ambassador Rishali's tower! What is it?"

The plaza is full of furrs, and the sounds of music can be heard from not too far away. The elk nods at the large building. "That's the seat of the Republic's government. Their lawmaking bodies meet there, the House of Delegates and the Senate, and the Executive has his offices there as well."

Alex tilts her head puzzledly... then just murmurs quietly, "How... complicated for them...?"

Her voice is still low as she adds just as quietly, "Still... I suppose it's better than insanity or tyranny... like next door..." She falls silent, looking around with avid curiosity, then smiles and says a tad facetiously, "That's what they need over there, guys... to help their "revolucion"... a folk hero!" She grins, "Someone like those stories of Robin Hood!"

Dannings shrugs. "It works for them. A lot better than the previous situation, where a lot of little countries were constantly squabbling with each other. It's only been about a century... 87 years, to be exact, since they set it up. So far it seems to be holding."

Alex smiles, "So they broke out of the cycle of squabbling. Hm... Are there any folk heroes from that time? Anyone that helped the people through those difficult bits of setting up a new realm, who then left, promising to return when the country most needed him? That's what you guys should help with, next door."

Dannings shakes his head. "Not quite mythic, I'm afraid. Heroes, yes... and they had an impressive collection of farsighted leaders all at once. The peace conference and the constitution that came out of it was quite impressive. But no mythic heroes that will return to right wrongs and kick butts..." He grins. "Costa Yermo has been unhappy ever since they united. Especially since it was at least partly their fault. And the Hamasurans don't make them any happier by refusing to return escaped serfs."

Alex says, "Their fault? How do you mean?"

Dannings grins again. "One of the big reasons they buried their differences was to present a united front to what was, at the time, a rather expansionist Costa Yermo. Rather soon afterward, they kicked the Costans back over the Tejado del Mundo. They've repeated the performance every time the Costans have tried it ever since."

Alex laughs! then adds, "Guess it really was their own fault then!" She smiles a little more quietly, adding, "Good luck to all the escaped serfs too... and whomever is their new Robin Hood..." she sighs softly, adding, "-although if they succeed they'll have a long and thankless job ahead of them, making sure the same problem doesn't just happen all over again."

The elk looks curiously at Alex. "If who succeeds?"

Alex paces along arm in arm with Dannings and her oldest brother, smiling at Rosita's wide-eyed enthusiasm also, her large ears swiveling back and forth. Alex sighs happily, drinking in the sights of the city as she replies absently... "If their Robin Hood succeeds... if there ever is one." She muses quietly, "If that person managed to overthrow the mad prince, they'd still have to rebuild the entire nobility, from the sound of it... to teach them a new way of thinking about their people... or there'd just be a new mad prince, eventually."

"There is that." Dannings shrugs. "It's not that likely to happen in the near future, anyway. When it does -- if it's gradual enough -- Hamasura may just add some new provinces."

Carroll considers, finally murring, "Unless they'd decided they'd had enough of the nobility altogether, and replaced them with something like this."

Alex nods quietly, still thinking... then sighs and puts the issue out of her mind. If folks nearer to the problem than her think it'll take generations, she shouldn't be worrying about it. Instead she looks around the city, her ears perking up, "Is that... music? Dancing music?"

The huge Casa de la Republica is brightly lit by magelight, and a fair number of folks spend some time staring at it before wandering off to dance or eat - the locals ignore it, of course, having seen it all their lives.

Alex eyes the huge building... then smiles and glances at her companions, "So... do you dance, Mr. Dannings?"

The elk chuckles. "Not really, I'm afraid. Go ahead without me."

Alex says, "Ah, what a pity." She smiles, politely continuing to walk with the two gentlemen, and asks curiously, "So... what does your family do in Jarrow, Mr. Dannings, if it's not rude to ask?"

Dannings smiles. "My father is a merchant, and does moderately well in the trade with Sudryk and Costa Yermo. I learned the language as a youngster, but went into diplomacy instead."

Alex nods, "So one of your brothers or sisters is taking over the family business then? That's nice, that you can do something you love."

Dannings agrees. "There were a bit more of us than the family business could handle, I'm afraid. I see them now and then when they stop by the Republic."

Alex grins, remembering how loud only four siblings could get! then nods, "So... what else is interesting in the city? Where do those pretty embroidered dancing dresses come from, if I may ask?"

Dannings shrugs. "From tailors and seamstresses. Most of the embroidery is done by the wearers, or their families."

Alex nods, watching people wandering by and enjoying the city. She looks up at Dannings and grins, "And... what else is interesting in the city? What do you do for fun, senyor Dannings?"

Carroll quietly wonders if he could get away with buying Alex a dress... and have her be happy about it. He smirks at this thought, and wisely says nothing.

The elk considers. "There are statues to the founders set up here and there, as well as various official buildings - there are the markets, and of course the Watchtower. For fun? Watching the dancers, listening to the musicians, conversation, confusing the opposition..."

Alex smiles, "Shall we watch some dancers then, maybe? and in so doing, continue to baffle your opposition?" Out of curiosity she scans Dannings for magic... as well as any of his followers that she can spot.

Carroll asks the elk, "Is the marketplace still open at this hour?"

Alex says, "And is that where they dance?"

Dannings points the way, another street leading off from the Plaza. "Down this way is one of the markets. They hardly ever close, to be honest. And that's where the music is coming from at the moment."

Alex brightens, tugging lightly on Carroll's arm, "Let's go there, shall we, Cara?"

Carroll smiles, and murrs, "I'd like to." He smiles up at the elk, and adds, "I have at least one lady who I should like to find a gift for."

Alex's ears tilt thoughtfully, and she nods, "We should keep an eye out, yes... something interesting for her, right?" She grins delightedly and conspiratorially up at Carroll.

Carroll nods, and murrs, "Something interesting, and something foreign. What good is being a trading Captain if you can't turn up with exotic new things?"

Alex scans the little storefronts and shops with interest, looking for something nice for a queen who wants friends, not to be impressed.

"Off we go, then." The elk leads the way down another wide boulevard - they lead off like spokes from the Plaza - and after a few blocks the group finds itself entering another open square, this one crowded with merchant's booths. A band is playing off to one side, and furrs are dancing in front of them.

Carroll also comments dryly, "I should keep an eye out for something for my sister, too, because if I forget her birthday, I'll never hear the end of it."

Alex giggles delightedly (and unrepentantly) at Carroll, "You betcha!" then oohs happily, distracted by the dancers and the music. She watches in intense interest, swaying slightly and unwittingly with the music.

Carroll suggests to Dannings, "It's a pity you don't dance. I know Alex is always looking for new partners."

The elk looks disappointed. "A pity indeed, Captain. But I'm afraid I'm a bit too clumsy to be good at it."

Alex chuckles quietly... and then Carroll gets a sideways, quizzically amused glance from his little sister.

Alex tilts her head to glance back at the elk, "Why do you say you're clumsy? Just teaching and practice usually suffices to show that clumsiness is really just unfamiliarity, perhaps?"

Carroll chuckles, and murrs, "As I said, a pity." He looks at the stalls and the little shops in the marketplace, asking, "Now, what would I get for a friend who doesn't get out nearly as much as she'd like?" and ponders quietly.

Dannings chuckles. "No, in my case it really is clumsiness. I keep stepping on my partner."

Alex gives the elk a curious look, then politely doesn't comment further on it. She wonders idly why he didn't just take lessons to fix that... but won't ask, since she doesn't want to embarrass him. Instead she watches the dancers, and is rapidly lost in her appreciation of the dance, eyes shining and swaying slightly as she watches. She wishes she knew someone here to dance with... that'd be simply wonderful!

Horatio manages to find his way to the group, having gotten more than sufficiently delayed by placing his books in order in his room at the inn. Normally that wouldn't delay him overmuch, but he'd been especially careful about packing them with the high humidity of the region, and so it took some care to so unpack them, now that it's relatively safe to do so in the higher altitude of the capitol region. He had guessed the dancing would have attracted Alex, though it's taken him a few tries to find them. "Oh, there you are... I hope I'm not intruding... I'm sorry it took so long to unpack..."

The siblings, Rosita, and the elk wander about town for a while, just sightseeing and enjoying the night. The conversation continues for some time, tidbits of information being passed back and forth. Eventually, the elk pauses next to the inn, to which the small group has returned. "By your leave, Sir Alexandra, but I need to get up in the morning. Please, stop by the Embassy when you have a chance."

Alex looks a bit surprised, but gratified, that the elk addressed her so -- how thoughtful of him! She smiles, "We look forward to doing so, Mr. Dannings, thank you!"

Carroll nods and murrs, "Goodnight, sir, and thank you for a pleasant and informative evening. We will stop by the Embassy tomorrow, to pay official respects to the Ambassador and supply evidence of our location and good health." He smiles cheerfully at Dannings and watches him take his leave.

Last modified: 2000-Nov-17 23:41:40

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