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BESM System Review

The Combat Flow Chart

Here's a quick run-down of combat sequence:

A) The GM asks everyone to roll initiative to determine order of go

  • Roll 1d6 and add your ACV and any bonuses you have
  • Tell the GM what number you end up with
  • Wait for the GM to tell you when you go

B) The GM tells you it's your turn to go

  • Your character can hold their action
    • The character can act at any time during this combat phase after their initiative turn occurs
    • The character can either refuse to act, attack an opponent, or perform a non-combat action
    • Once the character has acted in this combat phase, or the combat phase is ended, the hold is used up; go to C)

  • Your character can perform a non-combat action
    • Describe what your character will be doing to the GM
    • Your character's action for this combat phase is concluded; go to C)

  • Your character can attack an opponent, with defensive actions performed by the attacked resolved immediately after your attack
    • Roll less than or equal to 2d6, including any bonuses the character may have
      • If your roll is less than or equal to your adjusted ACV, the attack succeeds
        1) The defending character may chose not to defend, or...

        2) the defending character may attempt to block, dodge, or otherwise avoid being hit, including any defensive skills it may have

        a) If the defense is successful, the attack delivers no damage

        b) If the defense is unsuccessful, delivered damage is equal to the attacker's ACV plus any bonuses or modifiers, and minus any armor the defender may be wearing

        c) Your character's action is concluded for this combat phase; go to C)
      • If your roll is greater than your adjusted ACV, the attack fails
        1) The attack does no damage to the defendant

        2) Your character's action is concluded for this combat phase; go to C)

C) Wait until all characters have taken their actions. The combat phase concludes after everyone has taken their actions

  • The combat is resolved; combat ends
  • The combat is still ongoing: start over at A).

Lather, rinse, repeat -- that's it! Now for some tactical suggestions.

Last modified: 2002-Mar-17 18:01:27

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