Character: Shateishael
Player: Collie
Davidian Seraph

	Agility 7
		Skills:	Dodge/4			(11-)	(add any armor)
			Move silently/1		(08-)
			Horseback riding/1	(08-)
	Strength 11 (Power +1)
		Skills:	Fighting/5		(20-)	(add +1 [STR] +1 [armored clothing])
			Large weapon/1		(16-)	(add +1 [STR] +5 [katana])

	Intelligence 4
		Skills:	Fighting/5		(11-)
			Sword-making/1		(05-)
	Precision 4
		Skills:	Dodge/4			(08-)
			Medicine (first aid)/1	(05-)
			(treatment time: 1 minute; heals patient's STR)

	Will 10 (applies to defying hostile Resonance rolls)
		Skills:	Fighting/5		(20-)
			Survival/1		(11-)
	Perception 10 (applies to Resonance rolls [pg. 57])
		Skills:	Dodge/4			(14-)
			Singing/1		(11-)	(allows "pig-celestial" humming)

 - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -

	human/5, charisma +1
	Body hits: (Corp/4 + Vessel Level/5) x 8 = 72 hits

Regular movement
	Corporeal: (Agility[7] x 6) = 42 yards per 5 second round.
		(approximately 17 miles/hour)
	Celestial: (Perception[10] x 6) = 60 yards per 5 second round.
		(approximately 25 miles/hour)

Regular Armor/Protection (accumulates)
	Heavy clothing +1
	Leather jacket +2 (includes riding leathers, gloves, & boots)
	Chainmail +3 (SCA armor only)

Celestial "hand-to-hand"
	Will[10] yards

	Aletheia (see chara sheet)
	Comanche War Bonnet lead mare

Hamingjur (spirit allies in animal form)
	Geri & Freki (war wolves)
	(+2 Strength to Slate)

	Katana: Mamori ("protection")
	(Power +5, Accuracy +0)
	(short silent invocation required for use/1pt)
	(kept in "pocket dimension"/3pts)

Davidian Sect
	The Cavers

Personal Rite of Essence (from David)
	Any time Slate spends three or more hours helping a community,
	he receives one Essence.

Unspent Points/Experience: 7/35

 - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -

SONGS:		(roll under Force + Song level[1] +2 [+ Essence + time
		bonuses (pg. 47)])

ENTROPY/1 (requires gestures & incantation)
			[pg. 84; 1pt each in Corporeal/Celestial, granting
			an additional +1 to check digit in all versions]
		Corporeal: Gives the caster control over the
		ravages of time. She can cause something to age, or grow
		young, by a number of years equal to the check digit of
		a succesfull roll times the amount of Essence used in
		its performance. The subject of this Song may attempt
		to resist the field of entropy with a Strength roll.
		Essence requirement: 1
		Degree of disturbance: check digit + performer's total Forces

		Celestial: Causes a complete and systematic
		breakdown of a creature's psyche. The target hallucinates,
		and can take no action at all for a number of rounds
		equal to the performer's Celestial Forces[4] plus the
		check digit of the successful roll. Celestials may
		add their Celestial Forces to a Will roll[4 + 10 = 14]
		to resist this Song.

		Essence requirement: 2
		Degree of disturbance: check digit + performer's total Forces

NUMINOUS CORPUS: Turn to Stone/1 (requires gestures & incantation)
		(half speed, Power +2, Accuracy +0, Protection +5, ignore
		all weather or temperature that wouldn't harm stone)
		Essence requirement: 1

SHIELD/1 (requires gestures & incantation)
			[pg. 84; 1pt each in Corporeal/Ethereal/Celestial,
			granting an additional +2 to check digit in
			all versions]
		Corporeal: Manifests as completely surrounding
		miniature cyclone of whirling air which buffets any
		Corporeal Force approaching it. Air cushion lasts for
		[successful roll's check + Corp (4)] combat rounds,
		during which no physical attack can get through to those
		so defended.
		Essence requirement: 1
			(range: [Essence spent * Corp (4)] feet from caster)

		Ethereal: Creates green field of energy (observers
		need PER roll to spot) which no attunement, resonance,
		or Essence-based attack can pierce. Physical attacks &
		blasts of pure Will can.
		Essence requirement: 1
			(range: [Essence spent * Ethereal (2)] feet from caster)

		Celestial: Can artificially enhance
		previously-existing environmental condition (i.e. smoke,
		fog, darkness, thick brush) to create temporary barrier
		to observation which no celestial force (resonance
		or attunement) can pierce. Disturbances in Symphony
		within confines of Shield are delayed until Shield goes
		down. This is only shield cast on area, and does
		not move with caster.
		Essence requirement: 1
			(range: [Essence spent * Celestial (4)] minutes)

TONGUES/1 (requires gestures & incantation)
			[pg. 84; 1pt each in Ethereal/Celestial, granting
			an additional +1 to check digit in all versions]
		Ethereal: The Ethereal Song of Tongues lets the
		subject communicate mentally with anyone within range
		(a number of yards equal to the performer's skill level
		times any extra Essence poured into the Song). This is
		full two-way telepathy. If a receiver is unwilling to
		listen to the voices in her head, she may make a Will
		roll minus the performer's Ethereal Forces to push them
		away. The check digit of the successful roll determines
		the Song's duration in minutes.
		Essence requirement: 1
		Degree of disturbance: check digit

		Celestial: This version of the Song of Tongues
		may only be used on someone the performer has already
		met. It allows the performer to bind a brief message
		(no more than 15 words) into a bit of Essence and then
		loose it into the cosmos, where it makes its way directly
		to the mind of the receiver. The receiver, wherever she
		is, will get the message whether she wants it or not,
		plus an additional point of Essence in the bargain
		(if she isn't already full).

		There is no way for the sender to use this Song to track
		down the receiver, or vice versa -- nor does this Song
		open a channel for discussion. It's just a celestial
		message in a bottle which seldom fails to wash up on
		the right shore.
		Essence requirement: 1
		Degree of disturbance: check digit

(Stone, Choir)	David's Seraphim taught humans the art of mining, and in
		general how to live off the land. They can detect
		presence and quality of all minerals within 4 [CORP]
		yards. Combined with a successful Chemistry roll,
		this will let them identify complex materials such
		as gunpowder.

(Malakim of	Foliage parts for the passage of a Malakite of
Flowers)	Novalis, allowing her to move freely. Plants may also
		entangle her enemies if the angel is within a number of
		yards equal to her Corporeal Forces [4], reducing the
		foe's movement per turn by a number of yards equal to
		the angel's Celestial Forces [5]!