
Aliases: read


look <object>

look <object>=<detail>

The look command will display the description of an object, the room you are in, or details on an object.


look <object>

<object> - name of the object to look at.

look <object>=<detail>

<object> - name of the object to look at.

<detail> - name of the detail on that object to look at.


The look command displays descriptions of things.

If run with no parameters, or the word "here", then look displays the description of the current room. It will trigger the room's @succ/@osucc and @fail/@ofail messages. Rooms set DARK will not display thier contents.

If run with the name of an object that is in the room, or in your inventory, look will display that object's description, and the name of anything it contains. Looking at a player will get thier description and items they are carrying.

If run with the name of an object, an equals sign, and the name of a detail on that object, look will display the detailed description for that item, if it is defined.



Meeting Room
A large, brightly lit room with comfy chairs around a long table. The east 
door leads to the OOC Club, and the southern door leads out to the train 
Obvious Exits:
  Train Station    Club Room    [Please test the new @NPC command]


Displays the desired description or a useful message.


If the item you are looking at dosen't exist or can't be identified the server will display:

I don't see that here.

If an item has no @desc set, or you try and look at a detail that dosen't exist, look will display:

You see nothing special.

If the item or detail you are looking at could be one of several in the room or on the object, the server will display:

I don't know which one you mean!

If you try and look at something you shouldn't be able to see, you will recieve the message:

Permission denied.

See Also:



5: Documented

Contributed by:

server built-in

Last edited by loki@rdwarf.com on Sun Jun 18 11:48:44 2000.

Created by loki@rdwarf.com on Sun Jun 18 11:20:14 2000