----- I go out of the darkness
Onto a road of darkness
Lit only by the far off
Moon on the edge of the mountains.
--- Izumi

It is autumn, and the chill of approaching winter is in the air. Jion, Sumire and Yari have been riding through the encroaching gloom of evening across the edge of lands of the Fukinagashi, following the winding road to the village of the Amaya, in the forest of the valley below... the moon is rising. Sumire reckons it is only another hour or two to the village of the Amaya, a family whose loyalties her father had been courting. Just a few more hills, and then the descent into the valley.

As Sumire rides ahead on Toukon, she hears shouting and screaming in the distance ahead.

Sumire smiles at her walking companions, "Only about another hour or two to Amaya, and it is mostly downhill. We can rest there for the night." She pats Toukon's muscular shoulder, and the sturdy war horse snorts, stretching his head out, his ears pricking. She hears it too, her head coming up suddenly.

Sumire says, "side note to the GM -- Sumire wouldn't leave her companions behind, Dobie. Bad tactics, and rude to boot. ;)"

Yari keeps a sharp watch on the road ahead, and occasionally glances back the way they've come. Sumire's father expects him to make sure she's all right... he grimaces inside as the shouting rises ahead. Oh, no. She'll want to charge in to the rescue, and the kami alone know what this is...

Jion sighs quietly. "That sound becomes more common every night... Sumire?"

Sumire nods to Jion, already stringing her bow, "I hear it, Jion-san." She nudges the pony with a heel, and it trots lightly ahead a short bit as she nocks an arrow, so she's point.

Yari unlimbers his spear as he follows Sumire forward. He looks in Jion's direction. "Your pardon, Jion-sama, but you have heard this sound often?"

Jion begins to jog ahead after Sumire. "All too often, I'm afraid. Hayaku."

Coming up over the hill, Sumire beholds a chaotic scene. A band of bandits, by their ragtag garb and gear, are scattering from the forests, fleeing in terrified rout across the hill, towards a road that takes them north -- by comparison, the small group of companions of the road are heading east. The horse-riders are not waiting for their running companions, but spurring on their mounts...

Sumire blinks, studying the scene with a bit of confusion even as she's careful not to skyline herself. "I... am not sure what this is... something is scattering bandits!"

One of the riders she spots is half-slumped over his mount. A comrade wheels near and tries to guide the horse toward the rest of the fleeing band... the rider of the spooked horse slides off bonelessly, and the other rider doesn't even stop.

Sumire looks for the source of the bandits' panic.

She thinks she catches dim shapes moving at the edge of the forest... village samurai, perhaps.

Sumire shades her eyes, trying to make out what's moving at the forest's edge. She's never seen bandits flee in such terror.

Jion says, "The provincial government couldn't possibly have enough men to spare to hunt mere bandits, not with the Army of the West so close..."

Sumire nods silently to Jion's words, still trying to make things out.

Yari strides over to Sumire's mount and observes. "If it's the local warriors, Sumire-sama, might I suggest we try not to look like bandits?" He readies his spear once he's on the ground. And if it's something else, then best we're not running ourselves...

The bandits continue to flee. Whatever Sumire thought she saw at the edges of the forest seems to have faded away. Perhaps coming closer would help... it is approaching twilight.

Sumire frowns quietly, watching... then looks to see where her companions are. "Approaching with confidence would seem indicated, yes." She leaves her dai-kyu strung, but puts the arrow away, gathering up her reins in one hand, "Let us do so. The village may need assistance."

Yari nods and shoulders his spear again, ready to continue.

Sumire waits until Jion is with them, then walks Toukon slowly down the hill, carefully not outpacing her companions. She studies the forest intently as they approach, riding with confidently loose reins.

Jion walks alongside Sumire, eyes on the treeline. He resists the impulse to reach for his blade; something feels wrong here, but he keeps his own counsel about it.

The forest has a heavy, anticipatory air. As the group goes down the path closer to the forest, they pass the fallen bodies of several of the bandits. Some appear to have died by sword, other by some stranger source... their faces unrecognizable beneath the savage lacerations covering them.

Jion pauses to kneel down near one of the corpses. "That's strange... I don't recognize the sword hand that did this."

Yari keeps watch, with his spear ready, while Jion checks the bodies. "I don't think that was caused by a human weapon, Jion-sama."

Sumire exclaims softly under her breath, and when Jion kneels next to a corpse she wheels the pony light-footedly so her near side is towards the forest, covering the samurai. Her eyes search the treeline puzzledly.

The trees gaze back at her silently. Toukon snorts and shies a bit.

Jion frowns. "Baka. Come here, see. This is the mark of a blade. But... look, the bones are broken, not cut. Either the school is very crude... or this is a very savage attacker. These other wounds... look as if some animal fell upon them."

It is dead silent, except for the faintly receding sounds of the bandits.

Jion finds stranger things still in the wounds of his attackers... dirt, thorns.

Sumire sways easily with Toukon's shy, then pats the pony's shoulder absently, "Steady, Toukon-kun... don't forget training, pretty boy..." She spares a rather unhappy glance at the bodies, "Like... like something very strong hit them, then, Jion-san?"

Jion squints a bit in the darkness. "What... is this? Bara? There are thorns in this wound... and earth. Too deeply to be from running..."

Sumire gives Jion a puzzled glance, "A... a forest kami, perhaps? But... then what of the village of Amaya?" She takes a slow breath, then says steadily, "We... need to go check the village... see if anyone is left alive."

Jion stands and takes a step closer to the treeline, and sucks in his breath sharply at what he finds near the side of the road -- a man whose legs appeared to have been crushed, as if giant hands twined together and mingled bone and flesh. "Ah! Doerai...."

Jion says, "This one's legs are crushed..."

Yari swallows and moves to stand between Sumire and the corpse. "He looks like something wrung him out like a wet rag."

Sumire's head turns sharply, her free hand already reaching for arrows... then she realizes Jion's speaking of the dead, and not of an approaching foe. She just shakes her head slowly, "We can not help here. Come... let us go check the village, please."

Yari nods and moves back to flank Sumire. "Hai, mistress."

Jion takes a step back. "Susamajii... just awful. Yes, we should not stay here."

Sumire nudges her pony forward as soon as everyone is back on the road, and the small cavalcade continues... although they are rather more quietly wary and tense now.

Sumire talks quietly as they walk, "So... do either of you know anything about kami?"

The forest closes in around them, swallowing the sounds of their conversation and the dying light of day. Up ahead, they spot a man leaning against one of the trees, as if resting...

Jion's hand closes around the grip of his blade.

Sumire and Yari know that nature spirits and other supernatural creatures can be quite terrifying and savage when disturbed, but that it would make no sense for a nature spirit to be here, as they usually lair in places remote to human populations.

Yari shrugs. "Only a little, mistress. A kami could do this if disturbed, but they rarely lair this close to human villages. I don't know what could have brought it here, if that is what it is."

Jion says, "We are not alone here."

Sumire murmurs quietly, "Thank you, Yari-san... yes, I see now, Jion, thank you." She's silent for about 3 of Toukon's steps -- then she says, "Well. Let us remember we are Fukinagashi." She straightens slightly and continues to head towards the stranger.

Sumire calls out to the stranger, as they approach, "Konban wa! Are you recently from Amaya?"

The stranger shivers and straightens up. In his right hand is a rusting sword thick with blood. His breath comes out of him in one long ghostly exhalation, like water. "Tanin..." His eyes are sightless and dark, like a blind man's.

All three feel the shiver in the air, the faint chill that seems to emanate from the stranger, who has risen completely to his feet and is tottering towards them. Each step is surer than the last... and from the forest around them, they can hear echoing whispers and snaps of branches. With a sudden, sick start, Sumire recognizes the man, Hirozaki, a wandering 'tinker' and sword arm. He had come to her father once, asking for help against the bandits.

Sumire starts slightly, her eyes widening at the sounds from the forest. One hand falls to her quiver and she says sharply, "Hirozaki-san, what have you done?!"

Jion pauses where he is, hand on the grip of his blade. "Shiryo..." He calms himself and just watches the approach of the creature.

Yari sets himself to defend. Or, what have you become?

Jion knows this man is not his match...

"Do not disturb this place; your blood will water the earth if you attempt to pass..."

Hirozaki is walking directly towards the three. Jion studies him, and knows that he could best this man in a fight (yes, he is better than the stranger is). Yet there is something strange about him that gives him pause.

Sumire frowns, "Hirozaki, we are not tanin -- we are not strangers to you. You spoke to my father, the Fukinagashi, asking for help against bandits. I am here. Let us pass."

He hesitates and shudders. There's something like recognition in his eyes, but then there's a wet squeezing noise, and Sumire realizes with horror that what she thought was dirt on his clothes is actually long thin twigs twined and grown around him... and cutting into his graying skin. Blood drips from one arm, and he takes another halting step forward.

"Sumire? Please... flee this place..."

Sumire whispers in horror, "Hirozaki? What have you..." -pragmatism takes over, "How do we free you from this?"

His arm comes up with the sword. "Kill me... you cannot pass." His voice is thick and dry, and it takes visible effort to say even that much. The forest stirs around them, and with a sharp crack, a skeletal figure literally topples out of one of the nearby trees (about twenty feet away) to the ground, its bones covered in vines and thorns. Slowly it rises to its feet and its eyeless skull grins at them. It too holds a rusted and nicked blade.

Sumire takes a deep breath, then says grimly, "We will pray for your soul, Hirozaki-san. Yari, Jion, please cover each other." With a sharp, "Hai!" she charges the pony directly towards the doomed man, nocking and drawing an arrow.

Jion's eyes widen, and he draws his sword as the remains rise to life. The blade sings softly. I draw my sword in the name of Sejuro Kurogane. The sword raised in his name is raised for the people of the world. Master... I pray this is right decision.

Jion swings at Hirozaki and misses wide... (Sumire gets to go, range is too short to charge him, so no bonuses)

The arrow goes wide. (Yari)

Yari sets himself at Toukon's shoulder, his spear ready to attack or defend if the creatures move closer - but for now just waiting.

Hirozaki swings clumsily at Jion, bits of moss flaking off his rusted sword.

The dead thing continues to walk through the trees towards the path. It will emerge near Hirozaki, in front of Jion, next round.

Sumire fires another arrow at Hiro, this time striking.

Yari's eyes narrow at the clumsiness of the things, and he moves forward to attack the skeletal creature.

Hiro gasps and his head droops for a second, then comes back up, eyes still ghostly dark.

Hiro hits Jion for 15

Hiro staggers and drops, his blood pooling on the dirt of the path. Eagerly, tendrils of brush reach out to embrace him.

Jion executes the Mugetsu, his master's secret technique. Using it against a helpless victim doesn't make him feel any better about it; but later for that. He flicks the blood from his blade and waits for the skeleton to approach.

The dead thing steps out onto the path.

Jion drives the creature back, and lops off its off arm.

Jion lands lightly after striking the thing, steadying himself. "Yari! Strike it now!"

Yari drives forward, the spear stabbing into the heart of the thing.

However... it is still moving, slowly, trying to get up. Plant tendrils writhe around the shattered bones.