Player: Phil
System: 3rd Edition AD&D
Name:   Yuri Popov
Race:   Human
Gender: Male
Age:    17
Align:  NG
Class:  Rouge (Level 1)

Yuri is a young man of average height and wiry build, with sandy blond hair
and an easy, fluid demeanor. He has a ready smile and a glimmer in his eye.
He is dressed in a leather jerkhin, light wool trousers, soft boots, and a
fine wool clook, all in subdued grey tones. The hilt of a rapier is visible
at his belt; otherwise, he seems rather lightly equipped.

Stats (Modifier)
ST 12 (+1)
DX 14 (+2)
CN 13 (+1)
IN 17 (+3)
WI 16 (+3)
CH 17 (+3)

  Reflex Save:    +4
  Fortitude Save: +1
  Willpower Save: +3
  Melee Bonus:    +1
  Ranged Bonus:   +2

Abilities: (see AD&D 3rd ed PHB)
  Feat: Dodge
  Feat: Mobility
  Class: +2 to Reflex saves (included above)
  Class: Sneak Attack for +1d6 damage
  Class: Evasion
  Class: Literate
  Racial: +4 skill points per level

  A-isian, Trade, Maran, Lurinese

Skills: (see AD&D 3rd ed PHB)
(* indicates cross-class skill with double cost)
  Appraise                  4
  Proficiency: Trader       4
  Craft: Cloth              4
  #Knowledge: Local         1
  #Knowledge: Geography     1
  Sense Motive              4
  Bluff                     4
  Diplomacy                 4
  Gather Information        4
  Move Silently             4
  Spot                      4
  Search                    4
  Hide                      4
  Disable Device            1