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The Show Must Go On

When Jason wakes up the next day, he is as achy and tired as Hepsi suggested, plus he's got a healing, self-inflicted wound. This is not a good day for hiking. He makes coffee and ponders what he can do while he rests up. Should see what the Riders have on their plate, say goodbye if they're headed off. He actually gets out a notepad and starts making notes.

1) What's the deal with Diana? Is she really half mortal, or is someone 
screwing around?

Jason taps the end of the pen against his teeth. There's not a good way to explore this. There's no hard and fast test for mortality, or even one for being supernatural. He could always try asking Beatrice for more information... but that's tricky, particularly given her attitude towards him, and their lack of proximity. He doesn't think she'd lie to him about this, though. And surely she'd know if her lover was like her, rather than being human. He should make a note to ask Hepsi, to see if she has any ideas how to investigate this. It's not germane to what's going on with finding the gate. But it's a mystery, and it sticks in his craw.

2) Investigate the Chinese Dragon Guardian.

This might be easier. Phyx probably has better intel on known supernaturals... maybe this is a continent away, but it certainly can't hurt to call Kira and ask her to see what can be found out. This is, after all, one of the most critical parts of what is progressing. The dragon is coming, and they need to be ready.

3) Consult with Hepsi on what she's been doing to find the gate. If she has 
a sense of where to look, this may be able to narrow things down.

4) Eat, dammit.

5) Test Hepsi's ability to make me inobvious.

6) See what arrangement can be made to get to next decided destination quicker. On foot might be too conspicuous.

Jason chews on his pen. He admits, he's very curious about Hepsi's world. He was under the impression for the longest time that the supernaturals were made from belief -- that, as Voltaire said, humans had invented the gods and mythical creatures of this world. The way Hepsi puts it, though, it seems possible that they exist extant of humanity, and are in fact their own people that only accidentally intruded on the lives of mortals. That's more to sate his own curiosity, though. Jason hmms. That's a big enough list on its own. And now he needs a shower. Smells like bed. He climbs into the shower and sets about making himself feel more clean and awake.

As Jason turns the shower off he can hear knocking on his door, and a voice calling his name. Jason hrms and wraps a towel around himself, getting it snug before answering the door carefully, opening it a bit to see who's out there.

Remi is outside, a worried look on his face and his hand raised to knock again. At sight of Jason he grins in sudden relief, "There you are! I was starting to worry. Breakfast? And how's Hepsi?" He starts to lean to glance around Jason into the room, then is distracted by a sudden, strong rumble from Jason's stomach. Oh, yeah -- food would be incredibly good! Jason feels like he could eat a horse!

Jason laughs weakly. "Food... food is a good thing, according to my belly. Let me, uh... let me just get something on, see how Hepsi's doing, and I'll join you, hmm?"

Remi grins more naturally, his eyes twinkling, "Surely, surely! Do you mind if I come in to see how Hepsi is?"

Jason chuckles wryly. "Well, let me check, first." He toddles over, peering at the beautiful snake. "Are you awake, Hepsi? Remiel wants to say hello," he murmurs gently. The big serpent's eyes are open, the pupils large, and after a moment of observation Jason can see she's breathing slowly. She's still neatly coiled with her chin on the uppermost coil, her iridescent wings laid smoothly back along her sides. She doesn't immediately react to Jason.

Jason comes back to the door. "I think Hepsi's still sleeping, and I don't want to bug her. She's had a big night, and I'm sure she'll be up to visitors later, perhaps?"

The graceful man smiles at Jason, "Surely. However, I did not wish to speak with her -- just to see her, so I can verify the both of you are hale and hearty to my companions. I can peek from the door, if you'd prefer?" He's politely not trying to lean around Jason at all.

Jason blinks... he's trying not to take offense but he supposes the angel, even after what they've been through, doesn't know him from Lilith. "Okay. Be prepared for a surprise, though," he drawls, letting the angel in as he goes over to get some clean clothes. "Should change the bandage, maybe," he mumbles to himself. He checks the gauze, to see how he's healing.

Remi gives Jason a slightly worried glance as he steps into the room, "Bandage? Did she bite you?" He looks over at the bed -- then starts slightly, staring. A moment later he takes a few silent steps forward, crouching to look more closely at the serpentine form. There's an odd expression on his face -- almost longing -- although he carefully doesn't reach out at all.

Jason shakes his head. "No... it was a willing sacrifice of blood. Aches a little, but I'm fine." He puts on a fresh bandage and notices Remiel staring. "Beautiful, isn't she. Remind you of something?" he queries gently.

The angel nods silently, still staring. The longing can be heard in his quiet voice, "My chosen siblings. We gathered for strength and mutual protection... we never meant to do what we did to the mortals." He sighs quietly, abruptly looking down at his hands -- then he rises, whirling for the door in one long, smooth move. As he slips through the still-open door he adds softly, "Blessings on you both, child. See you at breakfast."

Jason has read the stories, that one choir of angels were serpents... the drakones, in the old Hebrew bible, later called the Seraphs. He wonders what Remiel meant about what 'we' never meant to do. Is there something to the old stories, that the servants of 'The Desert God' in fact were his hands, and did things such as slay the firstborn of Egypt? What conflict might that have been, one god against the people of a pantheon of others. But by the same token, he's reluctant to ask. He doesn't want to open wounds, and his own curiosity is not enough reason. He nods a farewell, and sets about dressing. Remiel doesn't remember a lot, anyway. He left of his own accord, after all, and with that, the angelic overmind.

Jason finally looks presentable, and then reaches over and lays a fond hand on his rider. "Rest well, Hepsiburadayunaca. I will bring something back when I return."

When Jason touches her, Hepsi raises her head. Her wings flare out, her huge-pupiled eyes narrow down somewhat, and she yawns -- which looks odd on a snake. She tilts her head thoughtfully after that, regarding Jason as she says in his head, "I'd rather go with you, actually... but I don't want Carrie to remember you with a snake any more than she already does. Hm... bring the Riders back here with you when you're done, all right?"

Jason nods agreeably. "As you say," he replies, smiling. He trots to the restaurant then, hoping the trio had a good night. The graceful serpent slowly uncoils, clearly stretching and looking around the room, as Jason leaves.

Jason peers around for the bikers once he gets to the restaurant... he's not sure how busy it gets. Is it even a heavy tourist season, at this juncture? Remi, Guthrum, and Herfi are already in the restaurant; it's clear they've just been seated, as they're still studying the menu and (in Remi's case) putting a napkin in his lap. There are a few others present, although they're mostly seated away from the Riders. Remi smiles and waves at Jason, and Herfi looks up and nods to him, from where she's seated next to the angel.

Jason comes over to join them, pulling out a chair. "Not going anywhere today, tell you that right now. Between massaging angel-eyes and doing a full ritual with Hepsi, I'm dragging today. Gonna end up eating half the menu," he rumbles, picking up said menu and thumbing through. "How does everything look in the light of day, fellows?"

Remiel laughs, his eyes sparkling, and even Herfi smiles faintly. Guthrum grunts noncommittally at Jason's arrival, although he doesn't seem displeased. The breakfast is filling and delicious -- Jason finds he's ravenous, and eats with a good will. Guthrum simply stolidly consumes his food, while Herfi mostly listens as Remi chats easily with Jason about the beautiful day. They all seem relaxed and wound less tightly than when he first met them, and eventually Remi curiously asks Jason what his plans are now.

Jason spreads his hands. "Not sure yet. I appreciate your help, and so does Hepsi... but even we don't know where we need to go next. We're seekers, I guess you could say. Gotta sit down with her, plan our next move. And we certainly don't want to hold you up on your own missions or plans. Going to rest up the day, and then head out... maybe ask Carrie if there's anyone that can give us a ride." He looks at Herfi then. "Although to be honest, if you'd be willing to stay the day and then give us a ride tomorrow, I'd happily accept that as exchange of your generous favor."

The valkyrie looks a bit perplexed, "You... bargain for me to be your Champion? I... do not think I am understanding correctly?" Guthrum snorts in amused disbelief.

Jason shakes his head. "You offered me your aid in exchange for the gift I gave Remiel. And all I am saying is that right now time may be in shorter supply than it was at first for my particular quest. If you would be willing to stay while I rest, and then take us the next leg of our journey, then I would accept that as the gift paid in full," he explains. "Unless that would put you all out in a bad way."

Herfi nods, her cool eyes thoughtful as she studies her coffee mug and considers. Finally she looks up at Remi and murmurs, "Do we have enough to pay Carrie for the extra day?" The angel hesitates, then reluctantly says, "I'm sorry, I don't know off the top of my head, Herfi. I need to check to be sure... and see how low our tanks are first. Is that all right?" She considers a moment, then shakes her head, "I think it does not matter, my companion. We will make do -- this is important." The angel nods silently to her, and then they both look back at Jason. Herfjotur nods, "We will wait a day." Remiel adds a touch anxiously, "Do you need anything while you rest? We could perhaps help with that too?"

Jason smiles at Herfi, but does not put his hand over hers in thanks... she might take that wrong. "Thank you," he murmurs gratefully. Looking at Remiel, he considers. "Perhaps. There is... something I have been trying to figure out. I was telling Hepsi last night about Diana, the lady whose mark I wear. And she seems awful confused. Diana's supposed to be half mortal, from what I was told. And Hepsi seems to think this should be impossible -- that one of me should be able to breed with one of you. Does this sound right, to you?"

All three entities react a bit oddly. Guthrum stares perplexedly, Herfi's eyes narrow and she says softly, "What?!" Remi was in the process of having a sip of tea. His jaw drops and he stares wide-eyed at Jason, his teacup slipping from his fingers -- then swears in startlement as the hot tea splashes on his front! Herfjotur doesn't look away from Jason as she reacts with almost blurring speed -- her hand twitches to the paper napkin dispenser, she flips out a wad of them, and drops them next to Remi, who starts sheepishly mopping up his T-shirt, muttering apologies.

Jason ahems, looking embarrassed for having caused such confusion. He glances around quickly, hoping they haven't garnered any undue attention. Fortunately their lack of proximity to all the other patrons works in their favor, and no one else has even noticed. "Diana, my Lady, was said to be the child of her succubus mother and a mortal. And it seems from some of your reactions, you find this very confusing."

Guthrum grunts again, going back to messily devouring his steak, eggs, and toast. Herfi says slowly, "It... is unexpected. Half-breeds have always been, um... unusual. Unexpected." Remiel gives Herfi an aghast look, his voice shocked, "Unexpected?! More like anathema!" He looks back at Jason, his mouth open to say more -- then abruptly realization flashes across his face and he adds a bit more quietly, "Er... well, at least where I come from..." He hesitates, then adds softly, "I'm sorry, Jason. That was rude of me. She could be a lovely person for all I know."

Jason doesn't know how to react to Remiel's reaction. One might suggest it's natural, considering who and what he is. On the other hand, Jason didn't say she was a succubus before now. One wonders what someone like Beatrice or Diana would even be to Remiel, under the circumstances. Was there ever a real Hell, with demons and devils and Lucifer? Jason just accepts Remiel's apology on the face of it with a nod, deciding to come back to that. "So in your experience it's possible, just extremely rare?" he inquires of Herfi.

The Valkyrie is silent for a long moment, her gaze very far away. Finally she flicks her glance over to Jason again and shakes her head, "I have no experience of this, mortal. I apologize. All I know of are a few stories I heard, long ago... and they might have been just that -- stories to tease and alarm, to pass the time -- stories without any real basis in truth." As she speaks, Remi looks suddenly relieved, and his smile to Jason is a bit more natural, "You know, I never met any either, now I think on it. Maybe the stories I heard were all hearsay also?"

Jason's eyes open wide, nodding. That would make a lot of sense... that perhaps the things that Remiel seems to know in his heart to be 'true' are only the things he learned once he was here, from other sources. Isn't that the way it often is, though? We hear more from others that we accept as truth than we experience for ourselves. Supernaturals are perhaps no different from mortals in that regard. Jason looks around. "Perhaps we should take a lesson from Guthrum and finish our meals, and then talk more in private. Hepsi wanted to see you all anyway." Guthrum snorts amusedly again as he polishes off the last bits of egg yolk on his plate with a piece of toast.

Shortly thereafter the four entities are in the room with the winged serpent. She's coiled up next to the pillow, her head held high and her wings flared out in what Jason is starting to recognize as normally attentive for her, like a human with their hands on their hips. The two Norse were a bit taken aback but not really upset, although they don't approach Hepsi. Remiel, however, is seated on the bed next to her, and seems happiest while running his fingers gently along one smooth, glimmering coil. Herfi starts the conversation after Jason's introductions, "Another shapeshifter, eh? So, where are you from, girl? Who were your people?"

Jason perks a little, curious. He knows Hepsi swore him to silence on their quest. But will she reveal who she is; what she came here to do? Hepsi explains being from South America, although she does not mention the gates at all. She looks at Jason, adding, "What was your quest again, Jason?"

Jason looks wry. "Wasn't given a lot of details. Was told that it was based on a vision, and it would complicate matters if I knew too much. Mostly it seems I was supposed to meet you all as a part of a journey whose end I do not yet know. And I think I'm supposed to help Hepsi get home, now. That's what my gut tells me, anyway."

Herfi nods to Jason, then looks back at Hepsi, "And your quest is...?"

Oddly, the big serpent looks suddenly... shy? Bemused? She tilts her head so she's looking elsewhere, her multiple butterfly wings fluffing up and obscuring view of her face as she murmurs, "Oh... I'm not sure I know my journey's end either, yet..." Herfjotur looks frankly disbelieving, and she folds her arms and raises an eyebrow, glancing between Jason and Hepsi and waiting.

Jason spreads his hands. "Oh, like you're surprised by this. It's Hepsi's stock in trade to be mysterious. She hasn't told me everything either. But still, I am convinced that our fates are entwined together, which is why I have pledged myself to accompany her to seek and to find whatever it is that the Sphynx saw in my future. It's important, which is why I desired your aid and your strong mounts to bring us to our next destination. And that also reminds me... I wanted to apologize for my words last night, if I came across as patronizing. It was not my intent." He gestures at Guthrum. "He was right. I do talk too much, sometimes." Not a single lie in there, just misdirection.

Guthrum is silent for a moment, studying Jason -- then he nods once in silent approval. Remiel looks like he can't decide whether to grin at Jason or be shocked at how people are behaving around the winged serpent... and Herfi looks bleakly amused. She falls silent for a bit, studying Hepsi, then says firmly, "We owe Jason a great favor for what he has done for us. Not you, Hepsi -- Jason. So I will pay back a small part of it to him by asking you to answer me truthfully, on your honor: do you mean him any harm? Do you know definitively if your quest will cause harm to come to him? And have you told him all your plans?"

Hepsi stiffens a bit, wings flaring out behind her. She's silent for a long moment before she hisses, enunciating slowly and carefully, "On the honor of my family name, I speak truth now." After that she shifts back to the mental speech, "I mean him no harm. I have no way of knowing if harm will come to him, although I will note quests are not renown for their safety... and no, I have not told him all my plans." A bit exasperatedly she adds, "Would you?"

Herfi looks faintly surprised, "Were he sworn to my service, and we about to embark on a dangerous quest -- of course!" Now it's the serpent's turn to look surprised, and her glittering gaze flicks back and forth between those present. Finally Herfjotur says, "Jason, what do you think? You are not a brainless thrall, after all."

Jason doesn't know how react to this. Hepsi asked for his trust and his honesty earlier, and he gave it because it felt like the right thing to do in his heart. He appreciates Herfjotr's protection, of course. And it makes him wonder. "I had a feeling, long before I met any of you, that my journey would not be an easy one. That Lady Phyx saw something in her vision that bore out this quest would cause me pain. Pain of the heart and of the body. This quest may even cost me my life. But I believe and I trust that it is important. I place my life in Her hands, that I might do something of importance and worth that is greater than even me. And that has not changed, even knowing what I know now. I have agreed to help Hepsi in what she has asked to me, and I already know there is at least one obstacle out there that might do me harm. But still, this is something that I must do." Jason looks at the valkyrie. "Do you sense something, Herfjotr? Do you see the fate of death looming over me?" he has to ask.

All four entities turn their silent gazes on Jason, studying him with varying degrees of interest and concern. Herfjotur finally sighs and closes her eyes, raising a hand with the fingers spread and slightly hooked. She waves it slowly from one side to the other, taking her time... then opens her eyes again, "No, you are not within two days of your death." She turns her cold-eyed stare on Hepsi as she adds, "But that does not mean it does not await on the third day."

Remiel murmurs softly, "Surely one of the Most Holy would not-" Herfi's voice is very firm as she cuts her lover off, "She is not of your people, Remiel. You court hurt if you assume with her, I fear." Herfi absently drums her fingers on the table, her worried gaze flicking back and forth between Jason and Hepsi, and the slender serpent draws herself up proudly, "Come now -- I know how to care for mortals!" Herfjotur just raises a disbelieving eyebrow, murmuring, "You're not even mammalian, girl." Hepsi looks stung, and hisses at Herfi, who looks unimpressed.

Jason's lips purse. "I do not want to die. But I also do not want others to suffer because I did nothing. Hepsi and I have already agreed to be partners on this, sworn on my blood. She needs me as much as I need her, and only she knows what I will need to know to find what I seek, and solve the mystery I was sent on. I have chosen to trust her. And I do believe I am able to face what lies ahead, no matter what it is."

Herfjotur gives Hepsi an appalled look, "You're a Trickster, aren't you?! Fuck, just what we need -- another Lady-damned Trickster!" Remiel looks shocked, and Hepsi looks huffy. Guthrum just watches silently... then rumbles quietly, "Throw runes."

Hepsi hisses angrily, "Why blame me, Valkyrie, for your inability to handle Tricksters? What, was yours too smart for you?" Remiel's shocked gaze flicks between the two entities as he murmurs, "Ladies, please!" Guthrum shakes his head a bit disgustedly, then looks at Jason expectantly.

Jason shakes his head. "Stop," he says, not angrily but loud enough to get the attention of the two women. "I can understand why you mistrust the Trickster, Valkyrie. Loki Lie-Smith figured prominently in the downfall of the gods, did he not? But that is merely the story, and not the reality. You don't mistrust Guthrum, do you? He is Jotunn, after all, and Loki was said to be half." He pauses, letting this sink in. "Tricksters are just as important as any. Coyote, Anansi, Huehuecoyotl, Set. They are all important, and while they are capable of bad acts, so is anyone -- whether human, god, or something in between. Even Grandmother Lilith was considered to be a trickster by some, and we know how demonized she became by Mortals. But it was she that came to me, and asked me to become a child of the universe. And I trust in that." Jason looks at all of them. "I appreciate that you care, Herfjotr. But it is my choice."

Remiel's eyes are the size of saucers, and he whispers, "L-lilith? You spoke with her?!" Hepsi's wings are still ruffled with anger, and Herfi has gone quite still. Everyone is silent for a moment. Then Guthrum says again, a touch impatiently, "Herfi. Cast runes for him."

Jason realizes he should have been a little more tactful with revealing Lilith's name to an angel. But he does not draw attention away from the Jotunn, who clearly has the floor. "You can do this?" he asks the Valkyrie.

Herfi glances at Guthrum, frowning consideringly... then nods to him, "Aye, you're right, foster-brother. Thank you." She turns back to Jason and nods again, "I can, yes. It will take some time, though, to do it right for you." She falls silent a moment, glancing at everyone in the room... then she nods once more, "Yes. Remi, come help me, please? Jason, I recommend you rest." She rises, adding a touch grimly, "Let us peer into our present a bit more closely, before we continue crafting our pasts."

Remiel looks worried and unhappy, but nods to Herfi and rises. The Valkyrie studies the winged serpent for a bit, then adds, "Do you want to come along? Your assistance in the crafting of the runes will make for a better read, after all." Hepsi twitches startledly, and Guthrum grins, rising and scooping her up -- she gives a shocked hiss, but subsides when he rumbles, "Easy, pretty girl. Won't hurt you." He settles her carefully so she's wrapped about his arm and shoulders, her head raised at about his eye level and her flaring wings oddly framing his wild, flaming-haired head. He's chuckling as he heads out the door with her, and she's hissing softly and apparently happily in his ear.

Remiel looks shocked again -- clearly he's having trouble not thinking of Hepsi as a Seraph -- and Herfi shakes her head amusedly, urging him gently out the door. She glances back over her shoulder at Jason before she closes the door behind her, adding not unkindly, "Rest, mortal. This will take effort, if it is to work a true Seeing for you." After that she and all the others are gone, and the room is suddenly, unexpectedly quiet.

Jason is now alone, for the first time in a long while. Not just physically alone, but alone in his mind, with his thoughts. He digs in his backpack then, seeking his cell phone. He's not entirely looking forward to this phone call, but he needs to get this cleared up. If it's true, it's important. If it's not true, it's a red herring that's only weighing him down. He checks his cell, to see if he's got a signal. It's cheaper if he can use his cell. It does, and he dials the number to Dante's then, wondering if Beatrice is even the sort to get on the phone. Well, maybe it'll be easy, and Joe or Croaker knows the answer.

Jason stops the call in mid dial, then. It's kind of early... maybe only an hour earlier in Cali, but still, strip clubs keep late hours. He decides to take a cat nap and call later.

Last modified: 2010-Jan-17 10:45:24

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