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The bells from the local church just rang in the distance, signalling the end of the day and the beginning of Eveningfest. The tavern is already full, noise and chatter a faint, friendly rumble about the room. Barmaids teeter about with full plates of stew, vension, ale and cider. Along the far wall, left of the door, the town's only bard, in the town's only Tavern/Inn, plays a soft melody, a ballad to long dead heros.

    The Fierce Kobold
    The common taproom of the Fierce Kobold is packed; this being the night before the town's meeting day, and the next day one of relaxation, many farmers, shopkeeps, and locals are in - drinking, listening to the single bard that's employed, gambling, or making merry. Behind the bar, an old, grizzled fellow sits, waiting to fill orders for drinks. In each corner of the room, a beautifuly sculpted wooden statue of a kobold, painted to almost perfection, stands, each with a sword in hand and a little ball of magical light in the other, casting illumination over those dark corners.

Vane sits next to his brother at table, his hat and spectacles on the table before him, sketching something in a sturdily-bound book. Kai sits lightly on his shoulder, alternately attempting to doze and interfere with whatever it is Vane is doing.

Kaz has taken a seat near the bard, and it's not hard to talk him into joining along in the singing, as he hoists and ale up on cheer with some of the locals he's befriended.

Derleth is savoring a large bowl of stew and a mug of cider, while looking mournfully at a card game that is going on at a nearby table, seemingly as if he wished he could join.

Kyrel is leaning back in his chair, his feet up on the table beside Vane's book. He grins at Kai's antics... Kiri is flitting around the rafters of the room nabbing the occasional fly.

Irievyre, a barmaid of slightly clumsy reputation, sidles up beside Kaz's table, smiling down at him a tad too familiar for a simple customer. "Need some more drink?" She asks, hefting up the pitcher of ale. The slim girl seems to be having trouble holding the pitcher aloft as is. Occasionally a patron will just give an odd look up into the rafters, mutter about flying rats, and go about their bussiness.

Kaz casts a charming smile and a knowing wink at Irievyre, holding his drink out, "You know that I can never get enough, my good lady." he retorts. Notably, he positions his mug a good distance from himself, giving the young woman some room for error without giving the rogue an ale shower.

Vane sits up and sets his pen down. "Tch. Kai." He mutters something in elven at the ferret, closing the book. He sets the pen in a small wooden case, tucking it away in his greatcoat before rubbing his eyes blearily and taking stock of where his traveling companions have gotten to. "How long has it been, Kyrel, since we arrived?"

A flush rushes up Irievyre's cheeks, and she leans forth to pour the half elf his drink. It was a wise decision to put that glass at a resonable distance; a third of the ale that goes in, the fourth dribbles over the table, darkening the wood. The rest of the tavern, mainly farmers in the local fields, and the shopkeeps, other populous, seem to be a-buzz. Indeed, winter's icy grip is steadily squeezing the slim Autumn, but such times are the planting season for TarlBren, the little crop-village along the northern edges of Aznith.

    A wiry elf, tall for his people at 5'5", Vane stands with a reserved posture and a faint smile, his frame wrapped in a heavy greatcoat made of some thick, dark material. The lining, at least what can be seen on the inside of the upturned collar, is smooth and black, and sparkles faintly in the light. His heavy boots and the well-worn gloves he wears are both fine black leather; a long black scarf wraps loosely about his throat. What can be seen of him beneath all his gear, is the face of an elf not terribly advanced in years, a young man's face, with a relaxed smile and dark eyes that belong in an older face. There is one other sign of maturity there; a faint mark, a tiny scar on the bridge of his nose, just above where a pair of tinted spectacles perch. A stray strand of straight, dark hair falls past one of the lenses from beneath his wide-brimmed hat.

Kyrel thinks about it a second. "Close to four months, hasn't it been? Since spring, at any rate. They're starting to shape up, don't you think? I just hope they don't forget again now that they've started planting." He shakes his head. "Still seems unnatural to be planting in autumn."

Kaz merely chuckles as ale is spilled.. it's clear he was ready for it, "What a shame, Irievyre. That's alcohol abuse, I'd say." he chastises the barmaid with another wink, before pulling his mug close again, taking a healthy pull.

    Kaz D'kaeron is moderately tall, standing 5'10". His frame is lean, yet muscular, and the studded leather armor he wears fits him about as perfect as armor can fit a man, complementing his form and allowing ease of movement. Kaz's dark red hair is usually pulled back into a pony-tail, except perhaps when he's relaxing.

Derleth sighs, glancing at the card sharps again. "What a sad state to be in, when I can't even honor the Lady with a bit 'o the cards..."

Vane nods, and surveys the faces of the crowd briefly. "It certainly isn't the cycle we're used to..." He reaches up and strokes his familiar's ears absently. "Yes, you're right of course... they've taken well to our lessons thus far. I still think I'm a few hundred years too junior to be passing on the art just yet... but must needs as the Baatezu drives, yes?"

Kyrel chuckles. "Derleth, you've done enough honoring over the summer. One would think she's annoyed at you for some reason..."

Vane smirks faintly at his brother's remark, but wisely stays out of that conversation.

The barmaid moves to swat Kaz on the shoulder...and in the process sending a rivlet of ale onto his legs. "Oops!" The woman is allready flustered, fumbling with the ale pitcher and a worn out rag about her apron. She eventually gets everything together without creating even further havoc, pitcher on table and rag to Kaz. Indeed, it has been a while; near the beginning of summer, when the Ogres get even fiercer then normal.

Derleth chuckels wryly. "Apparently, when she left me favor a tenday back. I must now cut back, and conserve me store o' ready money. Then again, maybe Lady Luck's trying t' tell me something..."

Kyrel says, "One mustn't use up all one's good karma on card games. Save some for battles." He pauses, then grins as he adds, "On the other hand, maybe she's just warning you not to take her for granted."

Derleth says, "And what battles would those be? We're spending most of our time training the youngfolk how to defend themselves, without anything but fleeting sightings o' the beasts that prompted them t' hire us."

Derleth looks at Kyrel and nods with a sigh. "Aye, could be, m'friend. Could be."

Vane says, "If I didn't know better, I'd take from your tone that you were eager to resume risking your life, Derleth.""

Kaz uses the offered rag to quickly wipe at his pants, though not seeming to mind too much at getting them just slightly soiled. He looks over towards Derleth, grinning, "Oh, come now cleric, I've never known you to save for a rainy day before!"

Derleth grins devilishly. "Aye, I am! Only in great risk can be won great wealth!"

Kyrel says, "So say the merchant princes, as well. Though they are more inclined to financial risks."

Vane mms. "Or lost, yes? Regardless... perhaps it's time we considered moving on. As hospitable as the folk of the country are, this is not a climate that agrees well with me. I'm not quite ready to make a home here."

The bard's music ends, followed by a clamor of clapping. As if hearing Kyrel's comment, the elderly fellow begins strumming on his lute, the beginnings of notes flowing from weathered old lips. The tale of Tarl'Nesk the Green, a nature mage, and HandeBren Frostis, a Winterwizard, the two whom crafted a plant that could grow in the winter, and gave the town it's name, and economic net. The clumsy bar wench flushes more, and takes up her pitcher, as other patrons are starting to get fussy about not having their mugs and meals restored.

Derleth holds up his hands in Kaz's direction, as if acknowledging a hit. "All right, so I do do a bit more gambling when me pockets are overflowing. But tis the way of things, don't y' know.

Kyrel chuckles at Derleth again. "Aye, and this is because they won't let you bet on credit, belike?"

Kaz hoists is ale, gesturing towards Derleth, "And you do still owe me a shot at earning back some of the change ye took from me last week, my friend."

    Derleth is unusually short for a human, coming up to about 4'5". He wears a suit of fine breastplate armor that gleams in the light with an unnatural shine, a sturdy silk cloak, and a pair of tufted riding boots, with the hilts of daggers inauspiciously poking out of the tops. He looks quite cheery, with a tuft of short, curly red hair atop his head, and a freckled grin seemingly plastered to his face, his blue eyes glinting mischeviously. Most prominent is his openly worn holy symbol on a siver chain: a medallion that looks like an oversized gold coin emblazoned with a pair of dice.

Derleth sniffs at Kyrel. "Sir, you do me an injustice. I would never bet but with hard coin. I am a gambler, but not a foolish one. One of my maxims is to never owe someone for too long."

Kyrel glances up at his little friend, who is now perched near the fireplace. "Kiri agrees. He wants to be somewhere warmer when the snow starts falling."

Derleth winces at Kaz. "Wait a bit on that will you? Perhaps until the town is, perchance, attacked by some ogre with jewel encrusted armor?"

Kai chitters in agreement. Vane nods. "Yes, I've no desire to spend another winter frozen in... as much as my scholarly pursuits have benefited, it's hard to find research materials in the hinterlands."

Kyrel nods. "Very much so. There comes a time when you need to forget about the solitude and see what everyone else is up to."

Derleth says, "I mind not the cold so much, not thanks to a prudent investment several months back. Still, you make a point, Mage. I'm sure Platinum pines for warmer weather, no matter how well he's taken care of."

Vane smiles faintly. "And besides. Boredom and magery are a fateful combination."

Kaz listens to his travelling companions, at least as best he can from where he sits, close to the singing bard, "So are we away then?" he chimes into the conversation, before taking another pull of ale.

Kyrel says, "Hey, how was I to know what would happen if you mixed saltpeter into the sulfur for a fire spell? At least your eyebrows grew back."

Derleth laughs! "Ye did look quite strange there for a while though."

Vane says nothing at that. Kai sits up and chitters something at him. "QUIET, you," hisses the mage.

Vane picks up his hat, and tilts it down low over his eyes. "Ahem. Yes, well..."

Derleth glances back at Kaz. "Mayhaps. It certainly seems quiet enough that the town needs not of us..."

At that, a young man in squire's clothing hustles into the inn, making a show of going to Kevward, the grizzled barkeep and Innmaster, and asking for the location of a board whense announcements be posted. After being directed to the far right, along a heavy plank, the squire moves over, unravelling some parchment, taking a tack and the hammer that is tied to the board, and nails the paper in.

Vane says, "We needn't pull up stakes this very night. We can finish out the tenday with making preparations. It wouldn't do to travel unready in this country.""

Derleth looks up when he hears the sound of a hammer, squinting curiously at the parchment. "Hello..."

Kyrel says, "Heh. I don't think anyone is suggesting we head out after dinner." He looks over at the message board. "On the other hand... Derleth, have you been calling in markers again?"

Kaz watches this newcomer with keen interest, eyeing the piece of parchment which is hammered in place, "What's this?" He pries himself from the comfort of his chair, sidling over ale in hand to get a closer look.

Derleth holds up his hands. "Not I. But it is my firm belief that, if ye ask, the Lady Lliara provides. ;)"

Vane hmmms softly. "Perhaps our cleric is in better standing with his Lady than we thought."

Kyrel says, "If there's a balance to such things, he's built up some credit on the bad luck side..."

Vane says, "Don't tempt her, brother..."

Derleth chuckles wryly. "Yon mage makes yet another point, sir. The Lady hears all things, and she's got a wickeder sense of humor than my own. ;)"

Kyrel produces a shocked look and dives under the table. "Oh, no!!"

Derleth laughs!

Kai skitters down Vane's arm and peers under the table, chittering quizzically.

Vane snickers quietly.

The squire finishes the postings, moving to the barkeep, making a quick conversation, then the young fellow scuttles out without further action.

Derleth says, "Pray, Kyrel, the ferret bids you rise and stop showing your posterior to the other patrons. ;)"

Kyrel grins at Kai and resumes his place, though with his feet under the table now. "I think they're ignoring me anyway."

Kyrel says, "So what's it say, Kaz?"

Kaz ignores the antics of his companions for a moment as he studies the parchment, sipping at his ale, "Well my friends, it appears that we might find out next adventure after all, and right under our very noses."

Vane says, "Well, don't keep us in suspense, Kaz. Please elaborate."

Derleth looks down. "I see naught under my nose but stew. Or is there a cursed gem in the stew we must bring to a far off elven ruin? ;)"

Kaz chuckles under his breath. He of course dawdles another moment at the least, keeping his fellows in suspense despite the request to do otherwise. At last, he does read the parchment out loud, " All those whom Seek to find a payment for services, are called to the Fierce Kobold, this Meetday, one hour past Noonfest. Calling all Hunters, Explorors, and Those whom seek excitement.'"

Derleth's eyes alight at the word 'payment'.

Vane says, "Tch. Sounds as if it's from local board of Tourism."

Several of the patrons look up, then shake their heads and mutter about 'adventurers'. A few members of the crowd give a few fantastic tales, the majority embellished to the point of making a dragon snort.

Derleth says, "Hells bells, I'd give folk a tour of the local mountainside if they paid me." He fishes a pipe out of a pouch and starts filling it with fine tobacco.

Kaz turns back to the others, and wanders towards their table, taking an empty seat there, "Well, if the gold is genuine, I don't see the harm in sticking around to hear the tale of what we must do, eh?"

Derleth says, "Not at all, if we were planning to take our time anyway..."

Vane strokes his chin, considering. "Well... perhaps a bit of traveling money would be useful... Kyrel? What think you?"

Kyrel says, "Indeed. Certainly no harm in hearing it. We were going to be here tomorrow anyway, nie?"

Vane says, "Mm. Agreed."

Derleth says, "Vane, I canna seem to find me flint. Cast a cantrip on me pipe, would ye?"

Vane tsks. "Am I your court mage now?" He rolls his eyes, and picks up his book. Scanning a few lines, he sighs, and snaps the book shut, whereupon it vanishes. He snaps his fingers, and the tobacco lights with minimal assistance.

Derleth grins as he puffs on his pipe. "Nay, but ye are useful in a pinch. Whether it be flame to light a pipe or roast a cadre of orcs. ;)"

Kyrel chuckles at Derleth. "You never ask me to do that any more. Still mad about the time I cast the illusion of lighting your pipe and you puffed on unlit tobacco for five minutes?"

Vane smirks faintly.

Kaz chuckles, and sips at his ale, watching the display.

After having served her tables, Irievyre wanders over to the four's spot. She casts a curious glance at Kaz. "Moving about on me, are you?" The quip is followed by a tipped head. "Finished with your meals?" She asks the table in whole.

Derleth groans in rememberance. "Elves." he comments to the ceiling. "Can't live with them, and the skin's too thin for a belt." His voice is joking as he says this, however.

Kaz eyes the waitress with his own brand of quiet lustfulness, only smiling at her verbal jab, "The meals are through, but perhaps there is room for dessert, mmm?"

Kyrel nods. "Just about." He holds up a leftover shred of venison which is plucked from his fingers a moment later by a flying blur. "Now we are."

Vane snorts derisively. He nods politely to the maid, "Ah, yes, Lady. Thank you."

Derleth says, "Lass, I am stuffed full. Just another mug o' that fine cider."

The wench leans in, taking up the finished plates, and nearly drops one as the bat skitters by. "I will never be used to that winged rat!" The barb is followed with a giggle. "Oh we have Prickleberry pie for dessert..." She glances back at Kaz, swatting his arm. "Tom cat!" The woman nods to Derleth as she picks up the full tray of plates and bowls, making her way toward the kitchen.

Kaz grins merrily at the exchange, even as (or perhaps especially when) he is swatted.

Kyrel sighs. "Poor Kiri. Misunderstood and disliked by the folks he wishes to help." The half-elf's pensive look seems to indicate a better understanding of that problem than he would like.

Vane shakes his head. "You should understand that better than most, little brother." He squeezes his sibling's shoulder.

Irievyre returns a few minutes later, this time both hands holding the pitcher. Surprisingly, she fills the Luckpriest's cup up without sending a wave of the liquid into anything but his goblet. After finishing, she glances about. "Anyone want dessert?" As this is said, hand is allready poised to smack Kaz.

Kyrel nods, a sad smile on his face. "I think that's why he's my familiar. He's really quite cute in his own way... but hardly anyone appreciates it." He looks up at Irievyre. "A slice of pie sounds good here."

Kaz holds up both hands, in mock surrendor, "Oh no milady, I think I'll have to pass on that tonight." he says with no hint of a straight face.

Vane nods. "Just a glass of wine for myself... and a cup of water for my friend here." Kai sits up and nods emphatically, before scuttling into the rafters after the bat.

Derleth sips at his cider, smirking at Kaz's banter with the barmaid.

She nods to Kyrel, then to Vane and pauses as the ferret scitters up the wall. It's obvious she's holding back comment, but on the way to the kitchen, one can distinctly hear her utter 'Wizards and Rodents..."

Derleth laughs as he catches that last. "Hear that, Kaz? She called you a rat. ;)"

Vane laughs quietly, directly at the retreating barmaid's back.

Kaz nods with pursed lips, eyeing the cleric, "Indeed." then of course his gaze flits to the familiar, a half-smirk showing itself.

Vane smiles broadly. "Kai and I don't take much offense to such comparisons anymore. We know better."

Kyrel chuckles. "Besides, neither Kai nor Kiri are rodents. She must have been talking about someone else."

Vane laughs softly. "Precisely."

Not long after, the glass of wine is plunked down infront of the elf, and it's contents almost splashing the stained wood, and Kyrel's pie delivered without any problems. She shoots Kaz another half grin, half smirk, and Irievyre moves onto the next table.

Kaz says, "Just remember fellahs, without this rodent, you'd all still be pining away in a certain orc hole, behind a pile of fallen rocks!"

Kyrel grins. "Oh, I think we'd have gotten out of there by now. You did help speed it up quite a bit, I'll admit."

Vane says, "By another eight hours, at least."

Derleth growls. "I'd never have thought orcs clever enough for that sort of trap..."

Kaz hehehs, "Well, I don't know about giving orcs all the credit. I'd say they probably found the place, and just hadn't managed to set the damned thing off themselves."

Kaz adds, with a smirk, "You three, of course, had no problems at all."

Vane says, "It isn't wise to underestimate them. If they have enough self-possession to master divine magic, they've brains enough to lay traps."

Kyrel says, "Aye. They aren't a threat to the rest of us just because they breed fast."

Vane says, "If overwhelming numbers were their only asset, they'd not be warring with our people even now."

A patron of a nearby table overhears and whoops. "Look at 'dem Kobolds!" He proclaims. "'Dem things is as ign'ernt as a sack o' mice, and they put up a nasty fight, hey?" Of course, there is a -reason- the very estabilsment is named so, having been built over a kobold nest.

Derleth says, "I wonder what an orc's standards are. Most orcish women look uglier than a a leper. Maybe the males ask the women to wear sacks over their heads."

Kaz chuckles, "I'm sure the Orcs say the same thing about humans and elves." he retorts.

Vane remains silent. Given his family's lineage, he hasn't much to say about interbreeding.

Derleth says, "Oh, perhaps."

Kyrel just raises an eyebrow in the human's direction.

Derleth seems to get a little nervous under Kyrel's and Vane's silence, and sits back, puffing on his pipe, looking penitent.

Kyrel shifts in his seat and starts in on his dessert. "Haff to agree with the old fella, though. Kobolds are pretty stupid."

Vane says, "Quite dangerous in groups, though. They haven't much of a mind for tactics, but they do understand the rudiments of ambush."

Derleth says, "We must take our breaks when we get them, Vane. Stupid enemies are the best kind of enemies. ;)"

Vane arches a brow. "Stupid enemies? I don't believe there's any such thing."

Vane says, "Even if there are... it's that attitude that keeps such as myself alive."

Derleth says, "I don't follow you."

Kyrel says, "Never assume that they're stupid. That way, all your surprises will be pleasant ones."

Vane nods. "Precisely. One should never underestimate one's enemies, Derleth. An assumption opens the door for a surprise."

Slowly, the tavern begins to empty itself. The night having waned, temple bells tolling Highmoon within three hours. Many a working man must be in bed soon, and rise early for the next day's mass, and work.

Derleth says, "Something does not have to be an assumption to be proven true. My ability to outwit my opponent has come in handy more than once."

Kaz leans forward, resting his chin on an upturned hand, "Well, while being lectured by the likes of you two, I could be catching a few winks." and with that, he rises from his seat, "I bid you good morrow friends.. we'll meet back here tomorrow, say noon-ish?"

Kyrel says, "And how often have you outwitted an enemy by assuming that they're too stupid to see through an obvious trick, eh?"

Vane says, "A valuable trait. Just be reminded that you aren't the only one that possesses it, my friend."

Vane nods, "We will see you then, Kaz. And do go easy on the waitstaff in the meantime?"

Kyrel nods. "Noonish sounds about right. Don't chase Irievyre too hard, Kaz."

Kyrel grins at his brother.

Derleth chuckles at the two brothers. "Aye, true enough. Which is why I always make sure my tricks aren't obvious."

Derleth says, "Good night to you, Kaz."

Kaz slips out the door, and into the night, calling back to his compansions, "Oh, worry not friends, it's not Irievyre that's on the menu tonight!"

"Shut that canyon of a mouth, Kaz!" Calls the barmaid after him.

Vane shakes his head, and chuckles softly into his wine.

Derleth chuckles and says in an undertone, "That man's appetite rivals my own."

Kyrel shakes his head as Kaz departs. "No wonder he wants to head out. The ladies will probably string him up if he keeps that up."

The night melts into morning, and morning into noon. The after-lunch crowd has waned, and a sturdy looking tough sits outside the door leading into the tavern's backroom. A stout cudgel leans against his chair, and a loaded crossbow rests on his knee. The man looks utterly bored, but observant.

Vane arrives in the tavern at the appointed time, his hat in his hand. He lingers at the bar, awaiting the arrival of the others.

Kyrel is still there as lunch ends, nursing a mug of cider as the afternoon wears on. Kiri has found a niche and is asleep up in the rafters.

Vane ahs, and spots his brother, wending his way to the table, "It seems our roguish friend had a longer night than anticipated, yes?"

Kyrel says, "Haven't seen him yet, no. Looks like our prospective patron has a bodyguard."

Kaz wanders in significantly after the appointed time, just on the brink of disshevelled, as if he had a long night, and perhaps even a long morning. Still, the big grin painted across his face indicates that wherever he's been, he had a good time, and he strolls up to the table where his companions are seated, plopping down into a chair.

Derleth sits beside Kyrel, inspecting the edge of one of his daggers and putting it to a whetstone, sharpening it. "Does anyone expect otherwise?"

The tough gives the group an eyeing over, before going back to staring at the barmaids as they clean.

Vane seats himself. "No, of course not..." He nods softly. "The armament is worth noting. This seems a bit more money than usual for our little hamlet."

Kyrel says, "And I can't recall anyone rich wandering into town recently. Might be interesting..."

Vane says, "Indeed it might."

Derleth grins. "A wealthy patron means ample compensation."

Vane says, "It also means they've not anyone under their employ with the necessary skills."

Derleth says, "What skills would those be, one wonders...."

Vane says, "We should find out, before very long, yes?"

Derleth says, "That is the hope.."

Kaz leans his elbows on the table, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands, "They just came in last night." he murmurs, to no one in particular.

Kyrel says, "If that isn't just someone who wants to keep Kaz away from his daughters..."

Derleth arches an eyebrow to Kaz. "You saw them?"

Kaz mms softly, a tired grunt, "Half-dozen riders or so."

Vane says, "Outsiders, then. Interesting."

Kaz doesn't respond beyond this, and with his hands over his face, could very well have fallen back asleep.

Derleth slides his eyes in the direction of the warrior, watching as he continues to sharpen his blade.

At that moment, the door swings open. Looking up, the guard drops a hand to the crossbow, but eases back as a group of younglings exit from the backroom, closing the door behind them. The majority are from the militia local militia being trained.

Kyrel sighs. "I hope they aren't being sent out. They'd get themselves killed in a week."

Vane says, "They don't strike me as the mercenary type, unless it's a substantial amount being offered. They're very young, but they're farmer stock. They don't seem the type to go searching for trouble."

Derleth mmms. "Maybe there's more going on than we suspected.

Kyrel says, "Oh, c'mon. A bit of excitement, an offer of money? How many kids at that age want to spend their lives looking at the southern end of a northbound team of oxen?"

The majority of the boys flow out of the tavern, spring in step and excitment on their face. A young lad, perhaps just reaching his eighteenth autumn, notices the pair, stops and waves. The lad, having shown innate talents and touch with the weave itself, is sporting a new wand sticking proudly from a sheath on his belt. He makes the sign of the Lady Luck, noting Derleth.

Vane says, "Perhaps you know better than I would... regardless I think we're going to find out before long. I certainly hope we needn't rescue them."

Kaz doesn't move much at all. He could be dead, save for the faint indications that he is indeed breathing.

Derleth grins and winks at the lad. "Oh, mayhap they'll be all right. Fortune sometimes even favors the foolish. I should know." He says to his compatriots.

Kai wriggles out of one of the mage's pockets, creeping up to the rogue, sniffing at his hands. He turns and looks back at Vane. "No, Kai, you may not have a taste. He isn't properly dead yet. Now get back here."

Kyrel waves to the boy. "Remember what I told you, then. Don't overreach your powers."

Vane lifts the ferret back into his pocket, and calls to the lad, "And remember, awareness is the key. You are strongest when prepared."

He gives a quick nod to Kyrel, showing deepest respect, and then hurries out the door to join his youthful comrades. The guard glances about, noting no one else in line, and glances at the four at their table, a questioning expression on his face.

Derleth says, "That's our cue, gentlemen."

Vane ahs. "I believe it's our turn, friends..." He stands and nods to the guard, clapping Kaz on the shoulder as he does so.

Derleth stands.

Kaz sits upright, rising from his chair as if he had been fully alert the entire time. He yawns, stretching and rolling his shoulders as he moves to follow the others into the room.

The guard rises, crossbow in his off hand, down low, yet the trained muscles of that arm are indeed ready and able to snap up if need be. The door is opened. "In ye go, gents," Comes his rumbling voice.

Kyrel whistles as he stands up, holding his hand out for Kiri to light on. He transfers the bat to his tunic, where she grabs on and hangs, folding her wings up and going back to sleep.

Derleth moves smartly through the open door.

A curious glance, and nothing more, is given to Kiri before the guard ushers all in.

    Fierce Kobold - Back Room
    The back room of the Fierce Kobold has been set up as an office. A rather small one, as a table nearly spans from one wall to the other near the back. Behind it sits a gentleman perhaps thirty springs in age. Despite his young appearance, healthy, white hair falls down his shoulders. The hair is kept respectable and trimmed, yet lengthy in the back. The faintest hint of elven ancestory is seen along those hazel eyes. Robes of green, blue, purple and orange decorate him in a kaleidoscope of colors, not random, but making beautiful patterns, meshed into a weave. At least two rings adorn each hand. The mage's clothes seem to speak of wealth, yet are not too ostentatious. Behind him stands a figure seven and a half feet tall. The hood of a cloak extends far enough to prevent one from seeing what lies beneath. The towering figure's physique is powerful, and gloved hands cross over its chest.

Kaz follows the group into the room, and though his sharp eyes to give the guard a once over, he adds a wry smile as well.

Vane adjusts his spectacles with one hand. "Good afternoon, gentlemen."

The man behind the desk settles back into his chair, observing the four as they file into the room. One snowy brow lifts as reguards them a moment. "Welcome," Comes the smooth voice. Giving Derleth a curious glance, "Donned for battle allready? My, eager you are!"

Kaz stands towards the back of the group, a light smile upon his lips as he glances around casually.

Derleth grins. "Lady Luck favors the prepared, sirrah."

A chuckle bubbles form his lips. "Ah. A Fortunefollower. My graces to your lady, my fellow." Picking up a parchment from the desk, he scans over it. Another glance from the paper, smiling. "You all seem paticularly skilled, for this little thorp. Did you travel from some other community?"

Kyrel says, "We were hired to conduct training over the summer for the villagers. They needed some skills at repelling ogres.""

Vane says, "I could say the same to you, sir. We're all souls of the road, it would seem."

Kaz chimes in, "Souls of the road indeed.. but we've come to speak of adventure, no? Adventure and payment, that is."

Derleth grins at Kaz. "A man after my own heart. ;)"

"Indeed," He replies in fluent elven. "We of the Art do seem to make our ways the same." Back into the common tongue, "Then, if you're those whom have been training the locals, I was correct in a guess you were skilled enough for a task." Brow arching, the mage grins faintly at Kaz. "Right to the point, hm? Well then." Leaning forward, "I am hoping you could retrieve something for me."

Kyrel nods. "Perhaps we can, at that. What, precisely?"

Kaz nods, folding his arms across his chest. He's willing to wait for the explanation he knows is coming very soon.

Vane keeps his face carefully impassive, concealing his interest at being addressed in his native tongue. "Please do elaborate."

His eye roves over all of you. "I see no hunter among you. A pity. You see, I am needing someone to hunt down, and bring me, live, a particular animal. In fact, two. Hopefully of not the same family, of opposite gender, and fairly young." Beside him, the towering, cloaked figure snorts, a distinct white cloud drifting from the hood.

Kaz's eyes narrow at this, the only show of surprise he'll relent, "You want us to trap beasts for you?"

Kyrel says, "Why do I suspect that we are not talking about bear or deer....?"

Derleth hmms. "A challenge. Most of the things I've hunted in the past stand on two legs..."

He nods his head to Kyrel. "Perception is a good talent." The human leans over, retrieving a small box to place on the tabletop. Taking up his parchment once more, "I will be offering equipment that will make the capture very easy, and paticularly humane, mind you. I want the creatures unharmed, and in good condition." At that, the cloaked figure snaps, a gutteral language that was heard from the ogres, in fact. The mage glances up at his obvious bodyguard and smirks. "We've had this discussion."

Kaz's eyes flit between the mage and his guard.

Derleth says, "You have not yet told us what animal we seek....?"

The wizard clears his throat, seriousness finding his otherwise cheery face. "Winter Wolves."

Derleth blinks? "You want to breed winter wolves, sirrah?"

Vane hms softly. "Rare game."

Kyrel says, "And indeed, dangerous."

Derleth smiles wryly at the mages. "And not a stupid enemy in the least. That wolfkin is actually unerringly clever..."

He offers a shrug to Vane. "In this region, yes, but further north they're far more plentiful." He gazes evenly at Derleth. "In a manner of speaking, yes." The figure behind him grunts, showing disapproval. A scowl is shot over the wizard's shoulder at his mountain of a protector.

Kaz clearly looks displeased about something, "Okay, so we hunt winter wolves.. but what are we getting in return for this?"

Vane says, "And, please tell us more of this equipment being supplied."

Turning back to reguard Derleth, he smiles with genuine delight. "Indeed. And even more so with some...help." Brow arched. "Ah. Payment. Well, not to stroke my own ego, but, I am a man of many connections." Expression sly, "If something desired is truly needed, I can pull a string or two." Waving a hand toward the two magic-users, "Not to mention books, spells, and thus and thus. And," A wink at the human, "Of course, for those whom prefer something that falls in the boundaries of currency, that will be delivered."

Derleth leans forward, an arched brow lifted over a curious smile. "Is it just me, sir, or do you appear to already know a great deal about us? Not that I'm arguing with you. I do have a certain fondness for coinage."

Chuckling, he holds up his hands to show he has no weapons. "It's assumed that those who walk the path of Lady Luck enjoy hard coin and costly gem to any sort of magic or knowledge. All the better to favor your lady, hm?" A guesture to the elf and half-elf, "And, just looking at them, one can see wizardry. But, assumptions are dangerous, hm? Name what you want; I'll see if it can be gotten."

Derleth laughs. "Thrust and parry, then."

Kyrel says, "Gold is always useful, of course, and so is magic. Knowledge is the most useful of all, however."

"Anything in paticular?" The human asks, head tilted.

Kyrel says, "Hard to say. One never knows what might turn out to be useful. Still... some things are harder to learn on your own than others. Knowledge of the Other Planes, for example..."

The wizard frowns in consideration. "Hm. I might be able to turn such up... Some of that -is- paticularly difficult to draw forth, but it depends on what Plane. I'm sure if I offered enough cadavers to a necromancer, he'd let me grab something of the Negative Plane or lower realms off his shelf." He winks in good-naturedness.

Kaz says, "Are we to make our demands now, and you'll have them waiting upon our return?"

"If I can get them. That depends on what it is you're asking for. I highly doubt I could bring you the staff of an archmage, or a dwarven king's hammer, but something within reason. Ask, and I'll tell you."

Kyrel chuckles. "I'm more interested in alternate Primes and the Elemental planes, to be honest. Undead are only of interest in the sense of destroying them."

Vane smiles faintly. "I'm less particular than my associates. I will take what you can acquire, in that regard."

Kaz shakes his head, "No, nothing like that. All I require in return for /my/ services," he speaks obviously only for himself, ".. are two things." He holds up his index finger, "A crossbow, light but sturdy, and enchanted of course.." his middle finger joins the index, "All the information you have about where we'll be going, what we'll be facing, and why you and your grunt back there keep exchanging glances." His demeanor is matter-of-fact.. hardly the lighthearted rogue from the night before.

Derleth considers for a moment... "A thousand and half that again for both wolves. Some hard coin, some prescious stones. It's only fair, for all that. I hear the pelts alone of winterwolves fetch up to 500 gold in good condition. And we're bringing you live wolves. ;)"

Kyrel says, "Seems a fair price, if it really is that simple. With the information that Kaz requests thrown in."

He returns the chuckle. "Indeed. Undead -do- make unlively company." Nodding with a grin toward Vane, "I can most likely aquire some spells, if it so fancies you, or an enchanted item, mayhap." Head tilted, glancing in the back of the usually silent Kaz, he smirks. The guard snorts once more, fog drifting from beneath the cowl. "I do not have maps of the entire northern regions, my good fellow. And I cannot pinpoint the location of every frost-pup in the vicinity; I am no diviner, mind you." Those snowy brows do lift high, as he reguards Derleth. "Well, my friend, I can only offer so much...that would be a hard sum to muster, along with magic, weapons, and tomes combined."

Derleth mmmms. "Point taken, sir. A thousand, then. It's nice round number."

Kaz smirks, "Parry and thrust indeed." he eyes the man, then the guard, and back to the mage who would be their patron.

"Not a hard sum to get, mind you, but I would surely be on the losing end, giving such wealth for only two frost-pups." He considers a moment. "Six hundred in coin, hard down, and we can say that the rest of your requests total the other four hundred, hm?"

Kyrel looks around at his compatriots.

Derleth hmmms. "Put that way, an ensorceled crossbow for that sum is a bargain indeed. Very well, done."

Vane nods softly.

Kyrel says, "Agreed. Where shall we meet you to deliver the pups?"

His eyes narrow slightly, but his smile is still firm, as he reguards Kaz. A sweeping guesture to his guard, "And, she has a...temperament about her. I cannot control her loyalty utterly; I am no slave master." To that, he leans back into his chair. "I will leave my page here. When you return, he will call me, and I will door-hop here. This is convenient for both of us; you needn't go out of your way to find me, and I needn't wait here. I have much business to conduct."

Vane says, "Of course. We are all... busy individuals."

Kaz has settled back again, watching the mage and the mysterious lug in back, but not pressing any further at this point.

Derleth looks at his compatriots. "You've hired yourself four hunter-entreprenuers, then. Now, about this special equipment..."

Nodding once, he lifts the lid of that box which had currently been collecting dust. "Of course." Removing a wide scroll case, he begins unscrewing. Removing from within first, two arrows of dark wood, silver, spidery runes running their lenghts, fletched with crimson feathers. Glancing up, "Are any of you skilled in archery?"

Kyrel says, "I have some skill, sir."

Vane glances to his brother. "We are."

Kaz nods his head in response to the question as well.

Derleth sighs mock mournfuly in response. "Sadly, I only have skill with my simple sling. But as you can see, I'm surrounded by talent."

Smiling faintly, he shakes his head. "I am not surprised. Elves do have a reputation for such a talent." He then removes a rolled up bit of paper which, after it is unfolded, turns out to be two. "These spells will not only guard you from the harsh elements of the north, but from the frost-pups' breath, if they prove to be hostile," Tapping one of the scrolls in particular, "There are two useful spells here, as well. One to lock a creature's mouth firm, so it is unable to open it until duration is done, and the other will fizzle the weapon of breath that they employ."

Vane says, "Ah. That would be most useful." Kyrel nods in agreement. "Most definitely."

"Mmhm." He reaches carefully into the scroll case, extracting a silken pouch. "Now this," HE says in a hushed tone, as if ears were listening, "Is indeed a prize. It cost a considerable amount. These are Beads of Stasis," He announces, carefully pouring the contents into his palm. Two black, shiny marbles. "When the command word is spoken, these will capture any creature within a three foot radius, inside this bead. They will be released when the command word is spoken once more, and the bead is destroyed. Be -very- careful with these. Much cost were put into the creation of them and their fellows."

Vane says, "I understand. What is their operation? Does one cast them?"

"No, simply throw it, and utter the command word. When it strikes something, it shall go off." Guesturing to the arrows, "These, instead of harming, will spread an area of webbing when they strike. Perfect for immobolizing a creature without harm." Another displeased grunt from behind him. "And finally," He takes from the box a pouch, which clinks when he drops it. "A small sum for your travelling expenses."

Derleth reaches forward, taking the beads and, fishing out a small drawstring bag, gingerly places them in there. "I've heard of such beads before..."

Kyrel says, "But I've never run across them. Fascinating..."

Vane nods. "Most equitable."

Kaz suppresses a chuckle, standing behind the others as he watches the tools being dealt out.

Derleth's hand reaches out and snatches the box, glancing in briefly and looking reverently at the coinage. "Uhm..hmm. If you'll excuse me, I should go prepare my things. You can work out the rest of the particulars with my compatriots."

"Indeed. Just a moment, first..." He pushes the equipment to the edge of the desk. "Now, for the offical business," Taking a quill and inkpot from a drawer in the desk, and a sheet of parchment, he sets it down. "I will need all of you to sign this. I will give you three months to return, before I assume you're either dead or have run off with my equipment. Thus, the ink will allow me to trace you. When you return, the parchment will be destroyed.

Derleth scribbles his name, and then runs out.

Vane says, "I would like to examine this contract before I sign it, if that is all right with you."

"Of course." He takes up the parchment, handing it over. "There are no hidden clauses; I may be a man of transmutation, but I'm not paticularly a fan of becoming reptilian. That is for our law readers."

Vane nods absently, "Of course, of course..." He scans the lines carefully.

Kaz steps forward behind Vane, glancing over the mage's shoulder to catch a glance at the text himself.

The mage obviously makes notice of it, but he makes no comment, almost having expected it.

Kaz raises a brow as his eyes glance over the contract, though he says nothing to indicate that he disagrees with the terms.

Vane hands the parchment back. "Very well... this seems to be in order."

"Much appreciated." He smiles. "My name, by the way, is Basel Indoulur. A pleasure doing business with you...?" He trails off. On the contract, as well as the spell scrolls, is Basel's wizard's sigil. A circle, with a claw, wing, fang, tail and tentacle sprouting from the circle at different points.

Kyrel clears his throat. "I think I still need to sign it, Vane."

"You all need to sign it," Basel notes.

Kyrel pulls the contract over, reads through it, and scribbles his name under Derleth's. Vane signs as well, but with his name, translated to Common, rather than his arcane mark.

"Mind you," Basel adds, "If the wolves are damaged in any fashion, the sum will be reduced, depending on how badly damaged they are."

Kaz waits for the others, then signs his name last, and in full, "Kaz D'kaeron".

Kyrel nods. "We will endeavor to provide specimens in good shape." He pauses for a moment. "May we ask what you intend doing with them?"

Basel spreads his arms. "I am a genelogist mage. I breed particular creatures and animals for clients. Often nobles want exotic and interesting pets, or keeps and castles need particular guardians, or some wealthy types want paticular specimens as...dinner." He's not particularly fond of that, but, it's fullfilling a need. He adds, "However, I will pay special attention to the frost-pups. They are a...personal project." The tower behind him shifts uncomfortably.

Vane says, "Very good."

Kyrel nods. "These seem to be reasonable aims, sir. We shall try to be careful."

Basel nods. "My appreciation, gentlemen."

Kaz is the first to make for the door, backing up and casting the giant one last look before opening it. The look on his face shows that he's still trying to make something out, and isn't entirely comfortable himself.

Kyrel stands, then. "In that case, gentlemen, I suspect we should plan our campaign. Shall we?"

Vane nods, rising and picking up his hat. "Yes. Unless there is anything further...?" He glances at Basel.

The wizard shakes his head. "Good luck, and may you stay warm."

Kyrel smiles. "We will surely try." Kiri is going to hate this...

Vane nods, and turns, replacing his hat as he leaves the room.


He whistles. "Hey, fellows?"

Kyrel turns. "Yes?"

Vane pauses, half-turning, looking from around the rims of his spectacles.

"I can offer you some information. My best suggestion is to head up to Nemford, off the lake of Mir'Qetiun. I'm sure you can find some wilderness-trained man to guide you to a frost-pup den."

Vane says, "We will remember that, sir. Thank you."

Kaz smirks, still standing halfway in the room, "Odd, that." is all he says, before disappearing into the main bar beyond.

Kyrel nods. "As good a place as any to start from."

Kyrel follows Kaz out. "Why odd?"

The guard closes the door behind the exiting group, nodding to you before returning to his post.

Kaz doesn't speak, but treads through the bar, to the outside. He doesn't seem upset, but not willing to speak within earshot of henchmen.

The streets are not busy - a few folk are running errands, shopping, and such, but the streets are generally deserted.

Vane strides out after Kaz. As he passes Kyrel he mutters something to him in a low, guttural cadence that doesn't seem to befit a moon elf.

Kaz stands outside at last, glancing up at the afternoon sky, eyes squinting somewhat. He at last looks back, to see if the rest of the group has made their way out as well.

Vane pushes up his dark spectacles a bit, straightening his hat, as he walks out into the street.

Kyrel says, "A most curious sort of affair. Still, the money is good." He nods at his brother, acknowledging his words. "What do you think, Kaz?"

Kaz says, "I don't like it. I don't like him, and I think he knows what we're walking into, and won't tell us. On the other hand," His rogueish grin returns, "I do believe it's gonna be interesting.. though I think our benefactor will deserve a good thrashing when we return to him."

Vane says, "Watch what you say, Kaz..."

Kyrel says, "Heh. Mayhaps we can manage without using all the equipment."

Kaz shrugs at Vane, "I mean, if we discover he's deceived us, of course." he adds with a wink.

Vane mms, lowering his hatbrim a bit.

Kaz nods with a wink at Vane, "So let's be off, then? Before our resident cleric finds himself at a card game."

Vane says, "Yes, my thoughts exactly."

Kaz chuckles.

Kyrel looks around. "He disappeared awfully quickly. Where does he usually play cards?"

Kaz glances about the street, humming to himself, "Luckily for us, this town only has one tavern, and we just passed through it. Let's check the house first."

Kyrel nods. "Might as well."

Vane sighs heavily. "Let's be quick about this."

Kaz heads off towards the house, presumably with the mages, to seek out the wayward party cleric.

When the three companions get back to the house, they find Derleth sitting at a table by and open window. The gold coins are neatly stacked in four piles, and the human cleric appears to be studying one of the gems with a magnifying glass. "Drat." he says disconsolately.

Kyrel says, "What on earth are you up to now?"

Vane hms. "Corellon. It's all still there." He makes a sign with his left hand. "Amazing."

Derleth says, "Well, I was hoping these gems might actually be precious...but what I thought were a sapphire and a black opal are just Obsidian and Blue Quartz. Apparently, the mage knows gems as well as I do. He wouldn't accidentally give us a stone worth a thousand gold. :}"

Kyrel says, "Ah... probably not, no."

Vane says, "I would imagine not."

Kaz chuckles at the cleric, "No my friend, this mage is playing his game very well. We will have to play ours just as well, or I fear we'll end up as wolf chow.." he glances back towards the mages pointedly, "Much like, I fear, those rookies who I'm sure we'll find in a few days."

Vane says, "We shall see, yes."

Derleth hrms. "It's tempting to try and convince them to turn back..winter wolves are no simple quarry..."

Kyrel says, "I really hope he didn't send them off after winter wolves. Hmm...." The half-elf gets a rather suspicious look on his face. "Maybe.. just maybe, mind you..." He stops again, then continues, "I want to ask Tomals what he was told before we head out."

Vane nods. "Yes... yes, I think that's a good idea. Let's both have a word before we depart, yes?"

The young sorceror lives not far off from the village proper. Finding him isn't paticularly difficult; the young arcaneling is out behind the small home, eyeing his handiwork of a scorched sapling.

Kyrel applauds from where he was watching. "Not bad, Tomals. May I ask you a question?"

Vane remains quiet, eyeing the tree critically. His delivery is improving. A terrible shame to use a tree such, though...

Tomals spins around, and smiles broadly. "Master Kyrel! How fare ye?" He calls, trotting up. A portion of his robe rustles faintly, along his waist. Hand dropping to pet the spot, he nods in respect to Vane as well.

Vane nods once, politely. He removes his hat.

Kaz follows the rest of the group to the house, but then trails back some, following a slightly different agenda.

Kyrel says, "Well enough, well enough. We've decided that Tarlbren is probably up to defending itself, and while your grain may enjoy the cold, we don't especially. You're not all going to run off on expeditions, are you?"

Tomals tips his head. "Hm? Oh," He smiles. "I and the Daggers," naming the little group which he and his friends had formed, "Are only to go out hunting for some wealth." His hand brushes over the wand sheathed at his belt. "Along with This." He taps the rod, and at the same time, the green head of a snake slithers from his robe sleeve, tongue flickering over the air.

Kyrel nods to the snake. "Good afternoon, Niaken." He looks carefully at the wand. "You got that from the fellow who was advertising?"

The wand is removed with ease, the wooden lenght, etched with feathery runes, twirls with expertese through the young man's fingers. He's apparently been practicing. "This will send an object into the air, master Kyrel. Levitation, sir."

Vane smiles a little, nodding to the snake. He folds his hands before him, letting his brother do the talking.

Kyrel grins. "A very useful thing to have. If you can grab an enemy and levitate them... and then turn it off again... a trick I was taught a few years back."

Kyrel says, "Don't waste too many charges practicing with it, though."

Grinning like a fox, he winks. "Or, if so inclined, plant a spear or some other sharp object beneath, and then drop them, hm, Master Kyrel?"

Kyrel says, "If you wish. I was just wondering how many of you were going on expeditions at this point. Wouldn't want to leave Tarlbren undefended just as we were getting everyone trained."

He smiles. "Oh, just the Daggers, sir. We're not going to be gone long, either. We're just heading east up to Troll Rock. The wizard wanted us to bring him back a single Shocker Lizard, and supposedly, they would be hibernating, right about now."

Vane says, "That isn't easy prey, you know. I'd bid you to be careful."

Kyrel says, "A bit easier if they're hibernating... but it shouldn't take you long."

"I know. But he also offered Zendif a pair of gloves which are enchanted with Protection from electricity." He nods to Kyrel. "Sleeping, even enchanted with such, it won't be hard..."

Kyrel nods. "Well, good luck, then. Take care."

Vane nods, replacing his hat. "Come back alive, Tomals."

"Thank you, Master Kyrel." He smiles at Vane. "I don't doubt we will, Master Vane."

Halfway back to their house, Kyrel breaks the silence he's been holding. "Gentlemen.. I have a sudden urge to travel by way of Troll Rock."

Vane smiles faintly. "You read my mind, little brother..."

Derleth blinks. "Why? Forgive me, but I'm not following your train of thought."

Kaz falls in with the group as they leave the house, though exactly when would be difficult to tell, "You suspect we might find a clue about our own mission there?"

Kyrel says, "Just in case our mysterious benefactor is trying to set up the village. If he's given that other group of kids a similar mission, he's taking half the folks we trained out of action simultaneously, as well as a competent local sorceror. If there are folks waiting to ambush them, or just to hit the village while we're all gone... need I elaborate?"

Kaz chuckles, "My, you are a suspicious sort. I like that."

Derleth says, "Kyrel, I think you're being too suspicious. Why would he go to all that trouble?"

Kaz says, "Those crops they grow. Only ones like 'em in the world."

Vane hrms. "Why would he bother sending striplings to collect a Shocker Lizard?"

Derleth says, "Easier to get than a winter wolf, for their skill level. If he wanted them dead, he could have just given them a mission that would insure their death."

Vane says, "There's no guarantee that he hasn't."

Derleth says, "true. It's just seems awfully convoluted."

Derleth says, "You make a good point though. The plants are valuable."

Kyrel says, "Let's just say that it would be a good parallax view of our own mission."

Derleth groans. "Kyrel, speak plain common. We all know I'm not as clever as you two, don't further confuse me by using big words."

Kyrel says, "If there's nothing they can't handle, we let them handle it. If there's something nasty, we can help out. An ambush set for kids would break its teeth on us."

Kaz chuckles, "So we'd hope. In any case, shall we make our way out of town this eve? I'd normally not suggest starting after dark, but our patron is going to be curious if he sees us heading east, instead of north along a well-marked road."

Vane says, "I suspect our... "patron" will know our intentions, regardless."

Kaz notes, "In fact, I'd say we should head north, then veer east after a few leagues."

Kyrel says, "Not a bad idea at all. Should've asked Tomals when they're planning to start. Maybe we'll see him at the Tavern this evening..."

Derleth blinks at Vane. "You think he'll be scrying us?"

Vane says, "You signed the contract, did you not? The ink you signed your name with reeked of divination."

Kaz mms, "So he'll know, if he chooses to, the minute we head off in the wrong direction. Interesting."

Derleth says, "Mmmm. This is true. He said he could use it to find us if we skipped out..but that doesn't mean he couldn't seek us out any time he wanted."

Vane says, "Provided that he doesn't know already."

Kaz shakes his head, "Guys, guys. We can't second guess ourselves. We have to make our plan and go through with it. If he knows and tries to stop us, we gotta be ready for that too."

Kaz says, "We can't assume he knows everything and be blatant, though.. if he doesn't know, there's no reason we should tell him."

Vane says, "Kyrel and I signed with our names in a language not native to us, and not using our respective arcane marks. I don't know, without further knowledge of the divination, whether that will throw the scry. We will just have to see. Regardless, I still wish to go Troll Rock."

Kyrel says, "If he's legit, he can't fuss about a one-day detour to check something out. If he's not, tough on him."

Derleth nods. "He's giving us three months, so the timing doesn't appear to be that critical, if he's on the level."

Kyrel says, "At worst, he's not legit, he'll be watching us, and he'll realize we weren't fooled. Which will probably keep the village a little safer than if we just wandered off. I don't see a downside, to be honest."

Derleth shrugs. "I'm for it."

Vane says, "Regardless of his intentions, there's no reason to leave the young ones cut off."

Kaz nods, "So let's do it. We scout for the rookies, then move out north."

Kyrel says, "So, we head off northbound tonight, then, or just head out straight?"

Kaz shrugs, but his voice indicates insistence, "I say we don't show our hand... play assuming we're not under the evil eye. Go North, veer, and not let anyone know who doesn't need to know that we're deviating from schedule."

Vane says, "I haven't an opinion on it. Kyrel?"

Kyrel says, "I think Kaz is right."

Vane says, "Then north it is."

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