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Payback is Hell...

    The Council chambers are in an uproar behind the St. Genevieve party, the doors closing behind them cutting the noise to a dull roar. The chamberlain's ceremonial staff is going *WHACK*WHACK*WHACK* on the floor with monotonous regularity, but the delegates and the gallery both seem to be ignoring it. Dimitri reaches to the side and takes his father's cloak, and with a sharp nod directs the other guards to loose their hoods, so that they might better watch this chaos. The diplomatic guard falls in as they reform their formation -- the Marine guards hold their posts for now, since Admiral von Rostock is still in the Council meeting.

Count St. Genevieve grins as he remarks to his children, "Well, that's stirred them up quite thoroughly, hasn't it?"

Alex's eyes glitter with excitement -- and a touch of concern for the gauntlet awaiting them ahead -- as she strides proudly between her father and brothers... but she doesn't say anything. She doesn't really need to. Carroll replies, quietly, "The Councilman seems good at that, yes."

Alex murmurs to the crossbowmen, "Nock and load outside, please. Now is the time we're most likely to be jumped."

Dimitri stays in step behind Carroll and his Father. He speaks, a soft and concerned growl, "I think you said the same thing to me once before, Father... the day I knocked a hive of bees from the eaves."

Count St. Genevieve keeps a straight face, but his eyes are shining with laughter. "I'd almost forgotten about that. Let's hope that we aren't the ones who get stung this time."

Alex says, "Let's get back to the ship. We can gloat there, yes?"

Dimitri nods once to his Father, before looking to his side. "Natasha... keep sharp on our left... I'll watch on the right. Close up, slip off your peace straps.

Carroll nods, and concurs, "Yes, let's be careful. We mustn't get trapped in a dead end or separated; back to the ship by main roads seems safest to me."

Taking a half step forward, Dimitri looks to Carroll and the Count. "Might I suggest the Southwalk back to the docks... it might be wise to slip down a different street or two."

Carroll nods, "Yes, of course, as I suggested. The exact path isn't so important as long as it gets us back to the ship, and a longer route that avoids confrontations is preferable. Choose a route that stays on larger streets; we don't want to be ambushed or spread thin."

Blinking once, Dimitri nods, "This-a-way then..." The route back to the docks is rather more roundabout than the one to the Council Square, but it seems to have the advantage of quiet. The group nearly makes it back to the naval base before anything untoward happens.

Natasha and Sam are in the rearguard. As the party approaches the naval docks, they get more and more nervous -- after all, there aren't that many alternate routes here -- and it is Natasha who notices the followers. She is still spreading the word quietly when Karl yells "DOWN!" and runs to put his shield -- and his body -- between the assassin and the Count. Alex whirls, already bringing up her crossbow as she crouches, looking for the attacker. Dimitri turn quickly, taking a sharp look around to gauge the situation, taking that half step closer towards Carroll and the Count, seeking other threats... Carroll drops to a crouch, raising his own crossbow, and looking around for the threat.

The frantic bodyguard distracts the would-be assassin, and the dagger sails well overhead. Another two dozen or more ruffians break out of concealment, pulling swords from under cloaks and charging the small group. It is obvious that the ambush was planned, and equally obvious that it was not planned for this spot. Most of the ambushers are behind, with only a few between the group and the Naval Yard, but they outnumber the party two-to-one. Karl's and Tasha's alertness has ruined their element of surprise, and the battle is joined.

Alex says flatly, "Dimitri... take point, take Daddy, run for the ship. We can't afford to get pinned down here."

"Zhukov... to the Count!" The dark fox slashes his sword in a huge arc, the scabbard flying off and into the street, freeing his blade, "...behind me... Jaeger, Danton, fall on the flanks, and let's carve a path home!" And with a dark growl Dimitri dashes forward, his blade already pulling back for his initial strike at the first brigand between him and the Saucy Mare. His growl turns into a loud roar, calling across the dockside, "Saint Genevieve! To your own!"

Having dropped to a crouch, Carroll aims his crossbow ahead of his charging brother and fires, the bolt flying from him, thudding heavily in to one of them. Having fired, Carroll stands and follows the group, working to sling the crossbow across his shoulder and draw his sword. Alex swings her crossbow up, firing smoothly at one of the forward attackers. "If you can, concentrate fire forward to support Dimitri!" She lets the heavy crossbow fall behind her on its baldric, drawing her sword and stepping up to follow Dimitri's charge. Karl takes a swing at the beggar-assassin, slashing him before moving to keep up with the group. The four Maidstone guards fall in behind, ready to fire at anyone who gets too close.

The sudden movement and barrage of crossbow quarrels catch the ambushers by surprise. Carroll's shot takes out one of the thugs in front of the group, while Alex's injures a second. In a single smooth step Dimitri steps forward, bringing the ricassoed sword against the Pravinchandra-hired thug. Dimitri's opponent folds up, bloodied and curled around himself. Half of the obstacles between the party and safety have already been dealt with, and the remaining three furrs now trapped between the group and their destination look rather nervous. Noncombatants scatter out of the way as violence erupts in the street, momentarily blocking the ambushers. As the street clears, the combat spreads out.

Alex glances back and forth, making sure everyone's together, she's in place, and holding her action. The big black fox doesn't even stop, "...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..." the blade arcing back in a smooth and deadly path, leaving a trail of crimson splashing in its wake, like red droplets of snow upon the Starfall docks. His cold, cold gaze snares the next in line, and then his companions, lips curled, teeth sharp... "Who's next... you?" Carroll moves to stay with his father, outside of him in the flying wedge. Anyone lucky enough to survive this long and fool enough to get close enough to him will get slashed with his sword. Dimitri growls behind himself, "Form up tight..." as he pushes past the brigands, clearing the path...

Alex keeps a wary eye out as she closes in against the flying wedge formed by the group, with Dimitri as point, racing for the ship. Carroll works at staying with the others, trying to keep track of them as well as his father, and a spare glance to Horatio, to make sure he hasn't been left behind, confused. The Count has his crossbow out now, and is ready to use it if anyone breaks through -- Horatio, with a drawn look on his face, has pulled a vial of something out of his satchel. The rest of the group forms up behind Dimitri and the three brigands draw back, not wanting to get ground to paste. Dimitri's gaze cuts along the dockside, looking ahead to make sure there's not a second assassin waiting further down the dock... in case the first failed.

The party is a half block from the Yard when Alex yelps. "WAI-" Her cry is cut off by the eruption of fire from the street itself. Too late, she realizes what has happened... a ward spell in the street, apparently set to trigger against them alone. She'd been watching for mages and airborne spells, and missed the mage-fire lurking in the cobbles. Alex YIPES as the trap goes off before she can finish her word -- then gasps, shaking her head sharply as she realizes it's not as bad as she'd initially feared. Looks like the front half of the party was worst hit -- and that's more heavily singed than disabled... "Everyone okay? Mitya, keep going!" She is now, however, scanning ahead for magic also!

Carroll stumbles and keeps going, glancing back again to see that Horatio and the Count are still up and moving forward again. He doesn't say anything, saving his breath for running. Dimitri's arm comes up reflexively for a moment, his eyes narrowing, the smell of singed and charred fur staining the air... bloody magicians... and with just a heartbeat's hesitation. A moment's hesitation to make sure that no one has stumbled or fallen... Alex... Tasha... Father... Carroll... Horatio... before continuing on through.

The defensive pattern is disrupted as the trap detonates, and the following brigands cheer as they close for what they hope is the kill. The cheers turn to yelps of dismay a moment later as the guards on the wall of the Yard launch a flight of arrows. "Welcome back, Major. A bit of excitement for your afternoon?"

"Just another fine day in Starfall, sirs..." Dimitri skids to a sudden stop, "Get Father under cover, Natasha... Alex, get the door open..." Then he pauses, stepping back, making sure all pass within the safety of the Yard archers before he takes that one step back, a fine eye out for their pursuers just in case they decide to further pursue.

Alex coughs, almost choking on a laugh... then grins at the guard greeting them. A moment later she blinks -- then says swiftly and quietly to Carroll, "Hey, Carya -- witnesses! To the fireball trap -- get his name?" She glances swiftly over her shoulder -- now they're safe she's willing to entertain the possibility of grabbing a thug and questioning it. Carroll nods and asks -- as soon as the entire party is safely within the walls of the Yard -- for the guards on duty, inquiring if they saw the fire-trap in the street go off, and getting their names.

A second explosion rings out behind the group, eliciting a howl of pain from one of the brigands. Horatio stands, looking a bit embarrassed... "The fulminate went unstable when the ward went off like that. I had to get rid of it."

Carroll laughs and murrs, "Hope it only got them, Horatio. Better them than us."

Dimitri laughs softly. "Thank you, Horatio."

Alex laughs out loud! then grins at Horatio, "You're fun, Horry!" Her panting is dying down now to regular breathing, and she peers out interestedly, then glances at the guard, "I don't suppose you fellows feel like picking up any for questioning?" She grins, her eyes dancing with mischief.

The Admiral's adjutant climbs down the stairway from the top of the wall after peering out at the street. "I think they've gotten away with their wounded, but I'll send a party out to look. I'm glad the Admiral insisted that I look into the Yard's security personally while you were here. I've no idea how they set that ward, though."

Alex says, "It was a ward spell in the street, sir... my guess would be it was triggered specifically against us?" She grins happily as she sweeps a slightly singed bow, "And it's a pleasure to meet you again, sir!"

Dimitri brushes his muzzle, his nose wrinkling. The darkling fox approaches the adjunct and nods, "And our House thanks you for your foresight, sir." Pausing quietly, Dimitri looks at his blade and then with a shrug he just slings it over his shoulders, balanced carefully. He takes a breath, his earrings jingling just a bit as his ears lower. He lets his breath out slowly.

Carroll adds, approaching, "Your assistance was most timely. I wonder how we shall feel safe returning to the Council?"

The athletic-looking, if short, chipmunk bows over the vixen's hand. "It was my pleasure to be of service, Dame Alex. Her Excellency was more worried that your... enemies might try to infiltrate the Yard, but things worked out in any event." At Alex's quizzical look, he smiles. "Ah, yes... I suppose I wasn't properly introduced. Leftenant Commander Barry Spruance, at your service."

Alex beams at the chipmunk, still on a bit of an adrenaline high, and happily says, "Ah, you know us... have you met my father, the Count St. Genevieve?" There's a gleam of pride in her eyes as she gestures to him.

"And it is good to see you again, sir. You always did have an excellent knack of being at the right place at the right time." Dimitri nods to the officer, before letting his gaze travel a bit... to make sure everyone is safe. If his attention does tarry a bit longer upon a certain lady, so be it.

The suave little rodent smiles as he is introduced. "I should have known from the resemblance. Welcome back to Starfall, your Excellency. I take it the rumors of your demise were a trifle premature?" The Count chuckles. "You might say that, yes." Alex giggles! Then she ahems at herself, straightening up and sheathing her sword... although she's still grinning.

The marines that Spruance had detailed to check for stragglers come back empty-handed. Well, nearly empty-handed. "They'd managed to get their wounded out before we got there, sir. We did find Major St. Genevieve's scabbard, though." The sergeant hands it back to Dimitri.

With a polite bow Dimitri smiles, "Thank you... I was afraid I would have needed a new one." Sheathing his sword, he considers, slowly letting his paws trace the outline of his crossguard and pommel.

Carroll unobtrusively does what he can to straighten his uniform without actually going to change clothes. "If you will all excuse me I am going to send a report to the Queen, to make sure she knows that her request is being considered; as well as the other events of the day." Taking his leave, he moves off to the ships.

Alex nods, "We should all return and clean up, I think... just in case."

Lt. Commander Spruance bows. "I should return to my duties, in any event. Dame Alex, gentlemen. We'll keep you safe here."

"Thank you, sir." His blade now safely scabbarded, Dimitri returns to the Mare, walking quietly beside Natasha.

Alex smiles and bows courteously, "Thank you, Lt. Commander," then follows her brothers towards the Mare.

    Samuel Farwing was still laughing to himself as he left Council Square, having watched the collapse of House Pravinchandra's influence with great delight. Judge Hornsby had been most helpful in setting things up, and the Councilman had not had a chance to recover from his consternation at having most of his allies bolt when he was sent into new fits. Although you couldn't really arrest someone with his influence, Subramayan Chandra was now restricted to his townhouse, with Watch officers sharing duty with his own bodyguards to make sure he didn't sneak off... or make further illegal arrangements. The look on the mongoose's face when he left the building only to find the Watch waiting for him had been priceless.

    The trial was moved up to the top of the docket, since it involved a sitting Councilman and a popular member of the nobility. Some initial unrest in the streets was put down by the Marines and the Watch -- it dissipated very quickly, and some suspected it had been staged in the first place. Although the rioting had supposedly started because Councilman Chandra had been arrested, no one later admitted to liking him well enough to push for his acquittal.

    The question of House Pravinchandra's involvement in piracy around the Sehala Straits was introduced, but not proven, since no direct evidence could be found. The question of Chandra's attempt to frame the crew of the Saucy Mare was much easier to prove. Carroll and Alex both testified under the influence of truth potions about the nature of the cargo loaded and the manifest provided.

    The most important question, of course, was the charge of fraudulent debt assessment. Count St. Genevieve testified personally under truth potion that he had never signed the loan papers that were later presented to his heirs, and the bank officer who had supposedly witnessed the transaction admitted to the forgery. Chandra's final attempt to escape retribution, on the grounds that the banker had been given a forged request to forge the documents, failed miserably. When given the opportunity to testify with truth potion that he had never issued the order, he sat miserably in the witness chair, opening and shutting his mouth without saying a word (Alex's hope that the potion would prove fatal was not granted).

Alex doesn't say much... just sits next to her father, holding one of his paws if he doesn't mind, her eyes shining with happiness at how well things seem to be going. Dimitri sits quietly, a dark shadow. He listens patiently, paws in his lap, without saying a word. Carroll listens to the trial, quietly relieved that the drastic actions they've taken were clearly the right thing to do. He can now look more towards the future and the interesting things it will contain, as he follows up on the other aspects of what they have begun.

The bailiff, a burly bear, announces the return of the court after the final recess. "All rise for the honorable Judge Hornsby!" The elderly buck settles himself behind his desk and looks out at the crowded court. "It is the conclusion of this court that Subramayan Chandra is guilty on the charge of creditor fraud against the St. Genevieve family, and on four counts of the charge of fraud for his attempt to frame Carroll St. Genevieve, Dimitri St. Genevieve, Horatio St. Genevieve, and Alexandra St. Genevieve for barratry. It is the decision of this court that the property of House Pravinchandra be held in escrow while the damages to the Count are assessed, and for restitution to be made without regard to the subsequent damages to that House by the declaration of vendetta by the St. Genevieve clan." He fixes a stern eye on Carroll, and sweeps it across the other siblings. "Any further actions against House Pravinchandra by you will be considered piracy by this court. Is that understood?"

Carroll stands and murrs, "Of course, your Honor. Our vendetta is no longer needed, and we will be all too happy to be able to return to normal trading, rather than this extreme and distasteful answer to this problem." Dimitri nods, looking to Carroll to answer for the family. Alex and Horatio both smile and nod at Carroll's words.

The judge continues. "Bailiff, bring the defendant forward." The bear marches the miserable-looking mongoose to the bench. "It is the further decision of this court to sentence you to the maximum punishment that these crimes allow. You will spend five years at hard labor, and upon completion of your sentence, you will be exiled from Starfall City and its territories." The mongoose huddles in front of the judge, staring at the floor. "Do you have any statement to make before the sentence is executed?"

Alex blinks slowly... then breaks into a big grin! Dimitri simply nods, eyes narrowed, listening quietly. He does let out a slow, slow breath. Carroll raises his eyebrows and leans back in his seat, considering what the judge has decreed. He seems a little stunned, and doesn't grin a terrible grin, and probably won't until later. His ears flick forward to hear what the wretched mongoose has to say.

Chandra looks up at that. "Your honor." He looks around the courtroom, almost fearfully. "Your honor, I have always had the best interests of Starfall at heart, even if I may have perhaps failed to act completely legally in acting on those interests. I have recently discovered that there is-" His words are cut short by a whickering noise and a sickeningly meaty *thunk*. His eyes open wide in first astonishment, then horror. "There... is..." He sags to his knees, then falls forward on his face as the courtroom erupts in shock.

Alex blinks -- then whirls, trying to see where the weapon came from! Dimitri stands quickly, then takes a half step so that his heavy frame shields Father from at least half the court. Earrings jangle as his head snaps up, looking for the assailant. Carroll looks down at the falling mongoose and says aloud, "Who, Chandra, who?"

As the mongoose falls, the shape of a metal snowflake can be seen sticking in his back. The weapon doesn't look like it could have done nearly enough damage to kill a furr. One of the courtroom guards is missing. No other sign of an assassin can be seen. Alex vaults over the small railing, heading for Chandra, "Mitya, the throwing star must be poisoned, dammit -- can you cover me while I try to heal Chandra?!"

Dimitri curses, a single word beneath his breath, "Bar-" and then he stops, the word unfinished. He reaches out, snaring Horatio by the collar, to follow Alex across the rail. He stands close to Alex and his brother -- his ears are tall, his eyes sharp as he protects his sister and brother, placing himself best to shield them from the crowd. Alex snarls in frustration as she realizes her magic won't help here -- then just does her best to help Horatio.

Horatio pulls a piece of leather from his ubiquitous satchel and gently pulls the throwing-star from Chandra's back. There is an oily sheen to it which does not look quite like the normal oils used to protect metal weapons. He takes a very, very cautious sniff, frowns, and then pulls a bottle from his satchel and lets a single drop of liquid fall on it. He recoils from the acrid brown smoke which hisses up from the contact, and pulls another vial out of his satchel. He frowns again. "If there's any chance at all, it has to be quick. Turn him over, Alex, and hold his mouth open." Alex flips the mongoose over hastily, then uses a wad of cloth from her sleeve to brace the injured man's mouth open.

The dark fox almost straddles his siblings, standing over them as they work... careful not to get in the way. He scans the court, his stance balanced, feral, ready to move or pounce. Carroll watches the turmoil on the floor for a moment. Realizing that if anyone can help now, it's Horatio, he moves back to his father's side and makes sure their own security is handy, watching the people around them, wary again.

Horatio uncaps the bottle and dribbles it into the mongoose's mouth. Chandra spasms as the liquid works its way into his system, threatening to get away from the two foxes. Alex pins Chandra down -- even uses a little magical assistance if necessary -- so he won't jerk away. Dimitri shifts as the mongoose and foxes scrabble beneath him, careful to stay alert and focused.

Chandra gasps out three words... "Vashtri...'v Mountain... Society..." before falling silent again. His breathing is slow and labored, but this is a distinct improvement over the complete respiratory paralysis that had gripped him when he collapsed. Alex looks up, glancing around to see who's available still -- she snaps at the nearest horrified onlooker, "Get a healing mage -- now!"

Dimitri blinks, and for a moment glances in Natasha's direction, just to see if her expression shows that she recognized the words, if she heard them at all. He stands... quiet... glancing down to Alex, trying to catch her gaze for a brief moment, his unspoken intention clear... we need to talk... he waits for, hopefully, the situation to calm down. Natasha is on alert, trying to identify who threw the star, though she doesn't seem to be having much luck. She doesn't seem to have heard the mongoose's gasped words.

The bailiff nods at Alex's demand and sends the court recorder to get a healer. "Should be here soon, milady." Alex nods her thanks, then turns her concentration back to helping Horatio. Once the mage arrives she'll pull her brothers back -- but not before.

The panic is still tapering off when the healer arrives, a usually dignified and matronly lynx, currently looking a bit harried at being rushed to a house call. She takes over from Horatio after a brief, hushed discussion and her own quick examination of the throwing star, and the mongoose is soon breathing more easily -- or at least with less difficulty. "Unpleasant, that poison. If you hadn't had that antidote with you, milord, he would never have survived."

Alex looks relieved. "We're going to leave him in your capable hands then, mistress healer, if you don't mind?" She carefully gathers up the star in the little piece of leather, then loops a paw through Horatio's arm. Dimitri takes a step away, next to his siblings, still protective. He then glances back to Carroll and Father. Last, he follows Horatio and Alex back to the others. Alex looks to the bailiff before leaving, "Sir, might I suggest you have the mistress healer make sure some vials of that antidote are to hand for whomever is to guard Mr. Chandra?"

Carroll watches the crowd, and glancing back at the courtroom floor, sees people stepping back from the fallen mongoose. They're talking, he can't hear about what. He wonders curiously if the mongoose lived or not. Alex and the two brothers joins him, murmuring quietly to her oldest brother and her father, "We should leave, I think." Softly she adds in a very quiet whisper, "...to talk." She heads out of the courtroom, still quite pleased that things went so well for their family. Dimitri follows, nodding as Alex speaks, a shadow behind his family. With a nod of head he indicates Natasha to accompany them.

    The image of the Starfall courtroom fades back into black water as Lord Vashtri's attention is withdrawn. "So. A minor setback in our plans for the League. We have had setbacks before. Why does this concern you so, Rudra?"

    The snow leopard shrugs. "I am not sure myself, Lord. But... these foxes have managed to unravel our networks in both Starfall and Maidstone, and are almost single-handedly bringing them together again. You know better than I how many plans this will upset. If we are to remove them, best that we do it as soon as possible, and it may require something more obvious than we normally prefer. After that incident..." he continues, gesturing at the blank surface of the scrying pool, "...the use of another of the Maharaksha may attract far too much attention. I fear that anything less, however, may not succeed. They are... quite resourceful."

    Lord Vashtri shifts on his divan, eyes intent on his lieutenant. "This piece of the tapestry is not irretrievably ruined yet, Rudra. Do nothing rash. If they become difficult enough, you may use whatever means is necessary to remove them." The leopard nods and bows deeply as he is dismissed. "As you command."

Chandra survives the assassination attempt due to the quick action of Horatio and Alex, but the poison used was virulent and the healer suspects that he'll be unconscious for weeks. Al-Khali, Allende, and Countess Blackpool consult with the Count and Judge Hornsby, and it is decided to publicly state that he died, in the interest of keeping him alive long enough to bargain what he knows for a reduced sentence. In the meantime his heirs struggle with the burden of divesting House Pravinchandra of both the St. Genevieve estate and the Longvalley properties -- when further investigation shows the same kind of financial chicanery.

Jared is sent to Ettore to retrieve the family retainers, and the St. Genevieve town estate is quickly restored -- and although the Solstice is now past, Alex insists on holding a belated party to celebrate the holiday and their victory. The guest list grows and grows, and it isn't too long before it is decided that the Restoration Party needs to be held on the rural St. Genevieve estate, just to be sure there's enough room.

The weather cooperates, as much as the weather around Starfall ever does at least, and the day chosen for the party dawns cloudy but not raining. The guest list is enormous -- political allies, potential political allies, the entire roster of Starfall's Old Nobility, the Maidstone embassy staff, members of the Admiralty, the officers and crew of Twin Mountain (who couldn't all attend, since someone had to mind the store) and the crew of the Saucy Mare. Although the idea of inviting all of Ettore village didn't pan out, Hildy and Gunther were talked into making the trip, and Miriam came along with them.

The estate's tenants were still mostly living there, and most of those who had left returned when the Count and his family were restored. Bryn was nowhere to be found for the week before the party, but on the actual day she came out of her bungalow about noon. The tenants are both invited to the party and, in shifts, the caterers... but they seem to be quite happy enough to have the St. Genevieves back. Some furs ride, some walk -- the Mare and a few other small ships are actually docked at the estate's boathouse, having provided transportation. By early afternoon the guests are arriving in force.

Alex is very happy, due to the reason for the party -- a pleasure that transcends getting stuck in a dress and having to play lady of the house for their father. She finds, oddly enough, that being a lady occasionally isn't so bad when she knows she's not stuck in that role... and finds, much to her surprise, that there is a certain enjoyment to be found in attractive clothing and welcoming friends graciously to share the family's joy in being reunited.

Carroll is dressed in his best, as might be expected, and has helped plan and organize the whole affair with some pleasure. He hopes to let his father play the role of returning Count, and to remain out of the center of attention himself. The prospect of being home and of stability and prosperity returning is wonderful, but even the thought of the stream of fawning courtiers is wearying. He keeps getting distracted by wondering how Queen Arianna copes with it. Once the party begins Carroll tends to stay near his father -- being the proper heir, talking to people, reassuring, and answering questions as they arise, as well as taking on the minor duties of host to leave his father free as much as he can.

Dimtri simply walks quietly at the edge of the hall or upon the grounds. His path is made up of slow arcs, a tall shadow drifting here and there. A pause here, a pause there. A most polite welcome to her Ladyship, welcoming her to their home... and yet, there is one whom might just draw Dimitri out, as he sifts through the crowd. If he is a bit nervous, it is hoping for Natasha's arrival.

Countess Blackpool arrives midafternoon, having sailed down from the city in a naval cutter along with her staff. Spruance wanders around charming the ladies, while the Admiral herself looks about for Dimitri. Alex grins, indicating where she knows her dark brother will be lurking. The otter smiles at Alex and heads off towards her darkphase brother. "Major, may I have a moment of your time?"

Turning quietly, Dimitri crosses the grounds towards the countess, coming to a very proper stop before her Ladyship and his sister. He ducks his muzzle, a mlitarily precise bow. Alex can see the sparkle in his eyes at the admiral's words. "Welcome to our home, your Excellency... and of course, it would be... my pleasure."

The Admiral smiles, more warmly than is supposed to be in her repertoire. "We've had a chance to review your dismissal from the service, Major, and it seems that there was some undue political influence present. On review, it seems there should not have been a problem. We've changed the records to indicate that you went on extended leave for family reasons. We'd love to have you back if you wish -- or you can permanently resign if you would prefer."

Alex is being a good hostess and keeping an eye on guests, and not listening too obviously... but at that her ears perk up suddenly and she beams... then blinks at a sudden thought. She's forgotten an errand, that's it... she slips quietly away so Dimitri can talk in privacy with the Countess.

The tall dark fox walks silently next to the Countess, then comes to a quiet halt. He stops, turning to the Lady Blackpool, his eyes closed for a long heartbeat. When they open he stands tall, ears up, the movement causing his three rings to jangle in the night. "We thank you, Admiral, for you help, your concern, and your wise decision. It means a great deal to us... and truly to me." Dimitri pauses then quietly. "Your Ladyship... I am honored by your offer. And as long as I wear these three rings, I shall always look to you and yours as my mentor and companions in arms. And these rings shall only be removed when they are ripped from me, and that means I'll be dead. Ask and I shall be there for you... myself... I... I need my Family, Countess. To protect, to serve... and I cannot think of a way to honor you more than to serve St. Genevieve and extend the traditions you have taught me, here."

The Admiral nods. "I thought that might be your answer, Major. We'll miss you... but the service is for Starfall, and you have probably done more for the City this past year outside the ranks than you could possibly have done inside. Chandra cut his own throat when he forced you out." She offers a handshake. "Take care of them, Major. And... let us know if you need a hand with it now and then."

Dimitri's gaze is clear and sure, as befits a member of Countess Blackpool's Marines. "Yessir, I shall." He extends his hand, a firm grip returned. And when Dimitri lets her hand drop away, he comes to attention, and gifts the Admiral his final salute. "I thank you, your Ladyship."

Alex and Natasha come up just as the Admiral lets go of Dimitri's hand. The wolf is regal this evening, looking every inch the duchess. A dark blue silk gown sets off her gray fur beautifully, and she has somehow acquired a gold necklace and a gold circlet, which rests where a headband would normally be. The place of honor on her breast is occupied by a faded sprig of holly. Alex grins with quiet mischief... and just happens to have something she wanted to talk with the Countess about... over there... the Admiral lets Alex lead her away, looking slightly bemused... I know I've seen that wolf somewhere before...

Dimitri stops... pauses... his muzzle opens... and then he just stands there, the flash in his eyes brighter than any star in the sky. Dimitri's breath is stolen; a sudden, single word slipping from his lips as he whispers a gently spoken prayer, "Tasha..."

"Mitya..." The wolf smiles. "Your sister iss helpink me dress for party. You like?"

It is a simple half step for the tall black fox to step up to Natasha. His dark eyes are soft, alight, his paw reaches up, to so gently slip along her cheek. Dimitri speaks not a word in answer, but leans forward, and slowly his eyes close as he gifts his beloved their first soft kiss.

Councilman al-Khali wanders over to join the Admiral and Alex as they turn to leave Dimitri alone with his ladylove. "Dame Alex, your Excellency. I talked with the healers this morning -- Chandra continues to make progress. We may yet be able to find out what he was trying to tell us."

Alex nods thoughtfully, "I hope he recovers... while I have no love for the man I would not wish such a horrible death on anyone."

    An attractive young girl with quietly proud carriage and graceful, assured movements. Her flowing dress is lovely: a rich and glowing ruby with gold-trimmed embroidery, that complements her soft fur well. Full skirts trail the ground, matched by the long, flowing sleeves lined with antique-gold silk. Tasteful hints of the fine chambray under-dress are revealed where the outer sleeves are laced to the snug, embroidered bodice, which rises, artfully cut, into a high collar of white lace framing her small face. The golden sparkle of the lovely old St. Genevieve family jewelry glitters in her beautifully coifed hair... and distractingly just above her bodice. One ring shines, anomalously silver, in her left ear.

The councilman nods. "I'm more interested in what he knows. From what was suggested but unproven at the trial, he's certainly deserving of something more than exile."

Alex smiles ruefully, but remains discreetly silent. At this point, while she wishes quite a bit of ill to Chandra, she'll not speak cruelly of him as he fights for his life against poison. Instead she glances thoughtfully at al-Khali and the Countess, wondering if the Countess trusts al-Khali. She remembers quite well her warning regarding spies. Curiously she adds, "It does make one wonder... who would attack the League?"

The otter frowns at nothing in particular. "I'm not sure it was an attack in the usual sense. More of a takeover attempt. Chandra was trying to monopolize the trade routes, not cause a political upheaval."

Alex murmurs softly, "A... trade takeover... interesting... but would the Empire try that? I know in Maidstone they consider it a bit... broken-backed, as it were?" On the other hand, she thinks interestedly, a new opponent we know next to nothing about, that is already familiar with the intricacies attendant upon assassination, would be an excellent choice of guilty party!

The Admiral snorts. "They are, but because of corruption and lack of innovation. We're equally weak, because of lack of unity. The Empire is like an old grizzly bear. Not as strong as they used to be, but still dangerous."

Alex nods slowly, still thinking... then looks up. "If Chandra truly believed it would help Starfall the most... would he be capable of aiding or manufacturing a threat to the League... to force it into unity, beneath his guidance?"

Al-Kahli snickers this time. "Chandra was interested in whatever benefited Chandra, my dear. His beginning speech was for public consumption." The horse thinks for a minute. "This is not to say that he wouldn't have been interested in dominating the League, but it would be very hard to do. You said there were similar sorts of things happening in Maidstone? Coordinated, perhaps?"

Alex looks a bit perplexed, "Similar things in what way, please, Councilman al-Khali? There was an assassination attempt on the queen, and a magical attack against the Saucy Mare, yes. Is that what you mean?" She quietly mentions only what is public knowledge. She's still not sure if al-Khali's trusted by the Countess or not, even though she's quite grateful to him for his assistance in getting the siblings to Council.

The horse nods. "Assassinations, and attempts to favor one House above others. As if someone knew that he couldn't take over the League as a unit, and so was trying to control at least its major cities one by one."

"Ah." Alex nods, "Yes, that does fit the pattern." She frowns thoughtfully, "I wonder... how Falkirk and the other League cities are doing... this would appear to be an opponent with quite a few operatives..."

"Indeed." The horse and the otter share a glance. "They have a few less now, thanks to you."

Alex smiles with quiet mischief, "Wouldn't it be interesting to look and see where House Pravinchandra has close contacts. After all, it would appear Chandra and Ambassador Bridgewater were companions... whom else in other cities, I wonder, was such good friends with him as well? And... who have those people been contacting, I wonder?"

Al-Khali nods. "We'll certainly be checking that out." He smiles, then. "But enough dreary business for your party. Go dance with some of those boys hovering around before they get so frustrated that they burst, or something."

Alex looks around, faintly surprised... there are boys that want to dance? She might get to dance at this party?! What a lovely thought! She laughs softly at the Councilor's words, her glance between him and the Countess amused, then drops a polite curtsy and withdraws... perhaps al-Khali really wants some privacy to speak to the Countess. It was certainly a nice way to ask, she reflects to herself.

The councilman does indeed chat with the Admiral for a few minutes before drifting off to find someone else to talk to... but the musicians have started playing as evening approaches and the younger set have started the dancing. Now that Alex has left the formidable presence of Admiral von Rostock, a few of them start in her direction. Alex grins quietly to herself as she notices the two elders talking a bit... then she looks around, chatting quietly with a few folks as she wanders, mingling and being a good hostess.

The crews of the Mare and Twin Mountain seem to be mingling mostly with the tenants, the politicians and nobles keeping to themselves... although to be fair it's not obvious whether they are ignoring them as riffraff, or whether they are not being approached in the first place. Mikhail nods shyly to Alex as she walks toward the dancing, but the young vixen is intercepted by a group of the young noble heirs first. Alex smiles cheerfully at Mikhail, opening her mouth to ask him if he's enjoying himself -- then blinks at the small group that's intercepted her! She smiles politely at them, wondering if she can remember their names... did she like any of them? She can't recall names, darnit... although if her memory serves her correctly these are part of the reason the nobility is dying out in Starfall -- convinced they're superior by birth without doing anything to justify that opinion... "Good afternoon! I do hope you're all enjoying yourselves?"

The boldest of the group is young Lord Hightower, heir to a barony in the mountains north of Starfall. The slightly overweight bear is certainly dressed for a party, resplendent in the blue and gray of his clan colors, his brocade tunic embroidered with his family crest in silver. He sweeps a bow. "Lady Alexandra, how delightful of you to grace us with your presence again."

Alex's smile gets a tad forced -- she hates being called that! -- and curtseys politely, "Why, thank you... I'm speechless at your delight." She beams charmingly, "So! What did you do for your summer, hmm?" Must not realize she was knighted, she supposes.

The bear straightens up again. "Oh, the usual sort of things, of course. Keeping up with the social schedule takes so much time, but one must keep up appearances..." He seems to notice at this point that his intended audience is only wearing an earring on one ear. "Milady... did you lose some jewelry? We shall certainly help you look for it!" At this point, one of his companions... a ferret in green and gold, younger son of Baron Ridgeway... pokes the bear in the ribs and whispers urgently at him.

Alex laughs softly, "How... terribly kind of you to offer! -but no, I have lost no jewelry. I'm afraid this summer I was a tad busy... privateering, to defend the family name." She tsks artfully, "Such a shame I missed the social whirl... I imagine it was quite exciting, mm?" She smiles charmingly again... although there's a hard-edged glint to her eyes, "The earring is a symbol that I've successfully taken first blood in battle."

Hightower looks a bit distressed. "First... blood?" The ferret whispers at him again. "Ah... indeed... how, umm, energetic."

Alex beams sweetly at them both, "Indeed." She waves her fingers cheerfully at them, "Well, don't let me stop you -- have a lovely time!" She turns, adding, "Must mingle... social whirl and all that, don't you know..." and heads off... although she can't resist one amused roll of the eyes once they can't see her face! She grins, then looks around for Mikhail... wonder if he'd like to dance?

The badger watched the whole exchange, at first miffed at the offhand way the young fops treat his officer, but then amused by the result. He looks hopeful as Alex leaves them behind and continues in his direction. Alex brightens as she spots him and heads on over, "Hello, Mikhail! How're you doing? Having a nice time?"

The badger nods. "That I am, Sir Alex. And you?"

Alex covers a small, rueful giggle, then murmurs quietly, just to him but with a mostly straight face, "Oh... just renewing some old acquaintances... just not old enough, I think!" She looks around thoughtfully, then adds, "Hey Mikhail... remember Solstice, when you resolved some of my perplexity there? Well... I was wondering if you could do that again... d'you know why the tenants and ships' crews are staying so carefully apart from the politicians and nobility?" She tilts her head, studying how people are scattered across the lawn, then adds, "Or... is it the other way around? Maybe it's the politicians and nobility staying apart? ...I'm not sure... can you tell?"

Mikhail actually looks embarrassed. "Well... y'know. These are rich and important and cultured furrs, and we're not. We'd feel... out of place."

Alex gives Mikhail a curious grin, "Are you serious, Mikhail?" She stops and thinks about that a bit... then adds even more curiously, "Do you feel uncomfortable talking to me?"

The badger looks even more embarrassed at being put on the spot that way. "Well... not the same way, milady. You don't act like you're better than other people, if you know what I mean."

Alex tilts her head thoughtfully, realizing she's somehow accidentally made Mikhail acutely uncomfortable... then smiles, tucking a small paw into his arm, "Not really, but I guess it doesn't matter, right? So..." She grins cheerfully (and hopefully distractingly) and adds, "Can I talk you into a dance?"

Mikhail brightens up considerably. "You mean it, milady? You'd rather dance with me than them?"

Alex mentally reviews... are there any of the politicians and nobility she trusts to not act nastily to any nice tenant or crewfurr that might approach them? She figures if Hildy can get a dance going, maybe she can try something similar... she'll have to be very careful, of course... she laughs delightedly, "Mikhail! What a silly question -- do you think I enjoy folks that act baselessly superior, any more than you do?" She grins cheerfully again, "C'mon -- let's have fun!"

The badger smiles and joins Alex for the next dance, ignoring equally the dark looks he gets from Hightower and his cronies and the suspicious looks some of the young female versions of Hightower aim at Alex. He's still quite talented at it. Alex, as usual, is brilliantly joyous as she dances, whirling lightly and delightedly about with her partner. It isn't until the dance is over, in fact, that she notices the suspicious looks... which cause her to blink a little puzzledly and grin, wondering what their problem is! Maybe, she thinks amusedly, they're jealous at not getting such good and fun dance partners!

The party continues into the evening, food and drink and music and dancing being consumed in equal quantities. The movers and shakers continue to chat with each other, while the 'lower' classes ignore them and have fun. Carroll and the Count, especially, are kept busy with people who want to chat about the results of the new political situation.

Alex wanders over to Carroll at one point, still smiling and nodding, chatting and being a good hostess... at a quiet spot in the evening she murmurs just to him, "I've had the strangest realization today, Cara... I was watching that little pack of kids led by Baron Hightower's son and it hit me... the nobility in Starfall is forgetting their responsibilities." She's silent for a moment as she smiles and nods and is gracious to someone passing by... then when they're alone again she adds, "Remember how I said I wanted to marry someone either equally or higher born, Carroll, because I didn't want to be laughed at?" She sighs softly, "I admit... I feel a little petty for that now... I still want to marry someone, if I marry, that's higher born... but I want to now because I want to show the lesser nobility here, with whomever I might marry, what nobility is supposed to be like... what noblesse oblige really means."

The dance over, the dark St. Genevieve fox quietly wanders, his lady's paw entwined with his. Spying his siblings he changes direction, moving to join them, tall ears perked.

Alex sighs softly, thinking... "In some ways I think Maidstone's better off than we are. They still have a queen -- someone to look up to, to enforce decent treatment of one's people... someone that doesn't let the nobility and moneyed families fall into petty, divisive squabbling, at the expense of their people." She's silent a moment, then looks up at Carroll and smiles faintly, "I don't envy you, Cara... if I'm reading this right you're going to have to lead the family through that time... when the nobility is less and less careful about fulfilling their responsibilities."

Carroll also finds a quiet moment and murrs to his sister, "Isn't it a shame how they are? I don't like it." He listens to her next statement and sighs, quietly, adding, "That may be so. All it means is that it's more important than ever to do the right thing, and to show by unshakable example what must be done."

Alex nods gravely to Carroll, "I'm trying, Cara, promise."

Carroll nods and murrs, "So am I. I'm not being entirely selfish when I avoid many of the suitors, although... I have little tolerance for fools."

Dimitri steps up besides Carroll, looking between the two. He glances to Alex, her words still echoing in his ears. For a moment, a heartbeat, he looks to Natasha besides him, dark eyes soft. Then he considers and finally quietly speaks. "No, I do not envy Carroll either... but I also don't know anyone who could better stand properly... for both the Family and Starfall. And you, sister... a simple recommendation, freely given," he squeezes Tasha's paw, "...don't forget to fall in love... it just might complement honor and duty."

Alex smiles, "No, we need no fools in the family, true." She looks out across the field of celebrants, quietly observing who is with whom... then adds a bit wistfully, "I wish I was as good at this as Hildy though... I'd like to encourage the people to mingle more." She smiles and nods quietly to Dimitri and Natasha, then grins at Natasha, "You look great, Tasha."

The wolf smiles. "Spasebo, Dama Alex. Is... vhat is vord... am glad to beink vit' Mitya here."

Dimitri smiles quietly, "I heard you had something to with that, Alex. Thank you."

Alex smiles and nods to Dimitri and Natasha, although she still has a rather thoughtful demeanor. Carroll smiles and murrs, "For real success it's very important, otherwise you are lying to people; and people can tell."

Alex tilts her head curiously at Carroll, "How do you mean, Carroll? Success at what?"

Carroll murrs, "Success at being a family and at being someone who can be looked up to and taken as a source of pride or respect."

Alex nods slowly, absently smoothing down the skirts of the dress she both dislikes and is wearing as well as she can, "Very true... very true..." She regards the party pensively, with its quietly obvious divisions of class... then says slowly and thoughtfully, "Did old Duke William have any bastard children, d'you know?" Dimitri follows Alex's gaze and just quietly nods. His eyes narrow a bit, just a bit, but he keeps quiet for the moment.

Carroll shrugs and murrs, "Not that I know of, Alex. You might ask Father."

Alex sighs softly and wistfully... then just nods quietly, "Ah well... I realize tradition states that he died childless and unmarried, and that he wasn't um... terribly um... altogether there... but I can't help but wonder if having a real duke again might wake these people up to their responsibilities, instead of just wallowing in their so-called 'rights'..." She grins ruefully, "Well... all right, he was an opossum..." She adds curiously, "I wonder how his family got the title in the first place?"

Natasha shakes her head. "Is beink more likely t'at it vould make t'em vorse. Starfall is not havink problem of stupid nobles vit' lots of power."

Alex shakes her head at Natasha, "No, it's having problems with lots of petty nobles and rich families, all squabbling together to see who can grab the most money... and it's their people that are suffering for it."

Carroll hrms and murrs, "How would a Duke matter, unless that person had the authority and power to enforce its demands, as well as being a good leader who can really support the people, and be to everyone a worthwhile leader?"

Dimitri looks to Alex then, his ears snapping up for a moment. Then he stops. His gaze shifts, turning to his elder brother. "Alex... it doesn't need a Duke to do that. It could be done by a Count... or a Count's heir." He nods to Carroll. "A good and unshakable example. Your words. True."

Alex gives Dimitri an amused glance, "It would have to be someone higher ranking than a count, I fear. We have more than one county family in Starfall, after all."

The Count wanders over to join his offspring, having just spent a fair amount of time in conversation with Al-Khali, Allende, and Angelo Larkin. "Lady Natasha, you look lovely tonight. Are you enjoying our little party?"

Alex nods to Carroll, "That's exactly what it would take," then smiles and nods to her father.

Carroll murrs to Alex, "I agree; it would need a Duke or higher. If the old one is truly gone, how would a new one be found?"

Alex grins ruefully at Carroll, "Isn't that always the big question?"

Carroll answers Alex with only a wry grin, and murrs, "Good evening, Father. Is everything well?"

Count St. Genevieve nods. "Work from within. We've just been offered a seat on the Council, kits."

Alex nods, "Good. About time."

Carroll raises his eyebrows and murrs, "That is interesting. Have you accepted?"

Dimitri nods to Alex and then finds himself smiling at his father's words to Natasha... then he blinks, "Father, how did the Duke get to be Duke of Starfall?"

Alex adds, "And did he have any bastard children?"

Count St. Genevieve says, "As far as I recall, it was a sop by Andalin... or maybe Jarrow? Anyway, it was a title to what was at the time untenanted land, to a powerful general during the collapse of the Sehalan Empire. He recruited wives for his veterans and brought them out here and made it work. Apparently the folks that fobbed him off with what they thought was a worthless title didn't realize the mineral wealth in these mountains." The old fox grins. "Makes you wonder what the heck happened to the family, but I suppose 800 years is enough to dilute even genius."

Alex says, "Fascinating. So it was a military entitlement to a general... not a feudal 'right' or anything..." She thinks a bit... then says slowly, "I wonder if we really want to accept a seat on the Council... we've seen how much good it was when someone unscrupulous got hold of it..."

The Count nods to his eldest son. "Of course. House Pravinchandra isn't being kicked out, but they've lost a lot of their backing... and we're in good with the Jewelers and the CTA factions right now." He looks at his daughter with an eyebrow raised quizzically. "Dear, if you don't trust me with a Council vote, who would you trust?"

Dimitri rubs his whiskers, "So it was just money... that got him his Duchy? Way back when... money... power... influence... and then the circlet? Or is there more to the tale?"

The count grins at Dimitri, too. "It's never just money, son. How do you think our family became counts? Your multiple-great grandmother was one of General Heinrich's top colonels at the time."

Carroll smiles at Alex and murrs, "Strong women run in the family."

Count St. Genevieve frowns. "I've always assumed she was a dark-phase fox... her nickname, according to family legend, was Black Katrina. Still... savage times. One is never sure."

Dimitri shrugs his shoulders and smiles back to his Father, "Too bad it isn't still like that. The general is lost... and one of the colonels takes his place." He considers then. "But I fear things are probably more... complicated... now."

Alex says calmly, "Father, you I would trust with a Council vote... but that is because in my estimation you are a strong and ethical man. I am not sure the Council deserves to have the added luster and prestige that your strength of character will give it. I believe they should think long and hard about what they allowed -- and even condoned -- before just trundling on with 'business as usual'... and in fact, I'm really not sure this voting idea is a good one, as far as making sure people face up to their responsibilities." She adds quietly, "But that's just my opinion."

Count St. Genevieve ponders his daughter's statement. "Alex... yes and no. You've seen Maidstone's royalty in action, and you've seen our Council. You haven't seen St. Avery's council, or the Isthyr Clan Reef, or the sorry backbiting scum who call themselves the nobility of the Empire. Any government ultimately depends on the honor of its members, no matter what form it takes."

Alex nods, "Indeed, father. That is why I'm still pondering what I think is best... because I do not yet know how to be sure the offspring of a good family remain good. But right here and now..." she smiles ruefully, shrugging her shoulders slightly, "-this is what I see." She adds calmly, "And besides... I don't lead the family, so I can afford to have such thoughts." Her small smile is cheerfully mischievous.

The old fox sighs. "And you were complaining about Lord Hightower yourself. Do you really think that passing power on to your children is any more likely to keep things on the straight and narrow than choosing your warriors, or your wealthy, or your popular? Ha'Sheera chooses by skill at magic, which seems to come closest to keeping the bright furrs at the top, but even they have their corrupt times."

Alex shakes her head, "As I said, I don't know yet, father. I'm still thinking." She grins, "I'll let you know if I figure it out."

Count St. Genevieve grins. "You do that. In the meantime I will accept the offer. Maybe the Council will have an honorable majority for a time."

Dimitri pauses quietly and then considers. "I also see you and Carroll, Alex. Horatio. Tasha. Her Majesty Arianna and most of the furs of my Ladyship's marines... Ludmilla and the wild lass who stowed away in our ship..." He shrugs his shoulders, "The dark has not taken all... yet."

Alex smiles at Dimitri, then gives her father an amused glance, "Maybe." She looks around, then deliberately changes the subject, "Well... I think it's about time we all faced up to our responsibilities... and were good hosts, mm? Time to mingle some more?"

Natasha shakes her head. "Never do t'e chornyestka... t'e Black Ones... takink everyt'ing. T'ey fightink among t'emselves eventually. Every generation is must fightink t'is battle again."

Carroll murrs quietly, "Even if they don't, we shall have a little more warning." Alex nods gravely to Carroll... then returns to being a good hostess.

    Sables broken with brilliant white wrap the tall, dark-phase fox, precise and formal. Black trousers pressed sharp, tucked into his tall boots, the midnight leather polished to an almost mirrored shine. His spurs add a fine jangle to each step. His white tunic is a dashing contrast, its ruffles and lace trim a touch of elegant finery. Lastly a matching black vest finishes the ensemble, its golden trim complementing Dimitri's three golden earrings. About his neck is his gift from Maidstone, his Companion's pendant. A long and fine rapier is at his side, its fittings also polished gold, loose chains hanging in precise military order. At his belt is a final splash of brilliant color, the long favor he wears; the house colors of red and gold emblazoned with the sword and pentacle.

Paw in paw Dimitri walks quietly alongside Natasha, heading back towards the mansion where the music begins to play. But halfway there he stops and, leading Natasha by the hand, he escapes to the back portions of the family grounds, 'til he finally climbs a little hill -- a small sheltered spot where the lands all fall away, a single tree providing shelter. There he stops, looking off to the horizon. "Tasha..." he considers quietly, "Alex... Alex used to find me here, looking out to the horizon, and she'd ask me what I was doing. I'd say... I was looking for my future. And she'd stand next to me and we'd both just look. This was a special place... for me." He then pauses, turning to look back at Natasha. "You saved that sprig of holly all this time?"

She nods. "Vas beink special, tovarishch. T'e glass vun is nicer, but is not for vearink." She follows the dark fox's gaze out toward the bay rapidly falling into dusk, the sun setting behind the mountains to the west, north to the City and south along the coast. "Is beautiful."

Dimitri smiles then, true and soft. Then he turns, his dark gaze seeking the far horizon. "It is. But truth, not as beautiful as something I saw tonight. I saw you... the little piece of faded holly. Tasha. I'll never forget that..." He takes a breath and looks out to the coast. "I even have here a new bouquet, brought for you from Ettore. But it just wouldn't be... as pretty. The moment I saw you, I knew." The tall black fox pauses. "I'm looking for my future, Tasha. And there's only one thing about it I now know." Dimitri turns to lay his muzzle alongside Natasha's, now watching his path unfold in a pair of lovely lupine eyes. "I love you."

The wolf matches that gaze with one of her own, the two losing themselves in each other. "And I you, Mitya. Vit' all my 'eart." She grins. "And alvays vill I keep t'is one. But a newer vun vould look nicer, da?"

Dimitri takes that half step closer, eyes closing, wrapping his arms around Natasha, an embrace to last forever and ever. Or at least until he looks back, smiling at her pragmatic words. And with a smooth motion he takes out from his pocket a pretty spray of green and red, wrapped in ribbons of St. Genevieve colors. "Always..."

    More furrs are waiting as the St. Genevieve family group breaks up again. A vixen about Carroll's age approaches him as he starts to mingle with the guests, and the gray-haired lynx who represents Ha'Sheera in this city approaches Alex.

"Baron Carroll? May I have a word with you?" The vixen is tastefully attired in white and green; gold and gemstone jewelry practically dripping off her but somehow not being gaudy. "I'm not sure you remember me. Veronica Larkin?"

Carroll smiles politely and murrs, "Good evening, Mademoiselle Larkin. It has been a long, busy time since I have seen you. I hope you have been well."

"Well enough, milord. I was in the gallery when you delivered that masterful stroke against the mongoose. Quite a delightful thing to witness." She smiles then, "Are you busy for this next dance?"

Carroll smiles and murrs, "While I am pleased with the resolution of this unpleasantness between my family and House Pravinchandra, I found the attack on Councilman Subramayan to be rather disturbing." At the request to dance he smiles and murrs, "Not at all. Would you care to join me?"

The vixen nods. "I would be honored, milord." She seems to be looking for something at first, then relaxes. "You are... still unattached, Baron?"

Carroll smiles and murrs, "At the moment, yes."

Veronica smiles as she dances. "You have some hopes, then?"

Carroll dances gracefully, with style and quiet pleasure, murring, "I have some. I admit it hasn't been in the forefront of my attention lately." With a wry grin he adds, "I expected being wanted as a pirate to be rather the damper on my chances."

The vixen grins then, "Ah, well. Now that that's been cleared up, though? You have an intriguing family, Baron, but your brothers already seem to be, shall we say, romantically engaged?"

Carroll grins a bit and murrs, "They seem to have become so lately, yes. It's been an interesting trip."

"I imagine it has been. Will you be staying home now?"

Carroll hmms and murrs, "I'm sure there will be at least one more trip to Maidstone, to complete the official mission I am on now, to give this good news, and to properly thank those there who were so much aid to us." The dance carries them about across the floor as he continues, "Afterwards I expect to resume trading and being a Captain."

"Ah. Very good training, milord." She continues dancing. "Still working the northern routes, I assume?"

Carroll murrs noncommittally, "We haven't really considered all the options yet."

The vixen's ears flick, an amused acknowledgement that she's been caught at that game. "Just a thought. Your father and mine will be working much more closely on the Council now -- we might want to consider the possibilities..."

Carroll raises an eyebrow and murrs, "I see." With a quiet chuckle he adds, "At the moment I fear much along those lines would be premature."

Veronica smiles. "Just something to keep in mind, milord...." The dance continues -- whatever else she has in mind, she is a good dancer.

Alex smiles and nods politely to the lynx, "Are you having a pleasant time, Ambassador Murnash?" She idly checks the ambassador's aura... bright green, and a few flares of blue and white, denoting magicked equipment, she realizes. She raises an eyebrow, wondering why the ambassador is carrying such extremely powerful equipment with her... to a simple party, no less! Talk about overkill! she thinks amusedly to herself.

    The lynx is elderly but still in good condition, her body stocky and muscular under the thin but garishly colored tunic and blue leggings. Her age is obvious only by her gray headfur in its long braid and the weathered appearance of her hands and face. She is wearing a medallion with a Ha'Sheeran Kith seal and her fingers and ears are adorned with rings.

The ambassador says, "A very nice party, Dame Alexandra. My congratulations on your exploits at Maidstone, by the way. Our representative at Maidstone didn't have a chance to tell you."

Alex smiles and nods again, "Thank you, ambassador, you are too kind." She pauses, then asks curiously, "Might I inquire as to why you're carrying er... such powerful implements upon your person tonight? Do you expect trouble?"

The lynx twitches an ear. "These things? They're nothing much. Just standard equipment."

Alex's eyebrow goes up again... but she just smiles and nods politely, "Doubtless."

The ambassador smiles. "We don't bring the really heavy equipment out in public, milady. Too dangerous if it's stolen, eh?"

Alex says, "I'm afraid I don't really know, ambassador, not having had any experience with it."

The lynx nods. "True, you're just getting started. You do have potential, though." She pauses. "A favor for a favor, though. Watch your backs. You've made some very nasty enemies in the Society of the Mountain, and they may try for revenge." She bows then and wanders back toward the dancing -- she's one of the few of the important furrs who seems more comfortable with the tenant farmers and sailors.

Alex blinks, then falls in next to the ambassador, walking along with her as if they'd meant to do that. There's a smile on her face as if they're chatting about inconsequentialities, but her words are quietly intent, "Who are they, please? You're not the first to warn me of them."

"Ah. A group of assassins who operate out of Bharat. They've pretty much got that kingdom wrapped up in their fists, and they've got agents all over the place. Not so much in the West, and we've been able to keep Ha'Sheera clean -- they're not good at magework -- but their current Master, one Vashtri, is a very ambitious furr."

Alex nods thoughtfully, then says quietly, "Now why would we have made enemies there, ambassador?" She wonders idly... an ambitious furr... her guess would be that the League is next on the Society of the Mountain's 'grab list'... but she'll wait and see what the ambassador has to say. She wonders ruefully why the Ha'sheera know more about an assassin group than the League...

The lynx grins, a diplomatic smile that doesn't reach her eyes. "You took out a very important agent of theirs a few weeks ago. And you've successfully interfered with an assassination of theirs as well. I'm sure that Lord Vashtri is unhappy with you at the moment."

Alex nods, "I see. Well... thank you for your kindness, ambassador. It's greatly appreciated." She smiles and nods, still playing the good hostess, but eventually gets around to passing that interesting information on to her family. She also makes a mental note to start wearing light leather armor under her shirts... poisoned throwing weapons from behind are tough to catch -- and to warn Horatio to make up more antidote.

The party is a huge success, and nearly everyone important accepted their invitations. Even the new head of House Pravinchandra came, though he didn't speak much to his hosts and spent a good deal of time with the Imperial ambassador. Aside from a few such items, though, everyone had a grand time.

Alex will, before leaving Starfall, find out where the Blackpool Marines buy their gold earrings. She'll go and purchase the appropriate number for the crew on the Saucy Mare that had received silver earrings, then find Dimitri and give them to him to give out, so it looks proper, at the party after the vendetta's been lifted.

Later, at the party with the others, Alex will with quiet courtesy receive her new gold earring from Dimitri, thanking him as everyone else does.

The next day Alex will have the silver one removed and the gold one inserted. Then she spends some time just sitting and staring out to sea, the silver earring in her small paw, fighting a temptation to simply fling it away from her... finally she goes in search of Carroll. When she finds him she asks him quietly if he would be so kind as to keep the silver earring for her. She knows she should keep it -- but she also knows she needs some time and distance from it... and what it represents to her.

Carroll looks at her quietly for a long moment... then nods and takes the earring, "I'd be happy to, Alex."

    With the family finances restored, filling the Saucy Mare with a cargo for Maidstone is easy. Most of the hold is packed with navigational instruments and telescopes, though a few crates are loaded with gifts for friends made during their time there. Count Timothy St. Genevieve is installed as the newest member of the Council, some appropriate gifts are made to the citizens of Ettore (including an improved dock), and Alex makes a point of sponsoring Miriam as an apprentice with one of Starfall's bards. Eventually, though, life returns to something close to normal, and the little ship sets out on her journey.

    Quite a few people come down to see the ship off. The Count himself, for one... he was obviously struggling with the idea of letting Alex wander off like this until Dimitri pointed out that he didn't really have a choice in the matter. In the end the old fox reconciled himself to the idea. Veronica Larkin arrived as well to chat with Carroll before the departure. No sign of Bryn, though. Carroll was polite (if noncommittal) to Mme. Larkin.

Alex stands alertly on the quarterdeck next to Carroll, the brisk wind ruffling her hair and the bright sunlight drawing fiery gleams from both her scarlet fur and her new golden earring. She's not aware of that though... she's pondering why she feels such an enormous sense of relief washing over her. She dearly loves her home, true... but, interestingly, it seems she enjoys the returning home more than playing lady of the house. She smiles quietly to herself as she stands tall (for her) next to her captain in parade rest... she can live with that thought.

Carroll is at ease, returning to Maidstone to friends and allies as the victorious gentleman. He has with him a cargo of lovely profitable items, his family safe, and looks forward to what should be a rewarding trip. He is also pleased at the thought of being able to give news of assassination attempts to the Queen.

For only the second time -- and the first time in daylight -- the Mare takes the easy route through the West Passage instead of the tricky and dangerous East Passage. Once on the open ocean, they turn first east, then south, toward Maidstone.

Alex is settling down to her first night's watch when the door to the sail locker opens and Bryn pops out, carrying a bucket. "Hey, kit! Thought I'd come along for the ride this time." She dumps the bucket over the side of the ship.

Alex laughs, "Hello, Bryn! How satisfying to know my speculations were correct -- as to why you weren't at the dock to see us off!" She grins, "Help yourself to a spare bunk below. We can report you to the captain tomorrow... but my guess is he'll just ask you why you didn't just ask to come along." Her grin is sly as she turns back to watch, "Guess you just like sail lockers a lot..."

The ferret grins. "What, ask and take all the fun out of it?"

Dimitri's day begins with the sound of the watch bell, settled into a rhythm as sure as the tides. He rises from his bunk and with quiet military precision turns down his bedding. The last thing he does is carefully place not one... but two pillows at the head of his bunk, perfectly fluffed. From there it is the morning workout -- practice for the Saucy Mare's marines. And last, before he has to take his place on the nightwatch, Dimitri finds time to slip beneath into the crew deck... to leave a single wildflower upon the bunk of a lovely lady, a matter done secret and unseen.

Alex determinedly studies magic... if she's to best protect her family from poisonous thrown things in the dark she's going to have to be as good as she can make herself be. She practices using her abilities under the most awkward conditions she can think up, including during her acrobatics and sword practices. Carroll keeps his own eyes on the horizon and on the crew, complimenting good work and gently keeping people to their tasks through the journey.

Settling down at his traditional haunt, Dimitri carefully sharpens and oils his sword; smooth, long strokes in a repetitive pattern. He is quiet, watching the sea ripple past, every now and then glancing across to scan the horizon. Natasha joins the dark fox as he works on the tools of his trade. She doesn't say anything, but smiles at him and sits beside him to do her own maintenance in companionable silence. Dimitri looks to Natasha and smiles, simply setting the oil and tools between them so they can share. Every now and then he glances, noting that she shares the same care he does for their work; and whether it's that or the sun, his eyes sparkle.

The trip is uneventful, for the most part. Only once is it marred -- by an Imperial ship still unaware of the political demise of their patron -- but only the Impy scout manages to get close. The Mare is far too fast for the larger ship. The trip takes a little less than a week, and the arrival is quiet. The pilot comes aboard to take the Mare to the Maidstone naval piers again, and Matthew is waiting by the time she docks. "Permission to come aboard, Captain?" Alex takes a deep breath, smiling at sight of the new port and looking around to see who's docked.

Carroll nods and murrs, "Of course, Matthew! Welcome aboard." Dimitri walks up quietly behind Carroll to stand at his shoulder. A quiet shadow, his ears stand tall as he just listens carefully. He nods to Matthew, a sure and precise acknowledgement, and every now and then his gaze also darts across the docks.

The harbor is packed with the usual shipping, flags of several nations and most of the League members in evidence. There is even an orca lounging near a pier, discussing something with a few land-dwelling furrs. Alex eyes the orca with interest, but holds position next to Carroll... if it's still there later she'll be interested in speaking to it -- but for now she's still on duty. Matthew climbs up the gangway, smiling. "Her Majesty sends her congratulations on the events in Starfall. Did you have you father on board while you were here last time?"

Carroll smiles and counters with, "Does it matter? Allow us our little mysteries."

Alex grins cheerfully at Carroll -- then beams disarmingly at Matthew, "Hello, Matthew! How is her majesty?"

Matthew grins at Carroll. "Have it your way, then. Her Majesty says she doesn't mind and understands why you'd keep it a secret." He turns to Alex. "She's fine, Dame Alex. And you?" Alex makes polite chitchat with Matthew... she'd mostly asked to try distracting the mouse from Carroll's reply, after all. Matthew continues, "Anyway. It's good to see you all again. Sergeant Danton still with you?" Matthew turns to see him walking over. "Excellent. Her Majesty asked me to pass on that you're back to your normal duties now. Take a couple days leave and report back when you're ready."

Dimitri turns to the sergeant and nods, "Thank you, Mister Danton." Then he returns his attention to Matthew and smiles, "Please convey our thanks to Her Majesty. Her marines served well and were of great value to us."

Danton salutes. "Major. It was a pleasure to serve with you."

Returning the salute, Dimitri nods, "It was an honor, sergeant. Thank you."

Carroll smiles to the mouse and murrs, "It is good to return, and good to see you again as well. We are also looking forward to seeing Her Majesty, and making a formal report to her regarding Ambassador Bridgewater." Alex covers a small smile.

Danton goes below to fetch his gear. Matthew continues, turning back to Carroll. "I assume that Ambassador Bridgewater will not be troubling us much longer?" Alex has to cover another grin at that query.

Carroll murrs, "The Council has agreed with the Queen's estimation of his conduct, and to her wishes in his handling."

Matthew nods. "Excellent. We'll arrange to take him into custody at the earliest opportunity, then. Or possibly at the most convenient opportunity. That's up to the Baroness and her people." He smiles again. "But to more pleasant things -- you're just in time for the Queen's Birthday. Night after tomorrow, a formal ball. Her Majesty would be delighted if you could be there."

Alex looks a bit surprised... then grins at Carroll, "Sounds lovely!" She brightens as another, more wonderful thought occurs to her -- she won't be hostess! She can just dance and have fun -- how delightful!

Carroll smiles brightly and murrs, "I'm certain we would be pleased to attend, Matthew."

Dimitri blinks quietly, his head tilting. "Her Majesty's birthday... " A soft whisper... then he just nods. His gaze crosses to Alex, then to his own lady. He stands in silence.

Last modified: 2001-Jan-28 16:09:16

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